Any gastric bypass patients on here



  • I had the lap band back in August 2013 and believed it would be a cure all...boy was a wrong :/' So here I am. I don't regret it but it has not been easy
  • mfrondorf
    mfrondorf Posts: 2 Member
    I had RNY almost 3 yrs ago. Still struggling to get to my goal weight (30 more pounds to go). Feel free to add me, I could use more encouragement/advice from other WLS members. I took a break from MFP but would really like to return.
  • I didnt have the bypass but I had the gastric sleeve procedure done in May last year. So far I've only lost about 50lbs and I've got nearly 200 lbs to lose! I haven't been very attentive to my diet and exercise routine. I plateaued at 40 pounds for about 3 months. Since I've started mfp, I'm feeling more motivated. And would love to have some advise support from other weight loss surgery members as well.
  • Peggb
    Peggb Posts: 84 Member
    I am looking at the gastric bypass surgery and have an information meeting with a dr and dietician tomorrow - what is your daily menu like for you all that have had it? I have heard a lot of stuff you can't eat after it and that you can't drink 30 mins before or after eating,etc..and also about hairloss! So just trying to get an idea of what cals you do and what your breakfast/lunch and dinner are ??
  • Good luck on your surgery. I had it 13 years ago and Im grateful. I lost 140 pounds in 11 months.
    Do what your doctor says. Don't cheat.
    Don't ever drink carbonated drinks after surgery
    Remember the first 6 weeks are the worst because depression cash set in Your copying devise is gone after surgery, so you have to give yourself time to adjust emotionally.
    It is temporary and as you watch the pounds fall off, you will start to get really happy.
    The second year is the best! Enjoy it
    The first year take attention and patience. But you will not diet! You will be adjusting to your new digestive system.
    Exercise as soon as you can. Start small, but start.
    Take good care of yourself. You deserve it.
    I wish you the best!!

    Hi I had the RNY October 2000. I lost 157.5 lbs and managed to keep most of it off until I had a hysterectomy in September. I have gained about 20-25 lbs and am really struggling to get it off.

    I agree with everything you are saying here! Stay true to what your doctor tells you to do! I didn't have much of an emotional roller coaster but I did miss BREAD and PASTA! I still eat very little of either. I haven't really had to "diet" or watch my caloric intake until now and am not even sure how many calories I should consume daily. I have cut out all the things I know are bad for me such as FRIED, FATTY, GREASY, Fast Food, alcohol etc. I am eating leaner (red meat 2x week), chicken and a lot of seafood and fresh vegetables and fruits. I am not sure what else to do besides exercise more! I worked too hard too long to give up on this 30 I want to lose. I am setting short goals 10 at a time.

    I know WE all CAN and WILL do this!
  • I went threw all the pre stuff last summer then at the last minute decided NOT to go threw with it....Best decision I ever made
  • I had GB Jan 23rd 2013. Have lost over 120 pounds. Currently i'm struggling to maintain and i''m under weight. I have freaked out about it and trying hard to find the right calorie and exercise plan. I feel like all i do is eat and i'm still actively losing. I leave my food journal open, so any kind suggestions would be appreciated. I do cardio 6 days a week, but bumping it down to every other day.
  • kittymoney
    kittymoney Posts: 115 Member
    I had gastric bypass 7 years ago. I too have gained 40 lbs lost 30 and then back up the 30 now down 30 again. Still have those 10 lbs that are stubborn and would like another 10 off to get to 150. If anyone wants to be friends and learn how we can get down again, please friend me.
  • I had RNX-Y Oct. 8 2013 I dropped 100 lbs in that year and within the last month I have gained 9 lbs. I started today tracking everything on here. I think that I am within the guide lines of correct nutrition of a gastric bypass patient. I would love some friends that are in the same boat I am in. I want to get back on track and lose the rest of my weight.
  • MrsB123111
    MrsB123111 Posts: 535 Member
    I had RNY in April of 2011. I went from 273 to 154 (as of today). I gained back about 10 pounds last year after ACL reconstruction surgery and yo yo-ed for the last 10 months. I hired a personal trainer three weeks ago, and have lost 9 of the 10 pounds!! Can't wait to hit 145!
  • vickwalk
    vickwalk Posts: 1 Member
    Hello everyone. I am considering bypass surgery. I'm currently in the process and should be able to have the surgery in a few months. However, I am having some seconds thoughts. I heard gastric bypass, (which is the one my doctor recommends) is too risky. Is this true? I would love to here your thoughts. Also, I've lost about 30 pounds so far on my own but still have a long long way to go.
  • JECole2013
    JECole2013 Posts: 65 Member
    Hello Vickwalk,

    I had the surgery 14 yrs ago and I am very happy that I did. But the decision to have it is an individual one. My sister, who is obese, has decided not to have it.

    A couple of points to consider in making your decision:
    1. Surgery is a tool to battle obesity, but not a cure. If you have it, you will have to continue for the rest of your life, as you do now, to manage your disease.
    2. Surgery provides relief from the almost impossible struggle of getting the weight off, and give you a lifelong tool to help you stay healthy, but you will still have to exercise, eat right, sleep well and drink a lot of water.
    3. The first year is full of pros and cons ... rapid weight loss after years of the battle can be exhilarating ... loosing hair isn't fun, but probable though not permanent.
    4. Weight loss is almost guaranteed, but how much is not. You still must follow your dietician's advice. If you don't, you won't loose all you want and won't benefit from the time to really train yourself to handle your disease.

    Yes, it is painful, but so is child birth ...

    Yes, it means you will live differently, are you ready for that?

    I was. I was sick of living the way that I was when I carried 140 pounds of extra weight.

    Well, I hope that helps.

  • MDixon26
    MDixon26 Posts: 44 Member
    Hey guys, I had a RNY on October 10, 2012. I have lost 200lbs since then and don't regret a thing.

    That being said, I've read some replies in this thread about bad eating habits coming back and regaining the weight. I started to have that problem about a year out from surgery. I was freaking out. All of the sudden I wanted to eat everything, and so many of the foods I loved (chips, pretzels, cereal) were slider foods for me, so I could!

    I went through this for about 2 months, gained back about 10lbs in that time. I finally realized what I was doing, put down the chip bag and called the psychologist who cleared me for RNY to begin with. I went to see him every week for about 2 months. Then every 2 weeks. I can not tell you how much this helped. He worked me through what had retriggered my food addiction, talked to me about combating it.

    He says he evaluates tons of patients for this surgery, and while some never have any problems going back to old eating habits a decent percentage still do. The difference is if they recognize the problem and get help or try to fight it alone. I highly recommend getting help!! I realized during those 2 months of overeating I could NOT do it alone, and left to my own devices I would have stopped losing weight at 130lb loss. Thanks to my psychologist (and some hard work from myself) I was able to move past that period and get back on track.

    edit: Feel free to friend me! :)
  • Yes i had my surgery (gastric bypass) march 13, 2013 it was very scary for me but i did my research, asked what seemed like a million questions by the morning of surgery, i was ultra sure of what i was doing, was going on and was ready!!! Im glad i did, today i am 140 pounds, i was 290 when i got on the table, i dont have to take insulin ANYMORE, i am the smallest i have ever been in my entire life, i was even a plump baby!!! My advice to anyone who is considering having any type of weight loss procedure, take it very serious, do what yur suppose to eat what yur suppose to eat in the amount u should, because yur only hurting yourself, do your research find out if this is something you would commit to, sometimes its a little difficult at times for me as well, but this is what i wanted, and i wouldn't change a thing!!!
  • Please ignore my ticker, i have no idea on how to set it up right, but the information on my ticker is totally incorrect lol
  • barelybabe
    barelybabe Posts: 1 Member
    Hi Everyone; I had Gastric By-Pass on 4/20/2009 and lost 100 pounds and never felt better. I lost the bulk of my weight in 9-10 months and pretty much maintained for over a year. I am now up 16 pounds over the last 2 years; I am a stress eater and I have had a lot of stress these last 2 years. I am determined to lose these 16 pounds plus the last 10 pounds I wanted to lose. I know I can do these and look forward to looking at this site for inspiration and keeping me motivated. Good luck to everyone.
  • I have and I have also noticed that I can eat a lot. Not as much as I used too but I sometimes wonder if my pouch is still there
  • losttogain
    losttogain Posts: 84 Member
    I had the Roux in 2008, initially lost about 150 lbs, had excess skin taken off in two procedures and now have gained back about 30lbs. I really need to get back on track because I think I'm outgrowing my size 14 pants and I'm not about to go back in that direction. I never reached my initial goal, but that's only about 55lbs away. I just need motivation again - I've become sedentary.
  • JECole2013
    JECole2013 Posts: 65 Member
    I had the Roux in 2008, initially lost about 150 lbs, had excess skin taken off in two procedures and now have gained back about 30lbs. I really need to get back on track because I think I'm outgrowing my size 14 pants and I'm not about to go back in that direction. I never reached my initial goal, but that's only about 55lbs away. I just need motivation again - I've become sedentary.

    Hang in there. There are some things you can do ..
    1. See your surgeon, or another very good bariactric specialist
    2. Go to the website 5daypouch test ... works wonders
    3. Consider taking a 30-day appetite suppressant to get you back to recommended calorie intake
    4. High protein, low carb eating, just like after surgery
    5. Stop all carbonated drinks
    6. Log ALL food you eat in a day
    7. Research long term weight maintenance

    Most likely, you can get your pouch working for you again to trigger you physically when you have eaten enough (that tight feeling that used to stop you before.)

    I've used all of this to get me back to the right habits and it worked very quickly to stop cravings and turn around my increasing weight. Now, I'm back to losing and on my way to goal.

    Good luck, and if you want to stay connected, please join our Group. I'm the founder so just search me to find it.
  • JECole2013
    JECole2013 Posts: 65 Member
    I have and I have also noticed that I can eat a lot. Not as much as I used too but I sometimes wonder if my pouch is still there

    Go to 5daypouch test and follow instructions. you will be amazed!!