Wondering what you guys use for low carb/ low calorie protein sources in order to meet your macros (100 g of protein a day+)?

I know lean meats, especially chicken and fish, and protein powder of course(whey etc), but I'm trying to get a nice list together that won't break the bank, and a some of it can be pretty expensive.

Seems certain foods (like chicken) have an insane ratio of protein, but most of the stuff I've got in my cupboards/fridge/freezer is pretty heavy on the calories.

Any help is appreciated, let me know, thanks guys


  • Paindoesnthurt
    Paindoesnthurt Posts: 51 Member
    First of all if you were doing low carbohydrate dieting you will want to keep in fruits, nuts, and veggies as part of your dieting. Low term no carbohydrate dieting can effect your thyroid if you are semi-lean. Also you would be best to ACTUALLY EAT THE FAT on the meat too since it will help you digest the protein in the meat as well as give you the vitamins. If you cut out your fat content completely you are doing yourself a massive diservice in terms of your hormones, specifically your sex and adrenal hormones. If you have low testosterone (and cholosterol, which you get from your fatty meats, that makes steroidal hormones such as testosterone) you will have a harder time losing fat and gaining muscle.

    Whew! with that out of the way let's talk about sources that won't break the bank :) For steaks that are cheap get mince, or chuck (stewing steak) and make a stew with them! Pretty good source! For seafoods, prawn, muscles, fish (cheapest would be halibut, hoki depending what country you're in), canned tuna (don't have too much of this and check for ingredients though). Chicken wings are awesome! Cheap! And eat it with the skin! Nuts are pretty inexpensive too. Almonds are my favourite. If you are doing low carbs then of course watch the content of these but like I said you shouldn't have zero carbohydrates

    Hope this helps this is on the top of my head right now. If you want any more info check out paindoesnthurt.com

    All the best to ya!
  • 2014gp
    2014gp Posts: 9 Member
    Well I got my macro ratios for carbs/fat/protein from Ifitfitsyourmacros.com, using their calculator(s), got an average and have been tweaking it a bit so far, definitely not going on a low low carb diet, just trying to find SOME way to possibly eat at least 100 g of protein a day without going broke haha. I'm having no trouble getting enough carbs fat (go figure lol) as well as and nutrients/minerals, but its the damn protein that I'm having difficulty finding efficient sources of.

    I just got some 25g/scoop whey powder, cans of chunky light tuna (just a few), extra lean ground beef, pork chops, black beans, red, and chickpeas. I actually found a couple "six Star pro nutrition protein bars" (180 cals, 15g carbs/8g fat/20g protein) on sale for a buck that aren't bad as well.

    I wishhh I could find cheap chicken wings haha around here they're priceyy. All chicken is really, unless its frozen, same with seafood :(

    Any other good (calorie/carb efficient) protein sources you know about? Thanks a bunch for the info
  • Walter__
    Walter__ Posts: 518 Member
    Chicken is the cheapest source of lean protein I can think of. I just bought a few pounds of boneless, skinless chicken breast today for $1.69/lb.
  • Paindoesnthurt
    Paindoesnthurt Posts: 51 Member
    Great at least you aren't going super low carb haha. It's a bummer isn't it? Eating how you want can be so pricey? You may and may not like these sources and options but here's the cheapest that stands out in my mind:

    1. Eggs
    2. Organ meats (liver has VERY high protein and is VERY cheap) You might want to disguise the taste like making a pate though with this. Chicken livers and beef livers are awesome
    3. Cheap fish such as halibut or hoki. Hoki might be expensive in some countries though.
    4. Stewing steak and mince. Grounded mince is always pretty cheap. Don't get the lean/premium mince get the one with the fat. And just simply drain the fat out when you finish cooking it. The regular mince is cheaper than the lean/premium usually.
    5. Though I hardly recommend eating them, when you're on a budget you got to do what you got to do - beans. Be sure to soak them at least 24 hours though
    6. Nuts.

    Some go to's for me :)

    Whey protein powder as mentioned just make sure it doesn't have all the ingredients in there. If you were to still want to take whey protein you might as well eat soya beans since they're a stupidly high source of protein and I wouldnt recommend soy to anyone.
  • fruttibiscotti
    fruttibiscotti Posts: 986 Member