Better late than never

Hi everyone - my name is Linda and I have been overweight my entire adult life. Like many I have tried many, many times to lose weight with varying degrees of success. I have never been successful in keeping off what I lost. Spring 2013 I was feeling so bad physically I knew I needed to go to the doctor. I was getting out of breath just getting dressed and had not been to the doctor in probably 10 years. After numerous visits and referrals I found out that I had very high blood pressure, diabetes and serious heart disease. No wonder I felt so crappy! I decided that day if I wanted to live I needed to make changes. I did some reading and research on how to eat when you have cardiac and blood sugar problems and changed what I was eating. I still wasn't worrying too much about quantity but more about what foods to eat. I have been a fast food junky all my life and gave that up. During 2013 I lost 30 pounds from May through December just from the changes in what I was eating. For 2014 I decided I had what to eat down pretty well and needed to focus on how much I was eating. I read it can be very helpful to track what you eat and a friend told me about FP. After checking out the site I decided to use it to track my eating and portions. I lost 4 lbs. the first week of weighing and measuring my food and sticking with 1800 calories. I feel more committed than I ever have in my life to make a permanent change to my behavior. On my last visit to the cardiologist, my A1C was 5.9 which is the high end of the normal range, my BP was 110/80 and my ejection fraction had improved from 30% to 50%. With that big improvement in my ejection fraction I no longer need to have a defibrillator implanted. My health is much better than it was 8 months ago due to the changes I made and the meds that I am taking for my cardiac issues and blood pressure. I did not have to take any meds for the diabetes because I was able to get my A1C down just with diet. I know to maintain these changes and to keep from ending up back where I was, I need to make this a lifestyle and not just a temporary diet. Good luck to everyone fighting the same battles.


  • bohojourney
    bohojourney Posts: 22 Member
    Linda - never too late...great changes you have made wow! one day at a time, wishing you a successful journey THANK YOU :smile:
  • kamakazeekim
    kamakazeekim Posts: 1,183 Member
    Congratulations on the healthy lifestyle changes! It can be a challenge to completely change everything in order to be healthy but it is one of the best gifts you can give yourself!
  • TishaJoi
    Congrats on your success!!! It is very commendable that you have made these changes in your life and shows how small changes in your lifestyle can have major impacts on your life! I encourage you to keep up and continue to improve your quality of life! I am sure your testimony will inspire others to also take control of their lifestyles and pay attention to what they put in their mouths. LOL
  • besaro
    besaro Posts: 1,858 Member
    great job for taking control! you got this!
  • laceyfowler
    laceyfowler Posts: 127 Member
    Welcome! And, great work on making positive/healthy changes so far! Being a part of the MFP community can be so helpful in your health and weight loss journey :-)

    Remember that no matter what you post, there will be people who agree and people who disagree with you - listen to criticisms but don't take them personally :-) The support far outweighs the detractors from what I've experienced on here! Also remember that although lots of people will give advice, most of it will be from personal experience and may or may not generalize to you (or be completely factual in its presentation)... again, take the good, but just remember to take it with a grain of salt :-)

    It's great that you have a doctor you're working with - if you see things on here you're not sure about, or you want to try but they are big changes for you, run it by your doctor just to make sure it's a good fit for you!

    There's so much to be gained from being on MFP - the easy tracking of food and exercise is a great benefit, as is the wonderful community you'll find on here. I hope you enjoy your time here as you work toward greater health and quality of life :-)
  • 1yoyoKAT
    1yoyoKAT Posts: 206 Member
    Welcome Linda! It's never too late to change your life! I am in my 50's and have made a huge positive impact on my health by changing what I eat. Sounds like you are already well on your way, keep up your motivation and commitment! :flowerforyou:
  • larnsperger
    larnsperger Posts: 161 Member
    Welcome Linda! It is never too late to make positive changes for better health. Great job on the changes you have made so far. No small feat to tackle sugar and heart issues.
    Keep up the good work:)
  • jeansuza
    jeansuza Posts: 148 Member
    Linda, I've lost a lot of weight and feel so much better. Changing one's lifestyle takes time and dedication but you are on the right track. Here, you'll meet fantastic people that will become your friends... Welcome home!
  • melodylou
    melodylou Posts: 22 Member
    Welcome, and thanks for sharing your story. I am inspired.