A survey for those with a lot to lose

I'm directing this post to those who had or have 100+ pounds to lose because that's my situation and I'm thinking that having so much to lose might impact results somewhat.

I've been doing MFP for about 2-1/2 months and feel good about my success, but like most people, I'd like to find that "sweet spot" between getting the weight off as fast as possible and keeping it off... versus not wanting to feel deprived or eat so little that I slow down my loss or lose muscle.

I've had MFP set to 1 pound a week, sedentary, and have not done much exercise as of yet. Actual weight loss has averaged 2 pounds a week-- not sure why. Maybe I shouldn't mess with success, but I'm wondering what will happen if I lower my calories and start exercising more... and as I try to make that decision, I'd welcome the chance to hear about other people's results, and maybe it would help all of us to share notes. So, specifically.....

What's your age range... 20's, 30's, 40's, 50's, 60's, 70's..? Male or female?

Did you choose 1 pound a week, 1.5 pounds a week, 2 pounds a week, or some custom amount?

What activity level did you choose (i.e., sedentary, active, etc)?

Do you usually eat close to the number of calories that you're allowed?

Does your average loss per week reflect the level that you chose?

Do you exercise? Cardio, strength training, or both? Do you eat your exercise calories?

Do you eat a fairly typical balance of foods, or do something more specific... i.e., low carb, no processed foods, vegetarian, etc.?

Thanks in advance!


  • themostbeautifullies
    What's your age range... 20's, 30's, 40's, 50's, 60's, 70's..? Male or female?
    24, female.

    Did you choose 1 pound a week, 1.5 pounds a week, 2 pounds a week, or some custom amount?
    I chose 2 pounds a week but I'm about to check that with a doctor on monday so it may change it or not.

    What activity level?
    I'm walking everyday for 30min and about to start C5K but I used to be sedentary so I'm still building stamina.

    Do you usually eat close to the number of calories that you're allowed?
    Not even close. I'm always under the mark, not that its healthy but it cant be helped, I naturaly dont eat much, here, at home, everybody has a normal sized plate, mine is one of those baby plates. I'm trying to eat more often instead of changing my plate size.

    Does your average loss per week reflect the level that you chose?
    I dont know yet, its my third day on this journey but I guess it will. I'm trying to have positive thoughts and peoples here help A LOT.

    Do you exercise? Cardio, strength training, or both? Do you eat your exercise calories?
    Yes, as I said, I take walks and I'm starting C5K today. And I dont eat my exercise calories, I dont think I can take that much food IF I'm eating something healthy but there's always sometimes and someplaces that can't be helped and you will end up eating more. But dont fret, darling, one day wont ruin a week's effort you just have to make sure it's not a habit.

    Do you eat a fairly typical balance of foods, or do something more specific... i.e., low carb, no processed foods, vegetarian, etc.?
    Hmm, I used to be vegan in my teen days 'til before I went to college, but this kind of vegetarianism comes with a lot of strings attached, I don't recommed unless you really know what you're getting yourself into. You have to be quite meticulous about vegan diet and in the end it might not even be worthy, unless you care a lot about the animals.
  • Candypoetrygirl
    Candypoetrygirl Posts: 17 Member
    28, female - I have 107lbs to lose - I am 5 "1" and my CW is 217.8lbs

    I chose 1 pound per week as I took the recommended guideline MFP has

    I gym 3 x per week and burn about 289 calories in a cardio session

    I do but on weekends I eat less! At work I stick to my breaks which makes it easier to control.

    Well, I am trying not to be obsessed with numbers - we are all unique and lose differently. I am happy that the scale says some change after 1 month.

    I do 2x cardio and 1 x strength training but am increasing it to 2x cardio and 2x strength training per week

    I used to be a vegetarian but I became very ill. For weight loss now specifically I have changed all my whites to brown - bread, pasta, sugar,rice etc
    I try to choose low GI foods and plenty of fruit and veg, I am also a person that gets bored easliy so I am experimenting alot with health options for foods.
    I also use HungryGirl.com for healthy recipe alternatives

    Hope I answered some of your questions and good luck!
  • kewkdb
    kewkdb Posts: 207 Member
    What's your age range... 20's, 30's, 40's, 50's, 60's, 70's..? Male or female? 30's Male I have exactly 100lbs to lose.

    Did you choose 1 pound a week, 1.5 pounds a week, 2 pounds a week, or some custom amount? I choose 2 but my actual goal is higher. That is just my choice. When I complete my food and exercise diary it states 6lbs a week atm.

    What activity level did you choose (i.e., sedentary, active, etc)? Sedentary

    Do you usually eat close to the number of calories that you're allowed? I always come in under. Today it said I still had 1400 to consume.

    Does your average loss per week reflect the level that you chose? I don't know; this is my first week.

    Do you exercise? Cardio, strength training, or both? Do you eat your exercise calories? I do purely cardio for now.

    Do you eat a fairly typical balance of foods, or do something more specific... i.e., low carb, no processed foods, vegetarian, etc.? Right now my kitchen is in renovation so I am eating soups and Healthy Choice: Cafe Steamers. I was eating Salsbury Steak microwave meals that were 210 calories but if I ate 2 a day I was way above my sodium intake for the day.

    I believe I can succeed because I am not thinking about this as some diet to lose weight. I am convinced that I need to make this a life change and continue it forever.
  • Mamoonie
    Mamoonie Posts: 328
    I'm 40 female and I have some 100lbs to loose.

    I chose to loose 1lb per week as recommanded.

    I have a sedentary life, working at an office and loving to sit at my computer in the evenings too.

    I do not often manage to stay under my calorie goal, though it's getting easier lately.

    My weight loss so far is just the way it should be: 8 weeks of doing this on a serious note and a weight loss of 12 lbs (my first 6 weeks on MFP were starting phase, not taking it seriously yet and I interrupted logging during my holiday). I have had a constant loss, no negative weigh-in weight so far ( though it's been going up and down inbetween).

    I do exercise whenever I feel like it and have time to: going to swim once a week for about one hour, and doing stationary bike up to 4 times a week for 30 to 45 minutes and sometimes, if I really feel great, doing a few reps of strength training ( like 10 minutes or so). I have no routine, just doing what I like when I have time and the right mood. I eat those exercise calories if I'm hungry ( which I mostly am), but having extra calories from exercise helps not to go over as much ;-).

    I have not really changed my food intake, except for the quantities. I still eat fries and chocolate, and have my occasional glass of champagne. Working all day, I go to restaurants for lunch, but I've noticed lately that I sometimes choose a better option when I have one, like chicken meat instead of pork meat, or fish instead of meat, or rice instead of fries, all this in the hope of staying under calorie goal for once ;-) I do not watch carbs and protein or sodium or sugar intake, as I don't want to be watching these for the rest of my life.

  • LastFighter
    LastFighter Posts: 175 Member
    After I reach my first major goal I am going for 100.

    What's your age range... 20's, 30's, 40's, 50's, 60's, 70's..? Male or female?
    Male 20s

    Did you choose 1 pound a week, 1.5 pounds a week, 2 pounds a week, or some custom amount?
    I set mine to 0. I know I have to be below by 1000 to lose 2 lbs a week but on days where I cant exercise I usually just try to maintain

    What activity level did you choose (i.e., sedentary, active, etc)?

    Do you usually eat close to the number of calories that you're allowed?
    95% of the time

    Does your average loss per week reflect the level that you chose?
    I swing between 0-4lbs a week.

    Do you exercise? Cardio, strength training, or both? Do you eat your exercise calories?
    Both. Usually eat most

    Do you eat a fairly typical balance of foods, or do something more specific... i.e., low carb, no processed foods, vegetarian, etc.?
    I eat horribly. I have a sugar problem but if I am really bad I work it off in the gym. I do eat less and slightly better than I did before MFP.
  • YourFriendBecky
    Thanks to everyone who's answering, it's really interesting.
  • rayneenie
    rayneenie Posts: 177 Member
    Female 30 I have two goals first goal is -120lbs so that my gyn will help me get pregnant. Second goal is -210lbs to my goal weight.

    4.6 pounds a week


    No very seldom have I made it to the calories that I have set(I just lowered my set calories to 1000/day today so that was at 1200). I Exercise super hard though when I am "on the wagon" so I usually have lots of calories left over I am just not hungry and refuse to force myself to eat if I am not hungry.

    When I am "on the wagon" my average loss per week is normally 2 to 3 times higher than my set goal.

    I do cardio I only eat my exercise calories if I am hungry. Like I said I am not going to force myself to eat. I will also not let myself eat less than 1000 calories a day.

    I try to stay away from processed foods. That however is not just for weight loss. I am of the school of thought that if it does nto come from nature than I am probably not meant to eat it. I also try not to buy anything that has a load of sodium. I stick to serving sizes or less.

    I am one of those women who do not have a middle ground when I am doing something it is all or nothing. So it goes with eating and weight loss. Today is my first day back on the wagon in a while. So check out my food diary. I am pleased with my today and I am planning to be pleased with my tomorrow. Next Thursday I plan to be disapointed with. LOL:laugh:

    Hope my answers gave you some insight. If you need some encouragement let me know.
  • Lithuria
    Lithuria Posts: 132
    What's your age range...Male or female?

    23, female

    Did you choose 1 pound a week, 1.5 pounds a week, 2 pounds a week, or some custom amount?


    What activity level did you choose (i.e., sedentary, active, etc)?

    Sedentary, I've no work and we live in a very small flat, my days are pretty much sat around inbetween spurts of laundry and cooking, is it any wonder my weight spiralled out of control like this? ^_^;;;

    Do you usually eat close to the number of calories that you're allowed?

    Yes, though I don't find it difficult to go over if I'm not careful

    Does your average loss per week reflect the level that you chose?

    It had been going a lot quicker but after a plateau and a bit of a 'holiday' recently where I put some of what I lost back on, yes it has averaged out at about a pound a week's loss

    Do you exercise? Cardio, strength training, or both? Do you eat your exercise calories?

    Yes, I recently got hold of wii fit and have been doing this. Some people say it's not worth the box it comes in but given my weight, normal activity level and fitness level, it's been really good just to get up and moving. I do eat my exercise calories, infact sometimes the thought of being able to give myself that extra bit of a treat is all that gets me to get on there and do it!

    Do you eat a fairly typical balance of foods, or do something more specific... i.e., low carb, no processed foods, vegetarian, etc.?

    A pretty typical balance. I'm a meat and two veg kinda gal. So long as I count the calories I find it all works out well in the end :)
  • MissingMinnesota
    MissingMinnesota Posts: 7,486 Member
    What's your age range... 20's, 30's, 40's, 50's, 60's, 70's..? Male or female? 30's female

    Did you choose 1 pound a week, 1.5 pounds a week, 2 pounds a week, or some custom amount? I picked 2lbs but it is down to 1.6lbs a week since it will not go below the 1200 calories allowed and I try not to go below that either.

    What activity level did you choose (i.e., sedentary, active, etc)? Sedentary, I work in a cube farm.

    Do you usually eat close to the number of calories that you're allowed? I am allowed before exercise 1200 calories and I will almost alway eat that amount. When I started I usually ate about half my exercise calories and found that benefited me the most and trying to go back to that but right now it is taking me more to burn more calories and I just don't have as many exercise calories to spare. My weight loss has been slowing down because of it and that is why I started the 3500 calories burned challenge.

    Does your average loss per week reflect the level that you chose? I am averaging a loss of about 7-8 lbs a month

    Do you exercise? Cardio, strength training, or both? Do you eat your exercise calories? I do both Cardio and Strength training 5-6 times a week, 2 of the days I have a personal trainer and would not have gotten this far with out her. Strength training seems to be over looked by most women and is very essential to weight loss.

    Do you eat a fairly typical balance of foods, or do something more specific... i.e., low carb, no processed foods, vegetarian, etc.? moderation moderation moderation I try to remain healthy in my choices but I admit I am lazy with my food and convenice will over ride most things but I don't let myself over indulge.
  • thelima
    thelima Posts: 234
    Interesting answers so far!!

    What's your age range... 20's, 30's, 40's, 50's, 60's, 70's..? Male or female?
    >> 50s, Female

    Did you choose 1 pound a week, 1.5 pounds a week, 2 pounds a week, or some custom amount?
    >> 1.5 a week (but I vary it)

    What activity level did you choose (i.e., sedentary, active, etc)?
    >> Sedentary

    Do you usually eat close to the number of calories that you're allowed?
    >> Started off eating right up to the allotment, but now, I'm eating less.

    Does your average loss per week reflect the level that you chose?
    >> I'm losing more now.

    Do you exercise? Cardio, strength training, or both? Do you eat your exercise calories?
    >> I exercise sporadically. Because I am under deadline, I've postponed anymore concentrated exercising until I turn in my book. When I do exercise I sometimes eat back those extra calories, sometimes not. Depends on how I feel.

    Do you eat a fairly typical balance of foods, or do something more specific... i.e., low carb, no processed foods, vegetarian, etc.?
    >> In the past 2 weeks, I've been concentrating on fewer processed foods and about 1/2 vegetarian. I'm enjoying it a lot and feel I eat better without all the added sodium and such.

  • dj_stevie_c
    Q: What's your age range... 20's, 30's, 40's, 50's, 60's, 70's..? Male or female?
    A: Male, 36

    Q: Did you choose 1 pound a week, 1.5 pounds a week, 2 pounds a week, or some custom amount?
    A: I chose 2lbs a week.

    Q: What activity level did you choose (i.e., sedentary, active, etc)?
    A: Sedantary because it is. I work in an office and am sat in a chair most of that time.

    Q: Do you usually eat close to the number of calories that you're allowed?
    A: Yes

    Q: Does your average loss per week reflect the level that you chose?
    A: It would, if I stuck to things 100% I have been doing this since May and have lost 51lbs (although recent slippage saw that drop down 4lbs)

    Q: Do you exercise? Cardio, strength training, or both? Do you eat your exercise calories?
    A: Yes on the exercise, trying to do more cardio, some cycling, the odd swimming session. I eat exercise calories if I need them but not if I don't. I always try to leave some left over.

    Q: Do you eat a fairly typical balance of foods, or do something more specific... i.e., low carb, no processed foods, vegetarian,
    A: I'd say fairly typical, but my main issue is weekends, I tend to be so busy I can't be bothered to cook so I order something in. I'm trying to stop that now though.
    I do NOT eat 'sweet' foods wherever possible, for example I haven't had a chocolate bar since May, I've also tried to cut out crisps etc, my 'sweet stuff' is fruit or if I need something quick and light a Go Ahead yoghurt bar. Or just a Yoghurt :)
    I've also given up Diet Coke of all kinds, I do very rarely allow myself a 7up but I was addicted to pepsi max in a huge way, I've now knocked that on the head :)
  • blel0906
    What's your age range... 20's, 30's, 40's, 50's, 60's, 70's..? Male or female? 40 Female

    Did you choose 1 pound a week, 1.5 pounds a week, 2 pounds a week, or some custom amount? Started with 2lbs then switched it to 1 lb

    What activity level did you choose (i.e., sedentary, active, etc)? Sedentary

    Do you usually eat close to the number of calories that you're allowed? Yes and No..I started with 1200 and was struggling to stay at 1200 so I bumped it up with the 1lb per week to 1550 I usually am under with my excersise calories

    Does your average loss per week reflect the level that you chose? I'm on day 20..My scale has yo yo'd up and down but I'm averaging 2lbs per week

    Do you exercise? Cardio, strength training, or both? Do you eat your exercise calories? Only excercise I'm doing is walking in the evening min of 1/2 hr which is what I do on most days..try and push it a little longer couple days a week 40 min -hr. On eating my calories it just depends usually no

    Do you eat a fairly typical balance of foods, or do something more specific... i.e., low carb, no processed foods, vegetarian, etc.? Pretty much eating normal food....trying to stay fairly balanced. Allowing food I would eat in the real world..just watching portion sizes, choosing whole wheat over white, avoiding fast food, gave up soda of any kind..Also making sure to eat breakfast.

    Congratulations on what you've done so far...I decided to start out not being "perfect" I know I'll hit a plateu eventually and can make adjustments from there..I have about 80lbs to lose....I knew if I went super strict, all gung ho on the excercise I would eventually burn out...I'm embracing the idea of a lifestyle change rather than a diet..I made some huge changes over the past 20 days and I'm going to focus on suger after my 30 days...I'm a snacker and it usually something sweet.
  • Nina74
    Nina74 Posts: 470 Member
    What's your age range... 20's, 30's, 40's, 50's, 60's, 70's..? Male or female?

    Female, 36, 100+ to lose, 23 down so far.

    Did you choose 1 pound a week, 1.5 pounds a week, 2 pounds a week, or some custom amount?
    1.5 lbs

    What activity level did you choose (i.e., sedentary, active, etc)?
    Sedentary, because I sit most of the day at work

    Do you usually eat close to the number of calories that you're allowed?
    Yes (1770)

    Does your average loss per week reflect the level that you chose?

    Originally yes! Now NOOOOOO. (More later below)

    Do you exercise? Cardio, strength training, or both? Do you eat your exercise calories?

    Cardio & strength train 5-6 days a week or approx 6 hours a week. usually about 2 of weight training, rest is cardio- intervals, spinning, etc. Yes I generally eat 1/2 of my exercise calories

    Do you eat a fairly typical balance of foods, or do something more specific... i.e., low carb, no processed foods, vegetarian, etc.?
    Balanced. I have added more protein into my diet and always try to eat more veggies & fruits than before. I basically completely cut out all fast foods. I generally eat clean (no sugar except natural sugars), no processed foods, etc. I'm single, so I cook on the weekends and divy it up to have meals that are quick and easy during the week. This has helped me cut back on my sodium a lot!

