Lost of excitement

Hello MFP community,

I'm not used to posting my struggles on post, as sometimes I feel that everyone else has enough on their plate, but I'm really looking for opinions, suggestions, and/or their perspective that can help me find that excitement I once had on this journey.

I would think that being 4 days away from completing P90X, I would be filled with excitement about this accomplishment. That is not the case, this week I have dreaded every single day having to work out. I continue to do the workouts and run with my dog everyday, so it has not stopped me from working out. I just figured I would be feeling differently being so close to this accomplishment.

As of 11/13 I have lost 22lbs, on this program and it has been an accomplishment I am very proud of. I am not done as I continue to start Round 2 once I am finished.

Am I just drained from the monotony of the routine, I'm focusing on the wrong things....?


  • laurenbausch
    Finish P90X, and then switch up your workouts. Go to Walmart and pick out a couple of different DVDs. Go hiking, kayaking, rollerskating. . .Anything to keep moving!!! You're doing far better than I am.

    Congratulations on your weight loss!!!
  • celeste2u
    I am going to repeat what someone told me when I was lacking motivation. "Fake it til you make it!"

    I did exactly that and a couple weeks later I am back to my positive self and look forward to working out.

    Just keep on keeping on and you will get back to that place where you enjoy making the changes you have been making.

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  • Sharonbed4d
    Wow, you have done great with weight loss and doing P90X! That is a great accomplishment. Maybe you need to change things up and do something different for a few weeks before you start round 2? Also having a workout partner helps if that is possible.
  • Buckeyt
    Buckeyt Posts: 473 Member
    Completeing P90X is a huge accomplishment. Congrats on that. I'm on day 59 of Round 3 and am in the best shape of my life at 41.

    Sounds like you need a mental break as much as anything. My advice, and what I do between rounds is take at least another "recovery week". Pick a couple workouts like Core Synergistics, and maybe Kenpo X, plan those for some time during that extra week then spend some time running with the dog. Maybe throw in Yoga X, at least the first 45 mintues of it. In general take it easy. I know I need a bit of time to get psyched back up for a new round.

    What also helps me with keeping it fresh is getting some new workouts. Sometime you need to do something besides Plyo X or Kenpo X. I love to spend other people's money for them so I'd be happy to suggest some of the workouts I sub in. :smile:

    Remember, about 10% of the people that start P90X, actually finish the program so you are in an elite group so be proud of that!

  • meggonkgonk
    meggonkgonk Posts: 2,066 Member
    I don't do P90X but it seems like a pretty extreme/intense workout. I have been running and getting into distance running (on account of being too cheap for gym/dvds) but just a thought you might incorporate from those programs: Take a rest week once in a while. Not a complete week off- that would be too immediate and sudden etc etc. But I'm working up to a half marathon, and my "long runs" gradually increase each week. 6 mile. 7 mile. but then the third week my programs suggest I go back to 4mile for my long run and incorporate an extra rest/stretch day instead of one of my runs. It seems a little counter intuitive, but it really has helped me push myself. Maybe you need your own version of a rest week so your body can more fully recover?
  • sallyLunn
    I'm with those guys, do something else for a while. You are having a little burnout. Just don't "do nothing". That would be sad.
  • jmmtaylor
    I get extremely board with the DVD's. That's why I have a ton of them. I will do one for a few weeks and get tired of that so I start doing something else. It's really easy to get bored with TurboJam over and over again. So, I'll throw in my Jillian Michaels DVD a few days and then get back to TurboJam.

    I would do something else for a week and then maybe do round 2 and if you are still not feeling it don't do it...find something else until your ready for round 2. I can't do p90x, well the push ups anyway...bad wrist.
  • doncheco
    Thanks for all the feedback, much appreciated.
  • Sweet13_Princess
    Sweet13_Princess Posts: 1,207 Member
    I go through cycles of this as well. One of the worst things to do is to quit exercising altogether... .I did that for a year and put all of my weight back on!

    It sounds like you've accomplished a lot and have the motivation to be successful, but that you're just getting tired of the same old routine. I agree with the suggestions posted above. If this particular workout is not enjoyable for you, don't wait. Ditch it before you lose the momentem and try something new.

    The main thing.... just keep moving and find something that you love! It won't seem so tedious then!

  • ErinMarie25
    ErinMarie25 Posts: 733 Member
    I completely understand. I am doing Turbo Fire and sometimes I am not up to it, but I get up and DO IT like I am supposed to. Great job so far with p90x! You're doing great!