Is it ok to weigh every day?



  • Mrbusterb
    I weigh in once a week.Usually on fridays
  • Nyranee
    Nyranee Posts: 57
    I weight every day and record the daily weight or at least every change.It helps me to understand how my body respnds to certain food and to stress, hormons etc... also I can react quickly in case I stuck or gain.
  • michellemybelll
    michellemybelll Posts: 2,228 Member
    it's up to you. but, i just wanted to say that the rhyming of this thread title makes me happy.
  • Rosannajo88
    Rosannajo88 Posts: 212 Member
    I weigh once a month because I love to see a big loss. This motivates me to stick at my nutrition and exercise because if I dont see a loss after 30 days then I only have myself to blame :p x

    I weigh in at the doctors and also have my body fat and water measured so I know exactly what has been lost or gained x
  • smc864
    smc864 Posts: 570 Member
    I weigh every morning... I like to see how muscle soreness or sodium intake effects my weight. I don't record it or anything and my official weigh in is Friday mornings. This is the weight I enter into MFP.
  • johnthomasmoore
    johnthomasmoore Posts: 59 Member
    I weigh every day. Morning routine: step on Aria scale, start coffee, take blood pressure, review my data. I started working on weight loss in September when my blood pressure was up and doc said, "lose weight." In the past I lost/maintained weight when I ran/cycled, tracked exercise and diet. I can't run or cycle. So I upped my walking and measured and tracked activity, diet, sleep, blood pressure and weight. There is a little bit of research that daily weighing is associated with successful weight loss and maintenance. If you are going to weigh daily, I recommend you take a look at TrendWeight or Hacker's Diet Online or set up a spreadsheet to compute moving averages. Looking at a chart with a trend line that smooths out variations helps in staying calm while weight fluctuates. I've automated most of my data collection and analysis. Check out my blog:
  • shaxmath
    shaxmath Posts: 37 Member
    Yeah, it's ok just as long as you don't get obsessed about absolutely having to see the number go down every time you hop on and/or don't get dispirited if the number goes up at times. The general rule is to designate a weigh in day, stick to it and record it regardless of whether it's good or bad. I can't do this, any morning I feel like knowing my weight, I'll hop on the scale and if it's up, I'll think back to what I've been doing these last few days to try and correct any bad habit and if it's down, I'll do a happy dance and get on with my life. :) Weigh in whenever you want but keep in mind that your weight fluctuates (I read somewhere it can go up and down from 5lbs in a day :O) and you just have to be honest to yourself about what's causing it, if you really don't know the cause, it's just that fluctuation or water retention or something or the other that's going to go away sometime! :) That said, just go out there and rock that healthy life! :D
  • animatorswearbras
    animatorswearbras Posts: 1,001 Member
    I weigh daily or every other day (the scales are right there in the bathroom so I just hop on to check ;P), as long as you realise weight loss isn't linear and daily fluctuations are part and parcel (mostly due to volatile water weight), daily is fine, I only log Friday mornings though to give me the average for the week.
  • Anonycatgirl
    Anonycatgirl Posts: 502 Member
    Started reading this thread to get some encouragement over how I'd possibly gained 1.5 lbs this week. Overnight, even, since I'd hopped on the scale yesterday and saw a lower weight. I'm sure you all know that WTF feeling. :smile: I haven't had the best week for working out so I didn't think I'd lose much, but figured I'd maintain at least since I'd been making my calorie deficit.

    Thank you for reminding me about sodium and water retention, folks. That yummy soup I had last night wasn't high in calories, but it was salty.
  • kennie2
    kennie2 Posts: 1,171 Member
    I weight myself every day/every other day but only log like once a week :)
  • sixtyinchesoffury
    sixtyinchesoffury Posts: 321 Member
    I weigh everyday. I put in on a graph so I can see the overall trends.

    Also (just started doing this recently) I average the weigh ins every 10 days.

    My weight fluctuates so much that 10 seems to be the magic number for me.

    I also take my measurements every 10 days. That helps tremendously to keep me motivated and on track.

    Just be patient and know that your weight will go up and down--ALOT-- but as long as it's generally moving in the right direction

    you are doing just fine :flowerforyou:
  • _MG_
    _MG_ Posts: 453 Member
    I weigh and record pretty much everyday. It's not so much the number I'm worried about, but it's one more thing to keep reminding me to eat right and move.

    Keeping on track for me is the most important - numbers be damned.
  • turtleball
    turtleball Posts: 217 Member
    Whats good for you? For me I love weighing myself. I am not afraid of my scale I own it and it doesnt own me.
  • patsypooter
    patsypooter Posts: 175 Member
    For me, I know weighing every day can be a very bad thing. Right now I can't stop myself because the scale keeps going down and even though I know that's almost for sure just water weight, I can't help myself. I have to keep weighing every day. It gives me a little buzz to see that my hard work is paying off.

    HOWEVER.... as soon as the numbers stop going down or *gasp* go up, I will be bummed. This is why it's better for me to weigh once a week.