    In the first 3-4 months I lost 23 lbs through diet and exercise but then I stopped. Dead stop. I cut my calories further and ate less of my exercise calories, while still working out. I was tired, depressed and my hair began falling out. A month went by, then 2 months went by. I didn't lose a pound or an inch. I had my dr run blood tests. 1. I have a Vit D deficiency and 2. my sodium/potassium/iron/electrolytes.

    Basically, I wasn't eating enough!!!! Although I'm morbid obese and people say you can cut down to 1200 cals and still lose weight, I can't. I don't have any energy and it leads to binge eating (for me). To be able to lose 1.5-2 lbs a week safely, I have to eat enough. I find that MFP calculates the calories low, especially if you don't eat your exercise calories. That's just my 2 cents from my experience. I have been able to maintain the +20 lbs weight loss during this "plateau", so it is very do-able.

    Hope this helps!!
  • Gizmo52
    What's your age range... 20's, 30's, 40's, 50's, 60's, 70's..? Male or female?

    50 - Female

    Did you choose 1 pound a week, 1.5 pounds a week, 2 pounds a week, or some custom amount?

    2 pounds per week

    What activity level did you choose (i.e., sedentary, active, etc)?


    Do you usually eat close to the number of calories that you're allowed?

    Been tracking what I eat, and am very conscious of eating healthier. I used to do WW and LOVE their CORE plan which was no processed foods. I'm trying to do that - just failing to plan my meals lately

    Does your average loss per week reflect the level that you chose?

    I have quite a bit to lose - so don't have a scale just yet. Toying with joining WW until I'm under the weight limit that I can buy a scale at the store instead of ordering one. Haven't quite decided if that is what I'll do though. I have taken my measurements and take those once a month and will post the results next week.

    Do you exercise? Cardio, strength training, or both? Do you eat your exercise calories?

    I am exercising but only two or three days a week right now. I know that isn't enough but it is more than I was doing a month ago. I have the On Demand from Comcast and there is an exercise channel. I'm doing the walking program as well as some dancing.

    Last summer when I was doing Zumba once a week, I found that the next day I was hungrier than usual. On those days I would eat some extra calories, but was also doing WWers at the time and it was healthier options - like fruit.

    I did lose 75 pounds on WWers but stopped about a 18 months ago and since then I believe I have gained it all back. Very dissappointing to me - because that is my normal routine. I lose, and then compliments come my way and I get uncomfortable and then start eating badly again.

    Do you eat a fairly typical balance of foods, or do something more specific... i.e., low carb, no processed foods, vegetarian, etc.?

    I try to keep it as to no processed foods, but don't always make it - but it's a lot better than (as I said earlier) a month ago. What I'm doing is having a Lean Crusine or Smart Ones about twice a week for lunch. Just something different to keep it varied.
  • MzBug
    MzBug Posts: 2,173 Member
    What's your age range... 20's, 30's, 40's, 50's, 60's, 70's..? Male or female?
    47 female

    Did you choose 1 pound a week, 1.5 pounds a week, 2 pounds a week, or some custom amount?
    Custom with doc and nutritionist on board

    What activity level did you choose (i.e., sedentary, active, etc)?

    Do you usually eat close to the number of calories that you're allowed?
    I try, often a couple hundred short per day

    Does your average loss per week reflect the level that you chose?
    It has averaged out to 2+ per week....some weeks I don't lose, some weeks I drop 5-7lbs

    Do you exercise? Cardio, strength training, or both? Do you eat your exercise calories?
    Both, 30 min cardio 3x week, resistance bands 30 min 2x week. I try to eat some of my exercise cals

    Do you eat a fairly typical balance of foods, or do something more specific... i.e., low carb, no processed foods, vegetarian, etc.?
    Custom set to 40% carb, 30% protein, 30% fat. Usually fall short of the goals (always in the green). I do better on the no processed foods/lower carb type of mix.

    I have lost 37 unofficially, and have 75-100 to go...not quite sure where I am going to be happy.
  • katerinab

    What's your age range... 20's, 30's, 40's, 50's, 60's, 70's..? Male or female? 30's female

    Did you choose 1 pound a week, 1.5 pounds a week, 2 pounds a week, or some custom amount? 2 pounds a week

    What activity level did you choose (i.e., sedentary, active, etc)? I started out with sedentary and then I got a retail job, so I upped it some.

