What do you eat between breakfast and lunch?


I started my first job 2 weeks ago. My life has changed from being an active student, to sitting all day, and waking up early, and fitting exercise into my schedule with my long commute.

I have to wake up at 6AM, eat breakfast around 7AM (2 eggs, and 2 toast). I find myself lightheaded at work by 11AM. It is too early for lunch, but a snack doesn't seem enough. Sometimes I end up eating my lunch at this time, but then get hungry again by 3:30-4PM. And then I feel lightheaded during my commute home. To avoid this, I end up eating chilli and bagel around that time. But then, I am not really hungry for dinner, and do not end up eating much (maybe 1/4 cup rice and some veggies)

My question is, what can you eat between breakfast and lunch that is more than a snack, but not unhealthy? I was thinking oatmeal? Anyone else have this issue of waking up early, and getting super hungry before lunch time? What do you do?


  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    eat whatever you want..just make sure you maintain a calorie deficit...
  • UpEarly
    UpEarly Posts: 2,555 Member
    I usually don't eat anything between breakfast and lunch.

    I'm mostly on the same schedule as you - breakfast at 7:00, lunch around 11:30. My breakfast is either oatmeal or a greek yogurt smoothie. Lunch is typically a hearty homemade soup, fruit, chips and guac and then some other side item between 150-200 calories - sometimes that's chocolate coconut water, sometimes it's a Luna bar, sometimes it's cookies.

    What are you typically eating for lunch? Maybe you need more food?

    I usually go all afternoon without snacking, get my workout in and then eat dinner around 6:30.

    By the end of the day, I've usually eaten about 2,200 calories.
  • UpEarly
    UpEarly Posts: 2,555 Member
    eat whatever you want..just make sure you maintain a calorie deficit...

    I thought this was the maintenance part of the forum? I typically try to avoid a calorie deficit to maintain.
  • Dreya711
    Dreya711 Posts: 79 Member
    Usually a Greek Yogurt or apple/orange/banana.
  • 1PatientBear
    1PatientBear Posts: 2,089 Member
    I eat breakfast around 6:30, lunch at 11:00 and dinner around 5:30 or 6:00. Eat when you're hungry. I also drink lots of water which helps me feel full. If you need a snack, almonds and Greek yogurt both work for me.
  • Maxibris
    Maxibris Posts: 61 Member
    I usually have some almonds and a fruit and maybe a bit of greek yogurt at around 10 am. I find the almonds pretty filling and I'm not hungry till lunch time. In the afternoon I'll have another fruit or something like carrot sticks around 2 or 3 pm.

    Don't know if this will help at all but thats what I do!
  • ils_1231
    ils_1231 Posts: 249 Member
    I portion out baggies of ten almonds... Seems extreme but it's literally just what I need between breakfast and lunch.
  • adamdlc
    adamdlc Posts: 34
    second breakfast
  • jcanen57
    jcanen57 Posts: 10 Member
    Try a protein bar (usually less than 200 calories)

    I usually eat my meals at 8 - 12 and 6 - if I get hungry between a meal - I usually grab a fruit, or eat a 100 calorie snack.
  • manda1978
    manda1978 Posts: 525 Member
    I eat every 3hrs, so 6am, 9am, 12pm, 3pm and 6pm. 6am is usually a smoothie with protein powder, 1/2 banana and a spoon of greek yoghurt. 9am is my bigger 'breakfast' of eggwhites, brown rice and vegies. This usually lasts me to 12 (just, I'm starving at 11.30 lol).
  • sunshinenjjr
    sunshinenjjr Posts: 137 Member
    I often eat a quest bar for a snack between breakfast and lunch to tide me over. I find them very filling.
  • Gingerspice45
    Gingerspice45 Posts: 137 Member
    I eat nuts or fruit. Today for my morning snack I had a muffin. Its pretty much whatever you want to eat as long as you don't go over your daily allowed calories.
  • Siobhan108
    Siobhan108 Posts: 80 Member
    Do you like hummus ? Try it with veggies. I also will eat weight watchers cheese, it is hard to find, but Walmart carries it. It is near the deli and comes in triangles, in a round container that are between 35-40 calories each. Try to stay away from deli meats and cheeses because they are full of junk. Sometimes when I am on the road I carry pistachios or almonds, high in fiber and protein. I keep them in 1/8 servings in snack bags in my glove box. Hope this helps.
  • naomijuliette96
    naomijuliette96 Posts: 153 Member
    I usually eat half of my breakfast around 7:30, and the other half around 10. That way, it feels like I've eaten 2 meals, when I've actually eaten 1! Also It's way better for your metabolism and energy levels to eat smaller meals more frequently..
  • naomijuliette96
    naomijuliette96 Posts: 153 Member
    another good idea is a big bowl of oatmeal and some nuts for breakfast... I find that keeps me full for HOURS! Great stuff
  • albertine58
    albertine58 Posts: 267 Member
    It sounds like you really want your lunch at 11am - how about making a 2-part lunch? I usually bring a salad or quinoa/salmon/veggie mix , along with a greek yogurt, lara bar, or fruit. Or bring soup or string cheese! I eat the main part at 12pm, and the yogurt or whatever at 3pm. You could do 11am/2pm or whatever works for you. My whole lunch together is 400-500 calories, so make sure you've got enough calories, healthy fat & protein to keep you full.
    I find greek yogurt really filling; it would be a great AM snack. It's healthier sugar-wise to flavor your own, but I am obsessed with the fage strawberry or cherry cups - they honestly taste like dessert!
  • TribeHokie
    TribeHokie Posts: 711 Member
    Second Breakfast

    Also Afternoon Tea to stave off the 4pm hunger.

    Why don't you just go ahead and eat lunch at 11 when you get hungry and eat a snack around 3?
  • victoriousO
    victoriousO Posts: 63 Member
    Some nuts or fruit, I like to keep it all whole foods between meals:)
  • skinnybythanksgiving
    I eat an ounce of cheese and a piece of fruit if I'm hungry. It sounds like you need snacks, no need to suffer. :flowerforyou: