Garcinia Cambogia and Raspberry Ketones



  • clgmbp2011
    I would like to say that I have been taking garcinia cambogia and green coffee bean for a few weeks and not consistently I also just started taking raspberry keytones. Everyones body reacts differently to different things just because it didn't work for one person does not mean it won't work for another. I have lost 17 lbs in just about a mth I have also dropped two sizes. I do not excersise I don't have time me and my husband run a business and have a three yr old. I work long hrs and when I'm home cook and clean. I have been eating the same way my whole entire life I have always hated soda, I have never liked fast food I've always ate healthy. I was skinny my whole life till a yr before I got pregnant I was on the road a lot so I ended up eating a lot of fast food and ate out of boredom I gained 70 lbs it was terrible and then I got pregnant which when ivgot pregnant I went back to my normal eating habits and was always sick I lost weight while pregnant and by the time I had my son who was 9lbs and 6oz and I was exactly 40 weeks pregnant two days before my due date. I only gained 8,lbs through my whole pregnancy a mth after having him I was 20 lbs lighter maybe 28. Then I plateaud for a long time then excersised for a mth lost like 20 more lbs plateaud again for a yr AMD started taking the green coffee, garcinia and am consistently losing weight and inches I don't count calories never have never will I think its pointless at least for me cause I've never really been big on food anyways I still eat sweets a couple times a week not much and I eat breakfast and dinner and a snack in between I only drink water and red bull. I have ate this way my whole life except for that one yr. Iam always moving arpund but its been that way for the past four yrs so I know the weight loss is those pills. One of the reasons it might not work for a lot of people is prob cause they aren't buying the right one there are a lot of scams and there are supposed to be no added ingredients just what Dr oz says I buy the pure health brand their reg coffee bean doesn't work u have to get the one with svetol in it but their raspberry keytome literally only has raspberry keytone nothing else AMD garcinia cambogia has exactly what Dr oz says its supposed to and the coffee bean only has coffee bean and svetol. If where it says other ingredients it says anything more than vegetarian capsule then its a scam it is not supposed to have anything else in it AMD or is extremely hard to find that trust me I bought like 30 diff brands before I finally found one that has what its supposed to and I'm sure there are some other brands that are not scams. The pure health is expensive each one is 10 and it only lasts a week which Dr oz said it should have a mth supply but I've wasted too much on scams and this works so ill pay the 30 a week for all three hell some supplements are 120 a mth for just one so what's the difference. I'm tired of all these people knocking people down cause they want answers or saying diet and excersise not everyone has the time when they have children work full time take care of a household life is sometimes too busy.U gotta do what u gotta do. If people can't answer the question properly or haven't even tried it then why comment on it and those ofever u who did try it and it didn't work then u should post the brand you used cause that could be a big factor along with other things. Everyones body makeup is different just like some people are lactose and tolerant others mow down on dairy, some people are allergic to nuts other aren't so why wouldnt people realize diet supplements work the same. The only way to do it is make sure u get them with the proper ingredients and no extra stuff in it and try it if it works it works if it doesn't then its not for u but it doesn't hurt to try cause u might be suprised. I went into it thinking it prob wasn't going to work but I was going to try it just on case it did and luckily I was pleasantly suprised and u could be too
  • clgmbp2011
    I agree people are so judgemental they need to take a step back and look at themselves. If someone hasnt tried it they shouldn't be commenting anyway they have no reason to or helpful info and no experience with it. It worked for me and I've done the same thing for 29 yrs I got pregnant and got fat. Up till I was 24 I never weighed more than 115 lbs. People are *kitten* and everyone has an opinion. Especially the men that comment and say dumb *kitten* ****. The men that piss me off are the ones that go to the gym non stop and have absolutely no idea what it is like to have a baby gain weight, work full time, take care of a child and a man cause mostmen look to us to take care of them, also on top of all that clean, cook do laundry while working and taking care of toddlers but yet we should still be able to go to the gym? I don't even have time to sleep barely I'm lucky if I get four hrs. Thank god my fiancee is not one of thkse men but he sees I have no time plus we run a business together so he knows how much we work. The way I see it is you men that have no idea what we go through and clearly know nothing about woman and think we should be able to do it all and stay skinny or lose weight automatically yall will one day have a rude awakening cause when ur girl has a baby especially at an older age not 18 cause that's still a baby basically And they gain weight and struggle u will find ourselves lonely if u act like that.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,719 Member
    I would like to say that I have been taking garcinia cambogia and green coffee bean for a few weeks and not consistently I also just started taking raspberry keytones. Everyones body reacts differently to different things just because it didn't work for one person does not mean it won't work for another. I have lost 17 lbs in just about a mth I have also dropped two sizes. I do not excersise I don't have time me and my husband run a business and have a three yr old. I work long hrs and when I'm home cook and clean. I have been eating the same way my whole entire life I have always hated soda, I have never liked fast food I've always ate healthy. I was skinny my whole life till a yr before I got pregnant I was on the road a lot so I ended up eating a lot of fast food and ate out of boredom I gained 70 lbs it was terrible and then I got pregnant which when ivgot pregnant I went back to my normal eating habits and was always sick I lost weight while pregnant and by the time I had my son who was 9lbs and 6oz and I was exactly 40 weeks pregnant two days before my due date. I only gained 8,lbs through my whole pregnancy a mth after having him I was 20 lbs lighter maybe 28. Then I plateaud for a long time then excersised for a mth lost like 20 more lbs plateaud again for a yr AMD started taking the green coffee, garcinia and am consistently losing weight and inches I don't count calories never have never will I think its pointless at least for me cause I've never really been big on food anyways I still eat sweets a couple times a week not much and I eat breakfast and dinner and a snack in between I only drink water and red bull. I have ate this way my whole life except for that one yr. Iam always moving arpund but its been that way for the past four yrs so I know the weight loss is those pills. One of the reasons it might not work for a lot of people is prob cause they aren't buying the right one there are a lot of scams and there are supposed to be no added ingredients just what Dr oz says I buy the pure health brand their reg coffee bean doesn't work u have to get the one with svetol in it but their raspberry keytome literally only has raspberry keytone nothing else AMD garcinia cambogia has exactly what Dr oz says its supposed to and the coffee bean only has coffee bean and svetol. If where it says other ingredients it says anything more than vegetarian capsule then its a scam it is not supposed to have anything else in it AMD or is extremely hard to find that trust me I bought like 30 diff brands before I finally found one that has what its supposed to and I'm sure there are some other brands that are not scams. The pure health is expensive each one is 10 and it only lasts a week which Dr oz said it should have a mth supply but I've wasted too much on scams and this works so ill pay the 30 a week for all three hell some supplements are 120 a mth for just one so what's the difference. I'm tired of all these people knocking people down cause they want answers or saying diet and excersise not everyone has the time when they have children work full time take care of a household life is sometimes too busy.U gotta do what u gotta do. If people can't answer the question properly or haven't even tried it then why comment on it and those ofever u who did try it and it didn't work then u should post the brand you used cause that could be a big factor along with other things. Everyones body makeup is different just like some people are lactose and tolerant others mow down on dairy, some people are allergic to nuts other aren't so why wouldnt people realize diet supplements work the same. The only way to do it is make sure u get them with the proper ingredients and no extra stuff in it and try it if it works it works if it doesn't then its not for u but it doesn't hurt to try cause u might be suprised. I went into it thinking it prob wasn't going to work but I was going to try it just on case it did and luckily I was pleasantly suprised and u could be too
    Nothing said will change you view on it.
    That said, no pill works on weight loss without calorie deficit. That's not disputed by any journals of medicine or physiology.
    Your "story" of how it worked for you (which is anecdotal BTW) isn't any different from the thousands and thousands of other stories from other testimonials of other diet products being sold on the market today. Sorry, but being in the fitness industry for 3 decades now, I've seen, read, experienced and witnessed a good amount of BS of the diet industry tactics so that people get snafued into believing that their product is more "special" than the competitors.

