finally focused

My profile pic is probably me at my heaviest, I had stopped weighing myself, but the most the scale read was 353, I was wearing a size 52 pant and that shirt is a 5x. I bought a dog about 11 months ago and we started walking 1-3 miles/day but I was still eating like I had always, I won't go into details but I'll say 1 large pizza want an issue for me. Even with that, Just adding some exercise I saw my waist shrink to a 48 and my shirt to a 3x. I'm started my fitness pal about 10 days ago and I'm down another 8 pounds from when I started to 326. I'm starting couch to 5k and hope to run my first 5k in the spring with the goal of doing a mini iron man by the end of the summer. My goal is to weigh 200 lbs again (it's been 14 years) be fit and able to really enjoy my kids. I hope I can reach this goal in 2014, but if it takes longer ok, it took me 14 years to end up like this.

Hello to all and thanks in advance for all the knowledge you share on here.

- Monsoon


  • xjoseyx
    xjoseyx Posts: 74
    Good luck to you! Im finally focused after being told I have to lose 55lbs to start before i can get pregnant and have a healthy pregnancy. we're a similar weight :)
  • sigridolsen
    sigridolsen Posts: 33 Member
    Wow… an ironman that fast? Good luck… I am just focusing on swimming 4 km and running 5 km by spring. My goal is an ironman in 2015.
  • RillaMonsoon
    RillaMonsoon Posts: 20 Member
    Sorry, i meant a mini triathlon, not iron man.