Help Im hungry

Hi Im 26yrs old and 2 pregnancies later at 5'2 I weigh 200 pounds when I use to be 140 Im doing the best I can eating right staying in 1500 calories working out but Im always hungry it seems and temptation is all around. How do I stop these temptations


  • Sunitagt
    Sunitagt Posts: 486 Member
    Eat less calorie dense foods such as fruits and veggies and lean proteins. Eat foods with lots of protein and fiber to help keep you full. That's what works for me, anyway. And wanting my long term reward (to acheive a healthy weight) more than the short term reward (dessert when I'm out of calories for the day).
  • t73reed
    t73reed Posts: 22 Member
    You are pretty young....I would say you could easily increase you calorie intake by 100 or 200 and still eat your exercise thing I wonder is are you eating large portions of veggies and fruit with a meal? I find if I don't then I am hungry within an hour....something to think about...good luck
  • mungowungo
    mungowungo Posts: 327 Member
    Eat less calorie dense foods such as fruits and veggies and lean proteins. Eat foods with lots of protein and fiber to help keep you full. That's what works for me, anyway. And wanting my long term reward (to acheive a healthy weight) more than the short term reward (dessert when I'm out of calories for the day).

    ^^^^^This - eat more protein, more fibre and keep some fats in your diet. All of these help stop hunger pangs.
  • Janie_Marie25
    Their is a way. Have you spoke with a nutritionist and/or a trainer. Their are many low calorie snacks and meals to help you stay full and avoid tempations. Here is a great link that may help:

    Their are some great tips on there. Keep working out and keep pushing yourself. You may need need to reduce your calorie intake as well for quicker results. Find some inspirational pictures or quotes to help out as well. I look at different athletes, and just people I have seen on social networks that I say WOW I want that body. Cardio is the best way to burn. An hr of cardio a day will help a lot. Walking, riding bike, roller blading, running. Just get your heart pumping.

    Dont take for granted the little things. Take the elevator and not the stairs, park a little further, walk on your lunch and break. Those little things will go a long way as well.

    Stay positive! You can do it!
  • AngelaKMorgan
    AngelaKMorgan Posts: 1 Member
    You may actually being too little calories. Use this formula to calculate your BMR (basal metobolic rate) -> BMR = 655 + ( 4.35 x weight in pounds ) + ( 4.7 x height in inches ) - ( 4.7 x age in years )... Once you get this number you want to multiply it by 1.375, this is how many calories you need to maintain your weight. If your goal is to lose weight, subtract 250 calories per day, and burn an average of an additional 250 calories per day with exercise. Since there are 3500 calories in a pound, and 7 days in a week, you should lose an average of 1 pound per week! (250+250) x 7 = 3500. You can recalculate your calorie needs anytime, once you've lost at least 10 lbs and hit a plateau in your weight loss. Be very strict with your recordings but do not add in your exercise in myfitnesspal!!! It adds in the calories you have lost and makes you think you have more food to take in. I am an ACSM personal trainer and this is the formula I use.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    eat more food….

    i would think at 200 pounds and a female that you could eat about 1600 a day and still lose ...
  • 1965maggie1965
    1965maggie1965 Posts: 8 Member
    You may actually being too little calories. Use this formula to calculate your BMR (basal metobolic rate) -> BMR = 655 + ( 4.35 x weight in pounds ) + ( 4.7 x height in inches ) - ( 4.7 x age in years )... Once you get this number you want to multiply it by 1.375, this is how many calories you need to maintain your weight. If your goal is to lose weight, subtract 250 calories per day, and burn an average of an additional 250 calories per day with exercise. Since there are 3500 calories in a pound, and 7 days in a week, you should lose an average of 1 pound per week! (250+250) x 7 = 3500. You can recalculate your calorie needs anytime, once you've lost at least 10 lbs and hit a plateau in your weight loss. Be very strict with your recordings but do not add in your exercise in myfitnesspal!!! It adds in the calories you have lost and makes you think you have more food to take in. I am an ACSM personal trainer and this is the formula I use.
  • thatATLgirl
    thatATLgirl Posts: 60 Member
    swish Listerine if you're at home and feel the non-true-hunger munchies! then nothing will taste right! :p
  • wolfecookie
    I saw a recipe for baked broccoli "chips" that everyone was raving about - I will see if I can find it (I am still on a post-surgery liquid diet and haven't been able to try the recipe but I am so looking forward to it!) Seems like it would crave the munchies while also adding veggies and fiber - lemme see what I can find.
  • audreylandonsmom
    Thank You everyone, it has been a rough road and I want to be healthy so bad for me and my kids. I will take a little bit out of everyone's advice and definitely not give up. I Have never been this big and not that I have anything towards larger people but I hate how it affects every aspect of my abilities to play and spend time with my children because Im so out of shape . Im going to do this and win this battle Im determined !
  • audreylandonsmom
    That would be amazing tthank you :-)
  • mawest20
    Eat 5-6 small meals a day instead of 3 large ones.
    Make sure that you eat protein with EVERY meal. (It will keep you full longer.)
    Load up on veggies with each meal to feel fuller.
    Carry a water bottle around with you and refill it throughout the day. Sip on it all the time (before you get hungry) and it will help curb your appetite some.
    Cut back on things that have sweeteners (like gum and diet drinks). It is different for everyone, but when I am dieting I have noticed that sweeteners can trigger cravings.
    Lift weights. It curbs your appetite, raises your metabolism and you can't be tempted to snack if you are exercising! That is one whole hour of zero cravings or thinking about food.
    Also, try to eat mostly slow digesting carbs to keep your blood sugar more stable. (Eg. Oats, brown rice, whole wheat, etc) It helps keep away cravings.
  • Sunshine2plus2
    Sunshine2plus2 Posts: 1,492 Member
    More protein, veggies and fruits and most importantly water!! Good luck you can do it!
  • audreylandonsmom
    Thanks I hope I can do it I looked in the mirror the other day and pretty sure I started crying and that was rock bottom for me when I just said enough is enough I can do this and I can feel healthy and be healthy again. I just recently started adding friends and support with this site and everyone has been incredible
  • leannabseven
    leannabseven Posts: 395 Member
    I try to get the most nutritious foods...less processed. And I know you hear it, but only because it's true. Water! Water! Water!

    I read that you should follow this simple way of figuring out how much water you need to be drinking: Divide your body weight in half and drink that amount of ounces of water a day. So for a 200 pound person it would be 100 ounces of water. But the minimum you should drink is 64 ounces....more if you're working out.