Looking for Friends on Ideal Protein diet



  • I started the Ideal Protein program a week ago today. I had my first weigh in today - I lost 9.6 pounds in 7 days!!!! WOW!!! However, I know that isn't gonna be sustainable weekly loss amount but it was so encouraging to see such results! In context, I had a cold for the first two days of the program which in turn revealed that I have bronchitis - so, I took some Nyquil and DayQuil to lessen the hacking fits that would attack me (probably the syrupyness and sugar that were no doubt in there held back some potential loss) . I also omitted 5 out of 7 of the snacks because by the end of the day, I had finished all my meals according to the plan and had no hunger or energy to motivate me to make the puddings as a snack. Anyway, I am extremely pleased with this program - it absolutely works! I should add that I experienced none of the headaches or nauseous feelings that are common with the first 3 days of this program - thankfully the symptoms of my cold masked any of the effects that may have occurred them :) I should add that I am a 17 year old female who started at 176.6 pounds (heaviest of my life!!) and am down to 167! Can't wait to see myself at my goal of 120! I wish everyone in their health and weight loss endeavours the best!!! Have a great day everyone!
  • Let me start by saying I know nothing about this diet. That said, it sounds like another low carb-ish high protein diet. Regardless, losing five pounds in day or two, is mostly water, and it will come back after your next day or two of normal carbohydrate consumption.

    This sounds like a waste of money to me. Protein is great, and I recommend a high protein diet, but i don't recommend spending lots of money on "protein packets." Other than that...eat your carbs, eat your fats, and eat your protein....watch your calories, and exercise. Dropping 4 pounds of water isn't a long term solution to weight loss!

    Best of luck to everyone! ! !

    This a thousand times over. I know I've repeated myself in this conversation, but eat in moderation, in balance, and with a calorie deficit, and you will lose weight slowly and healthily.

    I don't believe that anyone asked for your opinion. And it is very closed minded to assume what works for you works for everyone.

    This diet works really well for many people who have built up insulin resistance by years of overdosing on carbs and sugar.

    Phase 1 is complete elimination of carbs which are gradually added back in after you reach your goal weight. The point is to retrain your pancreas to release appropriate amounts of insulin when carbs are consumed because excess insulin = weight gain.

    So please, unless the topic is "What are your opinions on this diet?" Perhaps keep them to yourself and let others achieve their goals the way they see fit, free from unasked for negativity.
  • thefithairista
    thefithairista Posts: 25 Member
    I received Ideal Protein from my ex-mother in law for Christmas. Apparently, she's just not disciplined enough to do this diet. (I say that, because she's tried everything and gives up) So, I am starting this tomorrow :) I would love any friends who are on it and who are supportive. Feel free to add me!

  • jeannineburnett
    jeannineburnett Posts: 2 Member
    I was on this diet from June 2012 till Oct 2012. In that time I lost 33 lbs and felt amazing. Within the last year, 20 of those pounds have crept back on and it is time to get it back together. I've called, made an appt Thursday to get my weigh in and measurements. I was just going to start then, but then I woke up this morning feeling like there is no time like the present!!! So here I go - goal is 20 lbs by the time I go to Mexico in February.
  • vjohn04
    vjohn04 Posts: 2,276 Member
    This sounds like a really expensive VLC starvation type diet.
    What happens when you stop taking the 'protein packs'?
    Not the brightest idea...

    Might be more cost effective and healthier to eat at a moderate caloric deficit to include plenty of proteins. This seems to work for quite a few people I know, plus it's sustainable in the long run.

    Good luck on your journey!
  • smagnan
    smagnan Posts: 53 Member
    I started the program the Wednesday after Labor Day I ended Phase I just before Christmas, I had lost 37.8 pounds and over 44 inches. I've lost fat in places that I've never I could lose!! I did indulge over the holiday and gained 0.2 pounds but I'm back in Phase I for one more week, to cleanse and then I'll phase through properly this time.
    I can't lie the first week was miserable, I had headaches and went to be hungry but once I started drinking the Ideal salt in water first thing in the morning the headaches went away and the fat started melting away!

    Good luck!!
  • If you do not follow ALL the phases of this diet, you can expect to gain the weight back. Once you reach the phase 4 you must stay on it, not go into the mode of, "well I lost the weight now I can eat a half of pizza" You do that, expect to gain. This is a lifestyle change and a process to achieve your goals. There are alternative products that you can buy that are IP quality just half the price. I have been able to go out to restaurants and eat with friends by making changes in what I typically ordered in the past.