    Do you usually eat close to the number of calories that you're allowed? No, I usually eat right at about minimum recommended.

    Does your average loss per week reflect the level that you chose? I average 3-4lbs.

    Do you exercise? Cardio, strength training, or both? Do you eat your exercise calories? Yes, I do cardio. No, I don't eat the exercise calories.

    Do you eat a fairly typical balance of foods, or do something more specific... i.e., low carb, no processed foods, vegetarian, etc.? I eat pretty balanced. Low cal, low fat, don't pay much attention to carbs or sugars. I eat as many veggies as I can get in in a day, and I do take a multi-vitamin daily as well as a couple of fiber tablets daily ('cause I do believe fiber helps but I rarely get as much as I should).
  • megamom
    megamom Posts: 920 Member
    What's your age range... 20's, 30's, 40's, 50's, 60's, 70's..? Male or female?

    56 - Female

    Did you choose 1 pound a week, 1.5 pounds a week, 2 pounds a week, or some custom amount?

    1 pounds per week, I started out at 2 pounds but found it too restrictive for me.

    What activity level did you choose (i.e., sedentary, active, etc)?


    Do you usually eat close to the number of calories that you're allowed?

    I zig zag usually between 1100 to 1700 give or take

    Does your average loss per week reflect the level that you chose?

    Right now I am losing very slow but have lately been focusing more on getting fit and less on losing. I am not gaining and am losing inches plus getting some muscles. I am going to focus more on the weight loss again now that I have a routine down at the gym. I don't multitask as well as I used to.

    Do you exercise? Cardio, strength training, or both? Do you eat your exercise calories?

    I start out with cardio to warm up and do interval training on that. Then I lift weights and do lunges, squats and balance ball routine. I work out 2 to 4 days a week depending on my work week. I work a week, 12 hour night shifts and am off a week. I work out more on my off week. I don't consciously eat my exercise calories. I just try to have less in then I burn.

    Do you eat a fairly typical balance of foods, or do something more specific... i.e., low carb, no processed foods, vegetarian, etc.?

    I don't eat many processed foods as they are high in sodium, never eat fast food and am now eating more fruit then I ever did. Otherwise nothing is really off limits, just do portion control and moderation. Oh, and support my local farmers market
  • RHOyalT
    RHOyalT Posts: 204 Member
    What's your age range... 20's, 30's, 40's, 50's, 60's, 70's..? Male or female? 30s Female

    Did you choose 1 pound a week, 1.5 pounds a week, 2 pounds a week, or some custom amount? I chose 2 pounds/ week

    What activity level did you choose (i.e., sedentary, active, etc)? Sedentary, I work in an office all day

    Do you usually eat close to the number of calories that you're allowed? I try to get close to it

    Does your average loss per week reflect the level that you chose? I'm only on week 2, but I lost 5 pounds last week so I'm ecstatic!

    Do you exercise? Cardio, strength training, or both? Do you eat your exercise calories? Right now I'm focusing on cardio. I will add on strength training as I lose more weight.

    Do you eat a fairly typical balance of foods, or do something more specific... i.e., low carb, no processed foods, vegetarian, etc.? I think my diet is pretty balanced now. I'm focusing more on portion sizwa.
  • YourFriendBecky
    I wonder why some people lose faster on lower calories and other people find their weight loss slows down. Confusing.
  • Carol_can_do_it

    What's your age range... 20's, 30's, 40's, 50's, 60's, 70's..? Male or female?
    I'm at the end of the 30's range. Female

    Did you choose 1 pound a week, 1.5 pounds a week, 2 pounds a week, or some custom amount?
    I went for 2lbs/week.

    What activity level did you choose (i.e., sedentary, active, etc)?
    I list myself as sedentary because most of my work is done at a desk on the computer. I exercise atleast 3x per week.

    Do you usually eat close to the number of calories that you're allowed?
    No. I am following the diet my doctor put me on. Since my diet is a calorie confusion diet some days are closer than others.

    Does your average loss per week reflect the level that you chose?
    I have been losing more, but for me I tend to lose faster at first then stabilize my weight for a few days, then lose more. I lose strangely.

    Do you exercise? Cardio, strength training, or both? Do you eat your exercise calories?
    I do both. I do not eat my exercise calories.

    Do you eat a fairly typical balance of foods, or do something more specific... i.e., low carb, no processed foods, vegetarian, etc.?
    I eat a balanced diet than leans more low carb. I am being tested for allergies.