Craving for not-so-healthy foods when I'm Sick. Gah!!

This is a vent. I've been sick on and off for that past week. I'm really stuffed up through my sinuses, and now some mild congestion in my chest. (Taking antibiotics for that) I've been craving for food like crazy..every unhealthy foods you can think of. Pizza, fast food, chinese's driving me nuts! I think it's also the colder weather. I think comfort food. I'm trying my best to really reduce these things.

If your wondering if I gave in..yes. I've had a 3 pound gain with mild exercise. Not helping.


  • KimbersNewLife
    KimbersNewLife Posts: 645 Member
    It may just me in my head but I swear when I take allergy medicine, antibotics, cold meds ect I eat more and I crave more junk there must be some crazy connection. Hang in there you will be back to your old self in not time once you get done with the meds!!:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • CricketKate
    CricketKate Posts: 3,657 Member
    Sorry you're sick! I get the same way, both when I'm sick and when the weather turns cooler. The only suggestion I can offer is trying to come up with "healthier" substitutions. I make a personal pizza by spreading pizza sauce on a whole wheat pita and then adding toppings of my choice. I bake it for about 8 minutes. My big downfall in the Autum months is hot chocolate. I buy the sugar free kind. Not quite as good as "mint truffle" with marshmallows, but it helps.
  • 2bFitNTrim
    2bFitNTrim Posts: 1,209 Member
    When I get a bad cold, I like McDonald's Happy Meals. I know it sounds ridiculous, but the size of the burger and fries just hit the spot (They hold the toy btw, lol). I try to stick to soup and healthier foods when I'm sick, but sometimes I just want that small little burger. Hope you feel better soon. It's tough being sick:sick: Take good care of yourself!
  • sallyLunn
    I gained weight over my last illness. I found brownies in the fridge, I had to have hot and sour soup, I couldn't move, I was living on orange juice. I am hoping that its not real weight and it will drop back once I get back to exercising like I usually do. A pound and a half usually doesn't show up over a single weekend.
  • kazzanelson
    kazzanelson Posts: 12 Member
    It's also hard because you can't just work off those little binges when you're sick. I'm in the same position and it's pretty frustrating!! Can only agree with the others saying you just have to limit the damage and make up for it when you get well again!!
  • WalkingGirl1985
    WalkingGirl1985 Posts: 2,047 Member
    They gave me the z-pack. Which is a god send when you have a sinus infection and mild broncitus. I also rented Turbo Jam from the library and it's just sitting there. You have any idea how hard it is not to do kickboxing when your sick? urgh!!
  • Mrbackslap
    GoodLuck I know its hard around the cold times =/
    Try to keep baby carrots around to snack on.