I logged in for 415 days in a row up to 4 months ago ! and lost 30 pounds and then BLEW it , and have put almost all back on. So Depressed....I can't believe it. I stopped measuring and logging my food chart. A super big mistake. I need to do both. So back to the gym to day, will have to start slow again, because out of shape. Will go food shopping over the weekend to get healthy choices, I will DO THIS FOR ME ....


  • ThinningKB2014
    I'm in the same position! We can definitely get back on track!!
  • JChiarizio
    You can do it!!! Post pictures of yourself all over your kitchen and post it notes about what your WHY is. Your reason for wanting to be healthy should be more powerful than the temporary cravings!!! Add me as a friend and I'm happy to cheer you on!
  • curlytoes79
    curlytoes79 Posts: 95 Member
    Do you remember what made you stop logging your calories before? It's a good idea to think about what you can do differently this time.
  • Nana_in_RI
    Nana_in_RI Posts: 5 Member

    Welcome to the club! I am in the same spot as you. I figure as long as I keep at it eventually something will click. I will not give up on myself so don't give up on yourself. The alternative will hasten the end of my life and I have waaay too much to live for ! Besides winners never quit and quitters never win! Hang in there! We can do this!
  • OMGitsaLisa
    I'm in sort of the same boat. Lost around 70 pounds until 5 months ago when I stopped logging, ate like a piggy, and gained over half of that back. At least the main reason for my failure to care about myself isn't likely to come up too often (death in the family) so I can just focus on getting back on track and doing it all again. Still, I'm very mad at myself. I promised myself I'd never be back at this weight again.