trying to lose weight and deal with chronic pain

Hi everyone, I'm trying to lose weight by sticking to a 1200 daily limit as the pain is making exercise very difficult at the moment. I seem to be having a flare up, so reluctantly had to take my strongest painkiller today as nothing else was working.

One doctor said I have fibromyalgia, another has said I have amplified pain syndrome and another has said it's just ongoing issues from being attacked at work and having to use poor manual handling techniques doing home care. I'm due to have surgery on my wrist on 6 Feb and I'm worrying that the increase in pain meds and being able to do less is going to pile the weight back on.

Would be great to chat with anyone with chronic pain issues, or anyone who would be able to help keep me motivated after the surgery


  • Maiducali
    You don't have to do 1200 as a limit, but I understand if your pain prevents you from working out. Have you tried pilates? What I mean is to do reformer workout at a studio. I deal with pain too, but most workout can cause my back/neck pain to flair up.
  • Kyttiara
    Kyttiara Posts: 28 Member
    Try swimming/aqua size. It will put next to no strain on your joints.
  • knittnponder
    knittnponder Posts: 1,954 Member
    I have fibromyalgia and have found that certain foods are a trigger for pain episodes for me. My top three are corn, gluten and potatoes. If you've never paid attention to how you feel when eating certain things I strongly encourage you to do so. For the first time in years I feel like I have some hope and I'm feeling better than I have in a very long time.

    Mild exercise is very helpful for pain. Swimming, gentle yoga and walking s much as you comfortable can will help. I know it's absolutely the last thing you want to do when you hurt but it does help. Just don't over do it. Hot baths with Epsom salts are nice too.
  • Stripeness
    Stripeness Posts: 511 Member
    First, GOOD JOB, recognizing you need to think about your food intake while pain is reducing your activity level. I mean that. Some years ago, I had back surgery, yet put on a ton of weight in the year preceding it, because it just didn't occur to me to reduce my food intake. I kept thinking it would get better and I'd be right back to my old levels of activity. So truly, kudos to you :-)

    Second, you might enjoy this article, which is very heartening if your activity level will be reduced for a while. Please don't think I'm calling you obese - the article title is a bit awkward, but the content is super. It's a bit long, but quite encouraging:

    Do what you can, when you can, and be kind to your self :flowerforyou:
  • jemjemjemjemjem
    Hi, thanks for the ideas :) I must admit I've never really looked into pilates, I always thought it was a bit too much like yoga and I hated yoga. Also due to the instability of my wrists and ankles I have to be careful with impact/ weight bearing activities. I'm looking forward to the weather warming up and then I'll be able to go swimming and walking again, unfortunately it gets too cold going in the winter which makes the joint pain worse. Never tried epsom salts, heard a lot about them, really should give it a go.

    I noticed I was getting very bloated with dairy products, and have been really pleased with how well that's gone down since switching to lactose free, I haven't noticed a reaction to any other foods though, but always worth keeping an eye on :) Glad you have some hope now, that makes so much difference :)

    I'll read through that article in the morning, I really should try and get some sleep before the kids are up wanting to play and have help with their homework. My head gets all foggy and it gets really hard to concentrate at times. How have you found things since the back surgery? I've had a decent physio for my back which helped a lot at the time, but the relief was short-lived.

    Take care
  • morganwelch165
    I have arthritis and scoliosis and I have trouble just getting up in the morning, I know how you feel. I just try my hardest to ignore the pain honestly. but it is present and effects my daily life. ive taken on exercising and healthy eating to help lower my weight and take some pressure off of my body
  • NevSylar
    NevSylar Posts: 3 Member
    Hi jem! I have chronic pain from an ovarian cyst which is the size of a baseball. I've done low carb diets before with no exercise at all and lost weight with no problem. Currently I'm doing low calorie and low carb with walking being the only exercise and have lost 14lbs in 2 weeks. I've never lost much with exercise so this is about the only thing that works for me. Wishing you all the luck on your journey.
  • jemjemjemjemjem
    Oh now I hate mornings too, so much effort to get up. It's not too bad for 3-4 days then it hits for a couple of days, and that's when I get really unmotivated and tend to reach for pre-made foods and snacks, which off course just makes the pain worse.

    Cysts are awful, I had one a few years ago, it showed up on an mri but by the time I had further scans it had gone. At the moment I'm just watching the calories, but some days I find it so hard to get up to 1200 and that's when I end up having things that are not so good for me. 14lbs is good going, I realised today I have lost the equivalent of my daughter when she was born

    good luck and take care