Need help inputing data

Hi! It's been awhile since I've been on this site and I am trying to input some of my own recipes and exercises. With the recipes, I find it frustrating that I can only use the available serving options... for instance, if I just want to add 1 tsp. of something but it only comes up with a tbsp. option. Am I missing something?

Also, for exercising, I would like to just add my own exercises with the calories burned (not breaking it down into how many reps/exercise) ... I am using Jillian Michaels DVD's and I don't see any of them listed.

I would appreciate any help! Thanks.


  • rmdaly
    rmdaly Posts: 250 Member
    Since there are 3 tsp per tbsp, when only given the option of tbsp, put in 0.33 and it will be 1 tsp. Sometimes it even shows it when it gets entered.
  • I've noticed that it will round off the .XX number to the whole or half. If you enter .33 it will probably give you .5, but that's close enough for me.
  • So you want to track calories for strength training. Add it as a cardio, you and I will be the only ones that know!
  • Thanks... you're right, I guess I will do that. I guess it doesn't matter whether it's listed as cardio or strength training, as long as the calories burned is accurate?