recovering alcoholic, ready to change

hey guys!
so I am two months into recovery, and I finally feel ready to tackle my weight and my sobriety at once. I gained a lot of weight when i started heavily drinking and eating, but being only 22 I know I can get back my 143 pound (5'8") body. Feel free to add me!


  • AestheticStar
    AestheticStar Posts: 447 Member
    Congrats on your recovery, very proud to hear that. :) You'll definitely achieve this, no doubts about it. If you want, feel free to add me. I'll try to help if you have any questions or need to talk. :)
  • nytrifisoul
    nytrifisoul Posts: 500 Member
  • Samuraiko
    Samuraiko Posts: 180 Member
    From one alkie to another, good for you. The single best advice I can give you to is this, so take it for what it's worth.

    It gets easier. :)

    And be prepared to really start seeing this a lot more clearly now, including your own potential!

    Brightest blessings!
  • 04ward
    04ward Posts: 196 Member
    Very proud of the steps you are making to turn your life around! It's not easy but one day at a time and you can do it. You are young and have a whole life ahead of you and so much to look forward to! Congrats!
  • vjohn04
    vjohn04 Posts: 2,276 Member
    Options day at a time!

  • I like to drink beer myself. I'm trying to stay away from it now though. The calories consumed with drinking alcohol itself aren't good. But also the unhealthy life style of being hung over not wanting to work out and reach for what ever crap to just fill (lfast food) This is my own experience I can't speak for you. The idea of setting weight goals and achieving them is a physical reminder of what I'm are doing. Also anyone that looks at me will know I'm making an active changes. I think having a structure like cataloging your caloric intake and documenting you positive changes will show you how far you will go.I know it's a good idea to stay mindful of all this. I wish you the best of luck.
  • ccmzone2013
    ccmzone2013 Posts: 177 Member
    One day at a time...Been in your shoes four years ago! Two years sober :) Keep up the amazing work! Before you know it you will achieve your dreams and goals :)

    all the best!
  • selmaphilbrick
    selmaphilbrick Posts: 9 Member
    Congrats on your sobriety, and new lifestyle change. I wish you the best of luck!! Keep reaching out for is key in your success ;)
  • spacelump
    spacelump Posts: 233 Member
    Welcome and congrats on all your recent changes and those to come!
  • Just keep a good balance. Don't put all your eggs in one basket. . That's something I still haven't fully developed yet. - Go slow.
  • bearkisses
    bearkisses Posts: 1,252 Member
    you can and will do this <3
  • Wildberry124
    Congrats!! Good luck on the weight loss :smile: