Post your fave circuit workout!!

Here is mine:

(Circuit Workout)
• WARM-UP: Elliptical 11 min at 3
• 10 Med Ball Sit-ups
• Kettle Bell (15lbs) Swings -15
• Modified Push-ups- 15
• Bosu Ball Plank- 30sec hold
• Seated Rows- 75lbs 15 Reps
• CARDIO: Treadmill Intervals (Walk/Run) 9min
• 10 Med Ball Sit-ups
• Kettle Bell (15lbs) Swings -15
• Modified Push-ups- 10
• Bosu Ball Plank- 30sec hold
• Seated Rows- 75lbs 15 Reps


  • edorice
    edorice Posts: 4,519 Member
    Insanity Max Interval Circuit.
  • shastacrystal
    I have not tried that but I have tried Shakology 30 and love it. This weekend when I am not sick anymore, hopefully, I am gonna try the 50.
  • MunchkinHawk12
    MunchkinHawk12 Posts: 434 Member
    I like doing the 10lb slimdown circuit workouts on ON DEMAND. Chris Fretag is great! I lost 6lbs in the month of doing it and I like it when I have to do workouts in the morning because they are quick, 20 minute workouts!
  • brendansmom1
    brendansmom1 Posts: 530 Member
    bump....need to check this thread for more ideas!! :smile:
  • Sweating4Sanity
    Warm up on the treadmill for 10 to 15 minutes. Start at an easy 9:oo min/mile for 3 minutes, then an 8:30 for 3 minutes and then finish the rest of the 15 minute warm up at an 8 minute mile. Stretch

    Alternate working upper and lower body with free weights with cardio bursts inbetween.

    For example:
    Using 15+ pound weights do 1 set of 10 or 12 reps Bicep Curl
    Do 45 Seconds of Jump Rope
    Another 10 to 12 reps Bicep Curl
    45 seconds jump rope
    Bicep Curls
    45 second jump rope

    Holding 20 pound weights do 10 reps Curtsy Lunges
    45 seconds Jumping jacks....

    You get the picture. Alternate 3 sets of 10 reps upper and lower body with 45 second cardio bursts inbetween each set of 10

    Jump Rope
    Jumping Jacks
    Plyometric Jump squats
    Side Skaters
    High Knee Run in Place

    FREE WEIGHT OPTIONS: Almost endless...some of my "go to's"

    1 legged lunges holding weights: Don't let your knee go over your toe. Tighten core.
    1 Legged Squats holding weights: Same
    Walking Lunges holding weights: Watch toes and core
    Hamstring Curls with Free Weights

    Bicep Curls
    Shoulder Press
    Tricep Push Down
    Shoulder Lift to side and in front
    Lat Raises
    Bench Press

    I try to mix it up and use the machines some times. I also really enjoy an intense intreval training on the treadmill. I burned 400 calories today in 35 mintues today on the treadmill which was great because that is all the time I had. Short and Intense....Sometimes that is all I have time to do!

    Keep it up! Finish Strong!
  • tammietifanie
    tammietifanie Posts: 1,496 Member
    Bump Im looking for new idea's also
  • driscollmc
    i'm going to start jillian michaels' 30 day shred soon, but until then, i do this:

    15min stationary bike (level 6)
    10 min run (6 mph)
    10 min walk (3.5 mph at 4 incline)
    10 min run (6 mph)
    25 min elliptical (resistance 11)

    its long but it works! sometimes if my knees aren't feeling up to it i'll lessen the running time and add it to the elliptical but for the most part i stick to it :)
  • acollier0510
    acollier0510 Posts: 7 Member
    Here is the circuit workout that I do once at least once a week. Keeps my blood pumping and really makes me sweat. Alternate between the cardio loop and one of the strength training regions. Make sure not to take any breaks unless you have to!

    Level 1=leisure walk and Level 10=super human abilities

    Cardio Loop:
    Walk 2 min (level 3-4)
    Run 4 min (level 6-7)
    Sprint 1 min (level 8-9)

    Strength Training:
    Abs 3min
    Arms 3min
    Legs 3min