Frustrated!! Still EXACT same weight after 12 days!

I just started MFP again, lost almost 2 pounds the first 2 days, and since then, have not even lost or gained an ounce. I am exactly the same weight. How is this possible?? This has never happened to me before and I am nearly crying every morning when I look at the scale. I feel so hopeless.

As a background, I had thyroid cancer 8 years ago, and have since had problems trying to lose weight, so maybe that's a factor, but after nearly 2 weeks of staying the same, I just don't get it. Shouldn't I be seeing a change??? Even an ounce??? I want to give up but I know I shouldn't. It's just making me so sad and unmotivated. All of my hard work for naught. :( Any advice out there?


  • qtgonewild
    qtgonewild Posts: 1,930 Member
    12 whole days??? omg. please hold on tight because this is going to be one hell of a ride for you. in order to succeed you must be able to demonstrate patience. I've lost quite a bit and there are periods of 2 maybe 3 weeks at a time where i wont lose anything. but if you keep at it your body will have no choice but to drop more weight. whatever you do, don't quit. persistance is key.
  • Never just give up. Make sure that you are charting everything that you are eating daily and add a little more exercise if needed. Even a 10 minute walk could make a difference. If you are doing everything you should then just put it in God's hands. He controls our body
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,912 Member
    Thyroid issues have been known to slow weight loss. See an endocrinologist to ensure any medical dosage you're taking is correct and accurate.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • WannabeStressFree
    WannabeStressFree Posts: 340 Member
    I've learned a huge lesson: Give it time, focus on the long run, if weighing yourself daily is making you upset, then weigh yourself less often. I have been in the same position, and now see this is a long term, health journey. Sure I want to lose weight and lose it fast, but I've learned just like other things in life, patience is key as well as persistance. Good luck, stick to it, that's the best thing I've come to accept.
  • LizL217
    LizL217 Posts: 217 Member
    12 days is not really enough time to measure results, especially since your weight can fluctuate a lot on a day-to-day basis depending on how hydrated you are, whether you're retaining water after a workout, how much food waste is in your system, etc. Give it at least SEVERAL WEEKS before you decide whether you need to change your strategy or not.

    If you still don't see results, consult your doctor. Your prior thyroid cancer will likely continue to have an impact on your weight loss efforts, so it's important to discuss your goals with your doctor and get some realistic expectations.

    You should also be taking measurements throughout this process so that you don't rely on the scale alone. Personally, I take measurements about once a month, which I think is a reasonable amount of time to give it. Your quote of "I am nearly crying every morning when I look at the scale" makes me think that you're obsessing a little with your scale weight and that maybe you should weigh in less often. Focus instead on what your true goals are. Are you trying to lose weight just to see a certain number on the scale, or are you trying to lose fat and achieve a stronger, healthier and leaner body?

    It would be also be helpful if you opened up your food diary so that people can give somewhat more educated advice, but my #1 piece of advice is just to be patient. Change won't happen in a matter of days.
  • juliemouse83
    juliemouse83 Posts: 6,663 Member
    You didn't put it on in twelve days, it's not going to come off in twelve days.

    Patience is a virtue.

    Weight loss isn't linear.

    Don't be a slave to the scale.

    Take pictures and measurements.

    I know...cliches, right? I was told the same thing, and none of the above was lies.

    Thought I'd throw that out there. :)
  • lilred806
    lilred806 Posts: 195 Member
    Congratulations on not gaining for 12 days! If you are crying looking at the scale you probably need to stop looking at the scale and get some goals that don't involve the scale. If you must weigh maybe try 1 time a week. It would probably be helpful to see a doctor to discuss your goals and your thyroid.
  • eAddict
    eAddict Posts: 212 Member
    When I started my weight loss journey I had plateaus ALL THE TIME. When I first started they were short (week or so) but as I got closer and closer to my goal weight they got longer and longer. I am on the longest stretch now. 2 months - no gain no loss (more or less). I feel better though, clothing fits well, and after all the other experiences with plateaus I know this one will end eventually.

  • lavaughan69
    lavaughan69 Posts: 459 Member
    Never just give up. Make sure that you are charting everything that you are eating daily and add a little more exercise if needed. Even a 10 minute walk could make a difference. If you are doing everything you should then just put it in God's hands. He controls our body

    Well apparently God prefers me fat then because when left in his control I was a pudgy monkey.

    OP, when I first started out I lost 3 or 4 pounds that first week and then nothing for a couple of weeks. That has been typical of the way I've lost weight over the past 10 months. I could go 2 or 3 weeks without a loss and then I'd drop a few pounds. I would stop weighing in on a daily basis and I don't know what day you do weigh in on but I prefer Friday mornings.
  • measure inches and how your clothes fit. sometimes the proof is not always in the scale. I have had some periods where I haven't lost for a week or two, and then I'll lose 5-6 pounds/ea the next 2-3 weeks. Keep at it, you can either give up and get heavier or keep fighting the good fight.
  • i would definitely say shift focus!
    focus on being healthy, eating well, being proud of all the things your body can do, seeing how far you can push yourself, and doing workouts you enjoy. focus on building muscle mass if you need physical progress! but what i've found is when i focus on weight loss, it doesn't come because i'm watching the pot while it's trying to boil.
    i would say only weigh yourself once or twice a week, TOPS if it's bothering you that much! you don't have to stress yourself out. if you workout and eat right, the weight will come off when it's ready :)
  • Zomb1eMummy
    Zomb1eMummy Posts: 104 Member
    If i were you, I would focus more on the measurements than the scale. It makes it a lot easier on the brain. I have weighins/measurements every Monday now. But I really try to focus on the measurements because if I focus on the scale, I will give up like I did so many times before. :)

    It could quite possibly be that you are gaining muscle right now.

    Also, my Aunt had Thyroid Cancer, and she was referred to a dietician because traditional means weren't working. Maybe that is an option for you?
  • RozayJones
    RozayJones Posts: 409 Member
    I have been on here since August, lost 10 pounds, fell off over the holidays and gained it all back overnight LOL
    I also had thyroid cancer 2 years ago and my levels are out of control. I started back up 12/27 and have only lost .2 lbs since. Frustrating yes, BUT do I feel better with the changes I've made yes, do I hate the scale right now, sure but I like how my jeans are fitting! Look at the small things and give yourself time! Also take your thyroid meds and get your levels checked if you have not!
  • sevsmom
    sevsmom Posts: 1,172 Member
    Took me 6 weeks to see the scale move at all. At least you got 2 lbs!! Every body is different and will take varying amounts of time to post a loss. If you are eating at a deficit, eventually the weight will drop. Make healthy choices and give your body some time.
  • ReclaimingSarah
    ReclaimingSarah Posts: 250 Member
    Keep on keepin' on. I've had MONTHS long plateaus where the scale doesn't move at all.
  • jlapey
    jlapey Posts: 1,850 Member
    I've lost maybe 3 pounds this entire year, BUT I lost 2 pants sizes as well. Don't rely on just the scale to measure your progress. Try a tape measure, pictures, the fit of your clothing and simply how you feel. Also, 12 days is not that long. Be very patient, else you are in for a rough and disappointing ride. Just keep doing your thing, it will happen eventually.
  • sweetpea03b
    sweetpea03b Posts: 1,123 Member
    I just started MFP again, lost almost 2 pounds the first 2 days, and since then, have not even lost or gained an ounce. I am exactly the same weight. How is this possible?? This has never happened to me before and I am nearly crying every morning when I look at the scale. I feel so hopeless.

    As a background, I had thyroid cancer 8 years ago, and have since had problems trying to lose weight, so maybe that's a factor, but after nearly 2 weeks of staying the same, I just don't get it. Shouldn't I be seeing a change??? Even an ounce??? I want to give up but I know I shouldn't. It's just making me so sad and unmotivated. All of my hard work for naught. :( Any advice out there?

    Sorry for those that might be a bit "squeemish" on these subjects but.... where are you on your *lady* cycle? Usually I won't lose weight for atleast the first week leading up to it... then after my period I will lose 1.5lbs or so. Hang in there and keep trucking... you got a long bumpy road ahead of you. I've been at this since March and just hit 7# due to ups and downs. Being healthy is a lifetime commitment.... with weight loss being a byproduct is how I feel about it. Good luck!
  • OhCora
    OhCora Posts: 72 Member
    Stop weighing in every day, once a week in the morning is enough

    take your measurements and retake them every month. You will see more changes here.

    like someone else here already said, you are in it for the long haul. If you are not yet exercising, add that to your plan. If you are exercising, try a little more, or something a little different. Your body sometimes becomes used to what you are doing, and needs a change to kick start it.

    Good luck!
  • kkzmom11
    kkzmom11 Posts: 220 Member
    OP, i've been hypothyroid for 8+ years. i know that has a little to do with slow to no weight loss. however, as other posters have said, you need to be patient and not expect instant results.
  • Fitn50Grandma
    Fitn50Grandma Posts: 13 Member
    I know, I'm new and people shy away from links from new people....but this seems like a great link explaining weight loss, water retention and weight loss plateau. Again, I'm new at this but seemed to explain things well..... :smile: Hope it is helpful.