    Here's the truth: if one isn't suffering from a hormonal or health issue, calorie deficit will work for EVERYONE when it comes to weight loss.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness industry for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • pinkraynedropjacki
    pinkraynedropjacki Posts: 3,027 Member
    You would have been better buying a pair of running shoes & going walking or jogging.
  • CM9178
    CM9178 Posts: 1,265 Member
    GC did the exact opposite to me as what it is "supposed" to do.
    I took it for a week - I didn't feel any positive effects whatsoever. My appetite was exactly the same, I had the same amount of energy as normal.
    On the other hand, they made me EXTREMELY thirsty, to the point that it was unquenchable, and giving me a sore throat. They also gave me a very bad headache that lasted for 3 days after I stopped taking them. These are two of the possible side effects of GC - and I guess I'm one of the people it affected this way. I saw no weight change whatsoever after taking them, and actually, have had a problem losing weight for the 2 weeks since I stopped taking them!!

    In my book, its a big NO to GC.
  • smoofinator
    smoofinator Posts: 635 Member
    My secret is an unopened box of Nerds in my pantry. Since I placed it there and never opened it, I have lost almost 28lbs. They're magic Nerds I think.

    If you plant them a nerd tree will grow...

  • ericacorbare
    Carcinia has helped me.

    I don't take it before every meal. Just dinner. It is helping me stop snacking later that night.

    Don't know if the fat burning is working, but, I'm not craving snacks as much. So I'm losing weight.

    I'm sure I won't take it forever, because, I know it is a tool. Some of you will call it a crutch. Fine, it is. I know that and think it is okay to have a crutch, a cane, a wheelchair, a gym, a coach, a doctor, a mentor, a whatever, if you going through a change and need the help. Don't make fun of people because they use a tool.

    So I'm taking it until I'm secure in my new eating habits and exercise.

    That's good enough for me.
  • Pandora_King
    I saw them selling RK at the dollar store. That pretty much sealed the deal for me. No thanks.

    If you need pills or surgery to lose weight, why bother? If you can't work it off, you wont be able t keep it off. It's about will power and mind over food.
  • Saramelie
    Saramelie Posts: 308 Member
    I think it is important to point out that all that are claiming "they work" are also stating that (a) it is keeping them on a meal plan (b) they are counting calories and exercising (c) and recognizing a placebo effect.

    If people want to waste their money until they can reach their goals without out it, cool. I just wanted to point out that it is not the pills, but other behaviors that are making the pounds come off, helping with cravings, increased energy, appetite suppression etc.

    Probably this...
  • cbryan14
    First, there is no magic pill for weight loss. You can't eat what you want and do nothing and expect to lose weight. Second, the body has memory. To effectively loose weight even when moving about it needs to be constant. An everyday thing and change it up. When I was at 315 pounds, I did what I knew and wouldn't loose the weight. So, I asked a doctor. They asked me, "how is your liver?" My point is that there are other factors in why something doesn't work then it just doesn't work. For some people something might not work for others it might. No body has the same body chemistry and everybody is at different levels of fitness and health. I lost 20lbs my taking Cayenne Pepper and a reduced calorie diet. Well, the reduced calorie diet alone wasn't doing anything.

    There will always be those that claim something doesn't work when they never tried it. Or they try 1 bottle. Well, try it for a least 3 months and then judge for yourself if it works or not. Sometimes the body needs a boost to get going. Contrary to what many believe, with the food in today's world, working out and diet alone will not take the fat off. Anybody who has actually tried knows this. Those that haven't? Well they are pretty much blowing hot air as a gimmick. Everything to them is a gimmick. Or you get those fitness professionals that tell you buying fresh is cheap. Well, what they get for $20 cost me $40. So, I can care less what those "professionals" say, I know what my doctor has told me and I know how my body is and I know what works and what doesn't. Or you get the old, "good calories and good sugars from fruit". That's a load of beans too. A calorie is a calorie. Sugar is sugar. No matter where it comes from. Eating nothing but fruit all day will just load you up. How do I know? I've tried it. As far as Chromium casing diabetes? Chromium has saved me from it. So why do all these studies say different things? It's not that they are wrong, it's that there are different life factors that play into the results.

    As far as Garcinia Cambogia? It doesn't burn fat. It inhibits fat absorption and curbs hunger. Fiber does pretty much the same thing. You'll start to notice it in your stool before you notice it in your mid-section. I'm tired of hearing all these self proclaimed professionals giving me advice that doesn't work and has only did more harm than good. So, I can only do my own trials and report my findings. In closing, 1 bottle isn't going to do anything in support of any decission, sometimes we need help to get the ball rolling. Once it does get going, the body should start burning on it's own.
  • Guitarjon
    Guitarjon Posts: 204 Member
    I got them to try after a number of friends had lost whilst on them. They were also cutting back the calories and exercising too. One friend swears by them. The other said he took them for a few months when he reached a plateau. He said he stuck to only natural ingredients as he couldn't see them being harmful. He also said he wouldn't rely on them and that he lost weight through diet which makes more sense to me.

    I don't believe there is a miricle drug out there but I do believe they work well as an appetite surpresent. I've noticed improved energy and less hunger in the last part of my working day before my last meal since I've been taking them. I have the green coffee ones which probably have a roll to play with the caffeine.
  • kristirlk
    kristirlk Posts: 31 Member
    Good for you! Ive been taking GC since Monday. The scale has been moving. I've been doing low carb for a while. I do not exercise... I have ordered some videos though. Excited. I also ordered some RC that I should get tomorrow! :) GC helps with hunger suppression for sure.
  • Aaron_K123
    Aaron_K123 Posts: 7,122 Member
    I think people don't give the placebo effect enough credit. If going and buying magic beans makes you more conscientious about your diet in a way that helps you stick with it and that works for you then really more power to you provided that you aren't harming yourself in the process.

    Sometimes the mere act of buying something regularly with fitness in mind is enough to motivate people to keep their calories down or exercise more which is where the real effect comes from. Does that mean they shouldn't buy the magic beans? No, I don't think it does mean that...if that's what works for them let it work for them.