MFP Runner's Club 7/30

ali106 Posts: 3,754 Member
edited September 19 in Fitness and Exercise
Morning Sunshine's.....

Its been awhile since lil' o' Ali started up this thread! ....or has run actually LOL

But today I ran for the first time in over a week and I did 3.5 30 mins....not as bad as I thought I'd do...and I FEEL FANTASTIC!!!

I'm so motivated to start up my running again...funny how distractions can get in your way, like family visiting...etc...and then psyche you out that you don't like running LOL....

well here's hoping you all have a great run, rest or other day LOL....
hugs and woo hoo's!
Ali :drinker:


  • ali106
    ali106 Posts: 3,754 Member
    Morning Sunshine's.....

    Its been awhile since lil' o' Ali started up this thread! ....or has run actually LOL

    But today I ran for the first time in over a week and I did 3.5 30 mins....not as bad as I thought I'd do...and I FEEL FANTASTIC!!!

    I'm so motivated to start up my running again...funny how distractions can get in your way, like family visiting...etc...and then psyche you out that you don't like running LOL....

    well here's hoping you all have a great run, rest or other day LOL....
    hugs and woo hoo's!
    Ali :drinker:
  • kasch
    kasch Posts: 35
    i needed motivation............what timing. i'm leaving to go do 4 and i checked the weather..........94% humidity. yea! i'll let y'all know how it went!
  • i needed motivation............what timing. i'm leaving to go do 4 and i checked the weather..........94% humidity. yea! i'll let y'all know how it went!

    Good luck in that humidity! I met my running group at 5:30am for a speed workout, and it was about 95% humidity! One of the guys put it real well - "I feel like I'm running through a wet blanket!" Two water bottles and one dripping shirt later, we're finished. :)

    (Oops, just realized I wrote this from my husband's account ... this is Slender1!)
  • annhjk
    annhjk Posts: 794 Member
    Well, I did it - I signed up for the half marathon in town on September 7. I think if I can keep my pace down, I'll be able to do it. The last 3 races (5-10Ks) I did about 8:30 miles. I'm shooting for under 2 hours, but would really like to be able to just run the whole thing!

    I'm taking the day off running (I think). I haven't had a day off of exercise in 8 days, I think I"m due :tongue:
  • SherryRH
    SherryRH Posts: 810 Member
    annhjk, I think you can let it slide for one day. :laugh: Good luck with the 1/2 marathon in Sept. Our little running group is doing one in late Sept but I don't think I am ready. I haven't even tried to run 5 miles yet. I think we are shooting for that tomorrow.

    Today was a boot camp day so before it started, another running buddy and I did a 1 1/2 at 5:00 am before we started. Then after the 1 1/2 miles we did boot camp. I think she stayed behind to run some more but I was the driver of the car pool today so I could not stay and run some more.

    Hope everyone else had a great run today or a relaxing off day.
  • kasch
    kasch Posts: 35
    i made it.........and my hands are dry enough to type already!:happy:
    hubby did 4 with me and is out finishing his 6. marine corps marathon here we come!
    have a great day!
  • pmkelly409
    pmkelly409 Posts: 1,646 Member
    Good Morning Everyone!!

    Congrats on getting out there Ali!! I think this is the start of something beautiful for you! :heart:

    Ann - congrats on signing up for that 1/2! I need to do the same thing before all the races sell out.

    Kasch - nice run this am - I am so jealous that you have a hubby that runs too. My DH just runs from the fridge to his recliner - does that lap around the house all night long!! :laugh:

    I am off schedule this week due to my mom coming to visit, my kids having events they need to attend - I didn't run or do my strength class yesterday and couldn't get out of bed to run this morning. So I brought all my workout stuff with me and I am going to get to the gym tonight no matter what time it is. I already told my mom not to expect me for dinner!

    Have a great day everyone!!!
  • Shannon023
    Shannon023 Posts: 14,529 Member
    Good runs, everyone!! :drinker: :drinker:

    Rest day for me. :smile:
  • thalli1
    thalli1 Posts: 332 Member
    Good morning runners!

    Today my workout is cross training. I'm going to lift weights and do a little on the elliptical. My legs feel so much better after treading water yesterday. I really think that helps. My neighbor, the cross-country coach, told me that whenever his team finishes a long run, he takes them into the pool to help get their legs back. I know a lot of you guys are doing longer runs like me, so if you have the problem of your legs feeling dead afterwards, and you have access to a pool, you might want to try it. He said swimming, aqua jogging, or just treading water for 20 minutes to an hour will really bring them back, and after yesterday I think he's right.

    Tricia, good luck getting your workout in. I know how distractions can derail even the best of good intentions.

    Have a great day!
  • TNTPete
    TNTPete Posts: 701 Member
    Alright today was a 12 mile bike ride... went pretty well (the air (conditioning) blowing thru my hair, sweat dripping onto the mat, love the views - of wall, oh I know poor me; stationary biking and treadmills got me down today!!:laugh: oh well -- soon enough I'll be able to run in the park) oh and lots of stretching today.

    Happy trails!:flowerforyou:
  • lina1131
    lina1131 Posts: 2,246 Member
    Good job everyone!

    I plan on going in a couple of hours and will report back afterward.

    I really want to do 3 miles again today! :heart:
  • Shannon023
    Shannon023 Posts: 14,529 Member
    Good job everyone!

    I plan on going in a couple of hours and will report back afterward.

    I really want to do 3 miles again today! :heart:

    You can do it!! :drinker:
  • Well, I did it - I signed up for the half marathon in town on September 7. I think if I can keep my pace down, I'll be able to do it. The last 3 races (5-10Ks) I did about 8:30 miles. I'm shooting for under 2 hours, but would really like to be able to just run the whole thing!

    I'm taking the day off running (I think). I haven't had a day off of exercise in 8 days, I think I"m due :tongue:
    How exciting! Good for you. :flowerforyou:
  • Good job everyone!

    I plan on going in a couple of hours and will report back afterward.

    I really want to do 3 miles again today! :heart:
    Progressing well I see. Good for you, I know you can do it! :wink:
  • Well this morning went well and I actually made it out side! I didn't plan a big run, just glad to get out, but when I got out there I felt great, (Forest Gump day) and every time I reached a street I could turn on to head home, I just kept going strait.

    I knew it was a good day when my daughter stopped to walk at her first point and I kept going and then turned to run back to her and gave her a bottle of water and said I wont be walking today. Later she said she new I was going to go far by the way I took off.:happy:

    I thought it was going to be my longest run but I didn't map it first so I was a little shy of my longest 6.4 miles and went 6.2 miles. But the route I took made the last part really really tough and I had to really push myself. I don't know how but it made it almost all up hill my last 2 miles. When I would hit a flatter area, it was a relief, but then more hill would come quickly. Not big hills, just steady up hill grade for while. But I never walked And I did good time, not fast but I did it in 1 hour and about 12 minutes. The pace calculator said it was about 12:15 average. Counting my start walk and last houses walk.
  • food_junkie
    food_junkie Posts: 434
    Hello runners! Wow, today was one of those days I felt like I could've just kept going and as crazy! I got out and did 9 miles today! It was very much say the least haha! Anyways hope you all have good workouts/rests today!

    Happy hump day :smile:
  • dmor
    dmor Posts: 33
    I have settled into a good routine that is becoming a habit--but I'm trying to add running into it. On M/W/F, I always get up early and hit a 60 minute spinning class and then I follow the class with 45 minutes of weight training. At the conclusion of the weight training I jump in the pool and freestyle for 30 minutes. I have felt great doing this and like I said, it is becoming a routine. On T/Th/S I play in a morning basketball league and will typically play for two hours (full court). Each day I'm burning close to 1000 calories before 8am. I play in a basketball league Thursday evenings as well.

    The challenge I have run into is debating how to start adding runs into my plan. I run a lot playing basketball, but it is not the same as endurance running. It is a completely different workout--more of a speed workout and heart rate challenge than a steady endurance run. I have decided that if I'm to sprinkle runs into my plan--I need to do them M/W/F evenings. I don't have time to run in the mornings after my other workouts and T/Th/S are too hard to run after playing basketball. My hope if the swim on M/W/F will help my legs recover and the 13 hour break during these days is enough to feel charged up to run again. I tried this Monday evening with an easy jog. I went out for a 2 mile run at a comfortable 10 minute/mile pace. I felt pretty good during and after the run and I'm hoping to make this a new routine for the light run on these nights. So with that said, I will aim for 2 miles again today and update this post at the conclusion. :)
  • carvan
    carvan Posts: 377 Member
    Did 4 K this morning in my new (2nds pair) of shoes, with minimal toe numbness. XChanged from asics cumulus to Saucony Triumph. Think these are the ones. Will be going for orthotics tomorrow, so hoping this will solve my problem.

    Great runs everyone is doing. I feel silly reporting my 4K when you guys are doing miles!!

    Have a great day all!
  • jpritts
    jpritts Posts: 36
    Hey everyone. I got out ealy today to beat the heat. I ran my normal 5 k course. My legs felt more stressed today, and I don't know why. Maybe because I ran last evening at around 6:00, and had a quick turn around at 9:00 this morning. I might take tomorrow off to give the ole boys some rest.

    Good runs everyone. Keep it up.
  • mlillie
    mlillie Posts: 302
    Going for a run today after work- plan to do another 4.5 miles if all goes well. Then off to yoga to stretch it all out.
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