Boyfriend Away 4 Nights A Week



  • soleimana
    I haven't seen my Army husband in 8 months and it's gonna be another 4 until I do. I'm not going to whine about how much worse it is, though -- I remember the first evening I was on my own, and it sucked majorly.

    Things to look forward to:
    - Space in the bed. No random sweating individuals.
    - You can watch whatever you want on Netflix. You can even serial-watch something and pretend you haven't seen it and watch it again with him.
    - You can get up early and do exercises without waking someone up!
    - You can cook things that have very strong smells and flavours.
    - You can eat weird combinations of things without being judged.
    - .....You can do anything you want without being judged, basically.

  • cynforgiven
    i love all the great advice everyone has had. My situation is sort of similar. I work a rotating 4 on, 2 off schedule working night shift (11p-7a) with a 45 min commute and hubby works regular business hours M-F with occaisional overtime on the weekends (usually volunteered for in order to let me sleep if I'm working). Even though we live in the same house we may go 4 or 5 days without really seeing/spending face time with each other due to work/sleep schedules.

    To the OP - it does get lonely, but it IS doable. It's kinda nice that I can do my workouts without worrying if I'm bothering him, I can go for a walk early in the morning before traffic gets too heavy before getting some sleep, etc. I'm looking forward to being able to try cooking new stuff without having to accomodate his likes and dislikes. Having just moved i still need to unpack and find homes for the pots and pans and dishes before i can actually go grocery shopping, but I'm still working on staying with my eating plan and logging my food. (I did make sure to get the elliptical in place so I can now work off the fast food we've been living on while moving :happy: ) Luckily, too, I found the "moving household items" option to log in the cardio workouts so that's been helpful too :laugh:

    Hope it all works out for you. Feel free to friend request me if you need some extra support :glasses:

    EDIT: Just realized you started the thread last January (the 2013 didn't register when I read it, i guess).
    How are things going for you? What worked and didn't? Would love to get an update from you if possible :blushing: