Punishing myself with exercise in order to eat more


When I first came here, I decided to eat my TDEE -20/25% (about 1800 calories). Then I felt that I wasn't losing quickly enough (which is ridiculous because I only did it for a week or two), and I switched to MFP's method. I've been doing it for a week, and I've been obsessing over exercise, burning 400 or more calories per day so I can eat a normal amount. I've also been eating terribly. Yes, I know that junk food is fine, but I'm actually avoiding certain foods that I normally love.

My question is, has anyone experienced this feeling of punishing yourself with exercise to eat more calories?

And the more obvious question: Should I just shut up, stick with TDEE -20-25% and exercise?


  • IMO, you need to break with the idea of eating more. Do the TDEE - 20 % and stick with that. Exercising more so you can eat more just puts you in a cycle where you never really learn to control how much you eat.
  • besaro
    besaro Posts: 1,858 Member
    its not a punishment but a reward for me.
  • Calliope610
    Calliope610 Posts: 3,780 Member
    I exercise for the health benefits of better physical condition. Extra calories is just a bonus.
  • ladonnanorman
    ladonnanorman Posts: 3 Member
    The only time it's okay to eat more is if it's healthy portions, healthy foods and spread through out the day. Exercise is imperative either way if you want to lose fast. Done this way is a life changer and something you can stick to.
  • its not a punishment but a reward for me.

    Yeah, and I think it works for a lot of people. I really enjoy exercise, but some crazy stuff happens when I start to think of exercise as a way to eat a normal amount of food.
  • summertime_girl
    summertime_girl Posts: 3,945 Member
    I have calculated the margarita per mile rate for running. A 10 mi run means I can indulge guilt-free :)
  • Thanks, guys. Very helpful. :)
  • Sorry whats TDEE?
  • GlitterrMagpie
    GlitterrMagpie Posts: 302 Member
    I have calculated the margarita per mile rate for running. A 10 mi run means I can indulge guilt-free :)

    :laugh: I run for wine
  • Serena, you keep saying you're doing it to eat a normal amount of food. 1800 calories is a normal amount of food. The average person is going to eat/need 1500 - 2100 calories. If you're a woman you're going to be at the lower end of that in most cases. You need to get over the idea of a "normal" amount of food.
  • Serena, you keep saying you're doing it to eat a normal amount of food. 1800 calories is a normal amount of food. The average person is going to eat/need 1500 - 2100 calories. If you're a woman you're going to be at the lower end of that in most cases. You need to get over the idea of a "normal" amount of food.

    Of, for sure! I do think 1800 is normal. I should have specified that MFP set me up with 1200 net, which to me is not a normal amount of food. I agree with you. Thanks! :)
  • I think you are taking in too many calories. The average woman should have 1200 per day in order to loose weight. Try lowering your caloric intake.
  • Sorry whats TDEE?

    Total Daily Energy Expenditure, or the amount of calories you burn per day based on your age, height, weight, and activity level.
  • Springfield1970
    Springfield1970 Posts: 1,945 Member
    I train for health and fitness, keep depression out and to do triathlons and date hot guys.

    I'm not ashamed to admit I also train for wine, pasta and meals like I used to eat.

    1750 worth of food is psychologically just not enough for me. That's my maintenance but I ate 2500-3000 for decades. I miss it.
  • kelly_e_montana
    kelly_e_montana Posts: 1,999 Member

    When I first came here, I decided to eat my TDEE -20/25% (about 1800 calories). Then I felt that I wasn't losing quickly enough (which is ridiculous because I only did it for a week or two), and I switched to MFP's method. I've been doing it for a week, and I've been obsessing over exercise, burning 400 or more calories per day so I can eat a normal amount. I've also been eating terribly. Yes, I know that junk food is fine, but I'm actually avoiding certain foods that I normally love.

    My question is, has anyone experienced this feeling of punishing yourself with exercise to eat more calories?

    And the more obvious question: Should I just shut up, stick with TDEE -20-25% and exercise?

    Yes, I would hardly say 400 calories is "punishing yourself." ??? I eat 2100+ calories per day but I exercise about 8-12 hours per week. However, I do activities I love so it's not punishment; it's part of a lifestyle I enjoy.
  • QuietBloom
    QuietBloom Posts: 5,413 Member
    Part of the mental block for you is thinking of exercise as punishment. That's awful and negative and will not help you long-term.

    Diet is for weight management, whether trying to lose, increase or maintain and for nutrition.

    Exercise is for body recomposition and for general health and well-being.

    The two are pretty much unrelated. Although, many people pair them because they work together well. But, they don't have to. You can lose, gain, or maintain weight without exercise. And, you can exercise without giving two sh*ts about nutrition.

    The flaw with MFP, if you want to think of it that way, is the way they've paired the two things. For someone like you, it creates a bad relationship with dieting, in general, and sets you up for failure with exercise because you view it as punishment and a means to eat more.

    I highly recommend you go back to the TDEE method and eat, train, and progress. There is a group here by the same name, you should check them out.

    Excellent post! :drinker:
  • QuietBloom
    QuietBloom Posts: 5,413 Member
    I think you are taking in too many calories. The average woman should have 1200 per day in order to loose weight. Try lowering your caloric intake.

    No. Do not listen to this.
    NRSPAM Posts: 961 Member
    " just shut up, stick with TDEE -20-25% and exercise"

    yep, and be patient. Took me 10 months to lose 50 pounds but it was worth it because it won't come back now

    ^^^This! :))) Exercise is great, but constantly obsessing over it just so you don't have to feel hungry is craziness. Do it because it's good for you. Find something you like, and do it. TDEE -20% works. Just make sure you're not underloging food, or overlogging your exercise. Weigh your foods, particularly the high calorie ones, like salad dressings and peanut butter, meat, etc... I don't typically weigh veggies, if they're very low in calories, like if I have an extra 1/4 cup of lettuce, it's maybe 5 calories, so no biggie there. :) Just be patient. Stressing over your weight will only cause your body to hold onto that fat even more. Also, if you're not losing weight, you could be losing inches. Get a tape measure and use it. ;)
  • jennibear22
    jennibear22 Posts: 95 Member
    I think you are taking in too many calories. The average woman should have 1200 per day in order to loose weight. Try lowering your caloric intake.

    This might be the worst advice I have ever read. Please don't follow this.

    NRSPAM Posts: 961 Member
    I think you are taking in too many calories. The average woman should have 1200 per day in order to loose weight. Try lowering your caloric intake.

    OMG NO!!!! I'm 5'3", and I eat 1,700-2,000 calories/day, maybe more depending on my activity. Don't damage your metabolism and torture yourself listening to this! Stick with TDEE -20% ;) Lift weights, or even body weight if you must, and get your cardio in too. ;)