College student easy lunch?

what should I make for lunch?

I want something easy to prepare. Since I'm limited with time and usually exhausted a lot.


  • leann8806
    leann8806 Posts: 29 Member
    I'm a single working mom so I totally get not having a lot of time! I take those Bird's Eye or Green Giant veggie steamer packs for lunch a lot of the time. They're about $1.50 and the whole container is about 200 calories. Flavorful and filling.
  • Chadomaniac
    Chadomaniac Posts: 1,785 Member
    Tuna + mayo + bread
  • naariel
    naariel Posts: 37
    That depends on your goals, too, and what you need to/can eat the rest of the day.

    I'm a student too, and heating stuff is very difficult (too much students, not enough micro-waves) so I go for cold/room temperature stuff. I also have no time in the morning to spend on cooking and I can't have gluten or dairy, so that's another problem. I like lentil salad, it's great for cheap proteins. I cook two portions of lentils for dinner, and keep one in a tupperware. In the tupperware portion I add a tsp of canola oil (great omega 3 source), one or two tsp of mustard, a bit of vinegar, pepper and a little bit of salt. Your salsa can change, but that one is my favourite. Sometimes I throw an egg in that too, depending on my need in proteins for the rest of the day. A fruit in dessert and ta-dah.

    If gluten is not a problem, you can make healthy sandwiches, there's plenty of recipes on the web, though that could mean preparation in the morning instead of the night before.
  • Sadedoes
    Sadedoes Posts: 31 Member
    As a rule, I take a sandwich (or rather, three half sandwiches), usually with spread cheese / other spreads (veggie here, so hummus, lentil spread...) and a side of vegetables: steamed veggies the night before with some seasoning, cherry tomatoes, carrot & cucumber sticks, whatever I feel like.

    I make the sandwiches the night before and keep in the fridge until morning, then in my backpack all day until lunch time. No need for an icepack or anything like that.
  • BennettV72
    I'm a fan of cottage cheese and fruit. It's super fast to get ready in the morning (if you take it with you) and has lots of protein which I like because it keeps me full.
  • ThatsSOcleve
    Okay I do not care for hummus or cottage cheese lol.

    I like making sandwiches. I'm looking for something that will give me calories, because my calories count is always under the goal. However I want to stay healthy at the same time.

    I'm doing cardio to lower my body fat %
  • epemae
    epemae Posts: 76 Member
    Tuna, avocado with some lemon juice, lettuce and some flavorful bread like wheat or pumpernickel. Sounds weird, but tastes good. and has healthy fat.
  • Cozmetick
    Cozmetick Posts: 94 Member
    I usually pack some cooked chicken, grapes to pick at and a Dunn's Nurishment extra drink.

    I get about 600 calories out of it.

    It makes me look like a weirdo but who gives a fudge ;)
  • FFfitgirl
    FFfitgirl Posts: 369 Member
    Left over dinner? How long do you have for lunch? I have 20 minuets so I usually do
    Refried beans with cheese and veggie chips
    Left overs. Protein shakes. Sometimes I bring cereal and a container of milk.
    Banana nut muffins with peanut butter
  • KourtneyLee
    KourtneyLee Posts: 45 Member
    I try to get a few food groups in, especially a protein, for every meal I have. I try to make lunch the biggest meal because that's usually when I have the most classes back-to-back, when I go workout, and when I start to feel tired.

    Some things I like to have as my proteins are boca/morning star veggie burgers or "chicken" patties, mozzarella and spinach chicken sausages, egg whites, chicken or fish that I made the night before, canned tuna, or greek yogurt. Then I usually add a veggie, either using my protein in a salad or having steamed (microwaveable) or chopped fresh vegetables (like bell peppers or carrots) on the side. You could also do a good grain like quinoa or brown rice, but limit it.

    If you're finding that you don't have enough protein sources on hand or enough time to general meals, you may need to think to think about preparing your meals ahead of time. You could prepare your lunches the night before and buy your chicken/fish in bulk, make them ahead of time at the beginning of the week, and have them ready to go for you. A really good meal I like to make ahead of time is my greek yogurt chicken salad, that way I don't have to think about incorporating all my food groups because they're already in the salad. Just mix cooked chopped chicken with greek yogurt, your favorite veggies (like carrots, celery, etc.), seasonings and sliced grapes and almonds, mix it up, and you're good to go. You can make a huge batch of it to last for your entire weekday lunches.

    Snacks I like to grab and go if I REALLY don't have time to eat at home or I forget to make a lunch include grab-and-go fruits (like apples, oranges, pears, etc.) whole grain goldfish, greek yogurt cups, and protein bars (just watch the sugar!).
  • KourtneyLee
    KourtneyLee Posts: 45 Member
    If you're looking to up your calories definitely include health fats like avocado, bananas and nut butters. A trick to keep your avocado turning brown in case you pack it is to leave the pit in it/put it back into the container with your avocado. And cook your chicken/other meats in olive or coconut oil - you could even make your own oil and vinegar-based salad dressing.
  • Brianna716
    Brianna716 Posts: 303 Member
    Will you be back home/ at your dorm, or is this something you need to carry with you and eat on the go/ in the dining hall?
  • ils_1231
    ils_1231 Posts: 249 Member
    whenever i cook anything i make more than one re: last night two chicken breasts. i usually make wraps with the leftovers and just throw different stuff in there... today its 1/3 chicken breast, a bit of avocado, and lettuce. i do all sorts of combinations and once you stick it in a plastic bag or tupperware its super portable. i also like baby carrots, almonds, and usually have a yogurt. i like anything that doesnt need a lot of reheating, etc.

    hope that helps!
  • meliz2301
    meliz2301 Posts: 1 Member
    Consider your crockpot your new best friend. If you dont have one, I highly suggest you get one.

    I make chicken tortilla soup, that is sooo good and healthy. You can take that along with half a sandwich and fruit. I make a big batch and freeze containers that way I can always have some in hand. you can also make potroast, chicken breast. I mean, your possibilities are endless. Just throw something in the pot at night and it will be ready for you the next morning.

    Good luck!
  • TribeHokie
    TribeHokie Posts: 711 Member
    fellow college student here : ) I usually make a sandwich, a salad, or wrap. If I have a sandwich I will have carrots or a bell pepper as a side. To reduce the time it takes to make any of these I like to prep the labor intensive ingredients (like lettuce and cucumber) on a day when I'm not busy so I can just grab and make when I get home for lunch.
  • TheWretchedFat
    TheWretchedFat Posts: 52 Member
    Burritos! Get some already cooked chicken breast from a supermarket, throw on some cheese and spinach then you're good to go :glasses:
  • SomeNights246
    SomeNights246 Posts: 807 Member
    Certain sandwiches can really up the calorie intake without causing you to go over. The trick is watching sodium (if you use lunch meat). I'm a fan of the sandwich. As a college student, as well, it's the only thing I really feel like making sometimes.

    Also, if the calories are low, you could bring a fruit a long, too. Bananas are about 110 calories and pretty filling.
  • ThatsSOcleve
    Burritos! Get some already cooked chicken breast from a supermarket, throw on some cheese and spinach then you're good to go :glasses:

    Love it! The idea is amazing but he work to do much..time to look up a youtube video on that recipe lol
  • aadhyasiddhi
    Great recipe given by sadedoes thanks for that.I would also go with that, sandwich is the better option ,preparing easily.I usualy spread butter on bread slices , filled it with all can add boiled egg too ,boiled the egg cut in to the slices,filled your bread with with ketchup.
    2. Roast your bread ,filled it with noodles,eat it with tomato ketchup.
  • naariel
    naariel Posts: 37
    If you're looking to up your calories definitely include health fats like avocado, bananas and nut butters.

    Bananas have little amount of fat, more or less about the amount of fat in an apple, which is not even 1g for even a large fruit. It's a very old nutrition myth to class bananas with avocados or nuts, heard it often growing up "careful, nutritionally bananas aren't really a fruit they contain more fat/calories". Well it's absolutely false, bananas are load of sugar with barely any protein and fat. Just like your typical fruit.