shakeology vs slimfast

I drink slimfast often i love it and it keeps me from skipping meals i have been thinking about trying shakeology anyone use it? How do you like it? Is it just an expensive slimfast? I add things like flax seed cinnamon and brewers yeast to my slimfast to make it healtnier already


  • antinene13
    I drink shakeology as a meal replacement everyday. I like certain flavors over others. The taste is good, I like it because you can combine other things to make different tasting "recipes" I have a bunch on my pinterest if you want to check it out.
    I do not know how much slimfast is but its really about how you look at justifying the $ every month. It comes to about a little over $4 a packet/every day. But if we all added up how much we send on drive thru, fast food, eating out and supplements...I dont mind paying the price because now I dont do that.
  • kgeyser
    kgeyser Posts: 22,505 Member
    Save your money. It's overpriced, the quality of the ingredients is not fantastic, and I don't know a single person in real life who drinks it who doesn't have to add a ton of other ingredients just to make it tolerable. Honestly, you're better off skipping the shakes completely and just eating real food. The occasional shake is fine, but the prevailing idea on MFP is that this is a lifestyle change and you want to get away from being dependent on things like meal replacement shakes or pre-portioned frozen foods to lose and later maintain weight.