Where to meet Women

creativerick Posts: 270 Member
So, I stopped posting in the other thread because people think I'm trolling. Nah, not trolling. I have a hard time dating or committing in a relationship. I was in an awful marriage, and since I got divorced I've been enjoying the single life. I worked on myself, my confidence, my mental state, my attitude, and I've become a different person. I've moved 4 times and deployed twice. Making it really hard to build anything long term - relationship or friend wise.

That said, outside of meeting girls online, photography, through mutual friends and through work, I don't meet too many women. I'm drawn to intellectual and fit girls. I do have my preferences, but I have no idea where to meet Asian girls. I do enjoy women of all cultures, so that isn't too big of a deal.

Just where should I hang out in South Carolina to meet new, interesting women. I considered joining a Crossfit gym, since a lot of women seem to go there. I mean, it's $100-$200 dollars a month, and a different workout than what I prefer. It might be hard to do with my herniated disc, but I'm willing to try that.

What does everyone suggest?


Where did you meet your significant other? (I met my ex at a BAR, never again.)


  • Sarahs2576
    Sarahs2576 Posts: 418 Member
    Do you have any other interests? You mentioned you like intellectual women, is there a college near by that you could take a class or to at? Obviously there are going to be a lot of older teenagers attending class but you may find someone age appropriate also taking the class. Are you interested in any type of volunteer work? You also mentioned you like fit women, maybe there is a organization putting on a race that needs volunteers to assist during the event. Good luck to you!
  • bridgew24
    bridgew24 Posts: 143 Member
    I met mine at a club haha But I'd known a bit about him through people before that. A couple of drinks just gave me the confidence to actually approach him!

    As ideal as the cross fit idea sounds to find a girl with a common interest, I know I don't appreciate guys or anyone trying to chat to me at the gym. I'm there to concentrate and do my own thing. But I guess some girls might not have that mindset?

    As suggested volunteer work is a great away to meet someone!
  • WarriorCupcakeBlydnsr
    WarriorCupcakeBlydnsr Posts: 2,150 Member
    What about joining a meetup group from meetup.com? They have plenty of groups that you can find something you're interested in to do where there may be women that are interested in the same thing, there are a bunch of singles groups in my area on that site, there may be some in your area too, and this is something that if you end up moving again, you can just put in your new area and find groups there. And if nobody in the group you join quite fits what you're looking for, you never know, they might have a single friend that's perfect for you
  • prime853
    prime853 Posts: 519
    you pay $100-$200 a month to workout ???????????????????????????

    bro you doin It wrong
  • idontcarroll
    idontcarroll Posts: 216 Member
    Since bars out of the question...try a club. There tons of gems in there.

  • meeper123
    meeper123 Posts: 3,347 Member
    Coffee houses in bookstores seem to be pretty good places to strike up a good conversation :)
  • prime853
    prime853 Posts: 519
    Since bars out of the question...try a club. There tons of gems in there.

    would not date a woman I met at a club
  • Escloflowne
    Escloflowne Posts: 2,038 Member
    MFP works pretty well!
  • cms721
    cms721 Posts: 179 Member
  • joehempel
    joehempel Posts: 1,761 Member
    Where did you meet your significant other? (I met my ex at a BAR, never again.)

    MFP.....seriously, from 700 miles away, we now live together, been together for over 2 years now.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member

    Where did you meet your significant other? (I met my ex at a BAR, never again.)

    i met my husband in a bar, so i'm out....
  • meeper123
    meeper123 Posts: 3,347 Member
    I am very lucky my husband is my best friend from high school :)
  • SunofaBeach14
    SunofaBeach14 Posts: 4,899 Member
    I'd start by not turning your nose up at women just because you happen to meet them in the type of place you met your ex. If you're picky and looking for an intelligent woman then it helps to keep an open mind. If you're interested in certain cultures then move there, or join related charitable organizations.
  • creativerick
    creativerick Posts: 270 Member
    Looks like it's time for me to go to church and start volunteering. I guess even if I don't find a woman; it'll make me a better person.

    As far as bar/club, I wouldn't rule someone out because I met them there... It just hasn't shown the best results.
  • superasianwoman
    Bookstores, coffee houses, charity events, 5ks those are all good places :)
  • creativerick
    creativerick Posts: 270 Member
    Bookstores, coffee houses, charity events, 5ks those are all good places :)

    Those are all places where you've been hit on? :p

    I don't like running. I don't like running at all. I'm not against doing 5ks though, but the thought of doing extra running 'just cause' makes my back hurt. I have to run 2 miles for the Army... Well sometimes we have to run 4 or 6 miles, but I prefer not to.
  • bd0027
    bd0027 Posts: 1,053 Member
    Volunteer wherever you can. Nothing melts a woman's heart quite like a nice guy (well, mine anyways). If I saw a guy serving food at a homeless shelter, I'd be hooked. Church is a good place too.
  • shell13b
    shell13b Posts: 55 Member
    Well you are still young...just go out have fun and when the time is right you will meet. I know it sounds hokey but when you are NOT looking is usually when it happens :) happy hunting!
  • bb_lose_weight
    bb_lose_weight Posts: 103 Member
    Seems to me women are EVERYWHERE just talk to them. Of course if you figure out HOW to do that let me know because I feel like Raj from big bang theory a LOT of my life.