    Ladies, I know you can reach your goals if you really set your mind to it.
  • Sreneesa
    Sreneesa Posts: 1,170 Member
    Sounds like a way to not be on a sustainable diet.

    People that do these diets fail in the long run because they do not know how to function off of normal food

    I'm seeing that based on looking at several profiles and seeing no progress, no more comments, or weight ticker still the same. lol
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,420 MFP Moderator
    Let me start by saying I know nothing about this diet. That said, it sounds like another low carb-ish high protein diet. Regardless, losing five pounds in day or two, is mostly water, and it will come back after your next day or two of normal carbohydrate consumption.

    This sounds like a waste of money to me. Protein is great, and I recommend a high protein diet, but i don't recommend spending lots of money on "protein packets." Other than that...eat your carbs, eat your fats, and eat your protein....watch your calories, and exercise. Dropping 4 pounds of water isn't a long term solution to weight loss!

    Best of luck to everyone! ! !

    This a thousand times over. I know I've repeated myself in this conversation, but eat in moderation, in balance, and with a calorie deficit, and you will lose weight slowly and healthily.

    I don't believe that anyone asked for your opinion. And it is very closed minded to assume what works for you works for everyone.

    This diet works really well for many people who have built up insulin resistance by years of overdosing on carbs and sugar.

    Phase 1 is complete elimination of carbs which are gradually added back in after you reach your goal weight. The point is to retrain your pancreas to release appropriate amounts of insulin when carbs are consumed because excess insulin = weight gain.

    So please, unless the topic is "What are your opinions on this diet?" Perhaps keep them to yourself and let others achieve their goals the way they see fit, free from unasked for negativity.

    Public forums allow people post opinions regardless if the question is directly asked. I cant tell you how many people I have put on a good and healthy plan by intervening in a thread. A lot of the time, the OP doesn't always know the right question to ask. So by others asking other question or providing recommendations/experience, it provides much greater value than just agreeing with the post, especially when 98% of the post for their first post.

    The fact is, the original statement wasn't condoning the style of diet but specifically the products. You can the EAS program, which is the same thing, for probably 1/3 the cost. There isn't anything special about ideal protein. And while no one likes to believe that what they are doing is not necessary, you can achieve the same results with a basic low carb diet. Many of our forum PCOS women maintain carbs between 50-100g and eat foods high in fats and protein. Some find keto diets to be very beneficial. If you want to continue the ideal protein diet, great, but there are alternatives that are much cheaper.
  • Let me start by saying I know nothing about this diet. That said, it sounds like another low carb-ish high protein diet. Regardless, losing five pounds in day or two, is mostly water, and it will come back after your next day or two of normal carbohydrate consumption.

    This sounds like a waste of money to me. Protein is great, and I recommend a high protein diet, but i don't recommend spending lots of money on "protein packets." Other than that...eat your carbs, eat your fats, and eat your protein....watch your calories, and exercise. Dropping 4 pounds of water isn't a long term solution to weight loss!

    Best of luck to everyone! ! !

    This a thousand times over. I know I've repeated myself in this conversation, but eat in moderation, in balance, and with a calorie deficit, and you will lose weight slowly and healthily.

    I don't believe that anyone asked for your opinion. And it is very closed minded to assume what works for you works for everyone.

    This diet works really well for many people who have built up insulin resistance by years of overdosing on carbs and sugar.

    Phase 1 is complete elimination of carbs which are gradually added back in after you reach your goal weight. The point is to retrain your pancreas to release appropriate amounts of insulin when carbs are consumed because excess insulin = weight gain.

    So please, unless the topic is "What are your opinions on this diet?" Perhaps keep them to yourself and let others achieve their goals the way they see fit, free from unasked for negativity.

    Public forums allow people post opinions regardless if the question is directly asked. I cant tell you how many people I have put on a good and healthy plan by intervening in a thread. A lot of the time, the OP doesn't always know the right question to ask. So by others asking other question or providing recommendations/experience, it provides much greater value than just agreeing with the post, especially when 98% of the post for their first post.

    The fact is, the original statement wasn't condoning the style of diet but specifically the products. You can the EAS program, which is the same thing, for probably 1/3 the cost. There isn't anything special about ideal protein. And while no one likes to believe that what they are doing is not necessary, you can achieve the same results with a basic low carb diet. Many of our forum PCOS women maintain carbs between 50-100g and eat foods high in fats and protein. Some find keto diets to be very beneficial. If you want to continue the ideal protein diet, great, but there are alternatives that are much cheaper.

    I'm not on the Ideal Protein diet but I am following a similar plan using alternative products and real foods. I do keep up with the IP message board on 3FC which is a very active community. There are many people in maintenance that have lost tens to hundreds of pounds in a very short amount of time and kept it off for years.

    It bothers me when people dismiss a diet plan without having any working knowledge of the particulars of said plan. There is a lot of mindless negativity going on in this thread.

    Yes, it is ridiculously expensive to follow the plan but some people need the intense structure it gives to break deeply ingrained patterns of destructive eating.

    This diet works for people and I wish people would research before being so dismissive.
  • shortt123
    shortt123 Posts: 39 Member
    Hello everyone, I found a diet similar to the ideal protein diet & would like to begin the plan tomorrow. I'm hoping this diet will help me lose 25 pounds, along with exercise. How much have you lost each week on your diet plan that is also similar to ideal protein? What is your diet anyway? Protein shakes, vegetables & protein bar 1 a day? My plan is like this. Also, what is this salt water a.m drink for??
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,420 MFP Moderator
    Let me start by saying I know nothing about this diet. That said, it sounds like another low carb-ish high protein diet. Regardless, losing five pounds in day or two, is mostly water, and it will come back after your next day or two of normal carbohydrate consumption.

    This sounds like a waste of money to me. Protein is great, and I recommend a high protein diet, but i don't recommend spending lots of money on "protein packets." Other than that...eat your carbs, eat your fats, and eat your protein....watch your calories, and exercise. Dropping 4 pounds of water isn't a long term solution to weight loss!

    Best of luck to everyone! ! !

    This a thousand times over. I know I've repeated myself in this conversation, but eat in moderation, in balance, and with a calorie deficit, and you will lose weight slowly and healthily.

    I don't believe that anyone asked for your opinion. And it is very closed minded to assume what works for you works for everyone.

    This diet works really well for many people who have built up insulin resistance by years of overdosing on carbs and sugar.

    Phase 1 is complete elimination of carbs which are gradually added back in after you reach your goal weight. The point is to retrain your pancreas to release appropriate amounts of insulin when carbs are consumed because excess insulin = weight gain.

    So please, unless the topic is "What are your opinions on this diet?" Perhaps keep them to yourself and let others achieve their goals the way they see fit, free from unasked for negativity.

    Public forums allow people post opinions regardless if the question is directly asked. I cant tell you how many people I have put on a good and healthy plan by intervening in a thread. A lot of the time, the OP doesn't always know the right question to ask. So by others asking other question or providing recommendations/experience, it provides much greater value than just agreeing with the post, especially when 98% of the post for their first post.

    The fact is, the original statement wasn't condoning the style of diet but specifically the products. You can the EAS program, which is the same thing, for probably 1/3 the cost. There isn't anything special about ideal protein. And while no one likes to believe that what they are doing is not necessary, you can achieve the same results with a basic low carb diet. Many of our forum PCOS women maintain carbs between 50-100g and eat foods high in fats and protein. Some find keto diets to be very beneficial. If you want to continue the ideal protein diet, great, but there are alternatives that are much cheaper.

    I'm not on the Ideal Protein diet but I am following a similar plan using alternative products and real foods. I do keep up with the IP message board on 3FC which is a very active community. There are many people in maintenance that have lost tens to hundreds of pounds in a very short amount of time and kept it off for years.

    It bothers me when people dismiss a diet plan without having any working knowledge of the particulars of said plan. There is a lot of mindless negativity going on in this thread.

    Yes, it is ridiculously expensive to follow the plan but some people need the intense structure it gives to break deeply ingrained patterns of destructive eating.

    This diet works for people and I wish people would research before being so dismissive.

    No one is dismissing the diet.. we know it works. All diet plans work because it works on a calorie deficit. We are saying it's unnecessary as you can get the same results from just counting calories and educating yourself on the macronutrients. In the end, if you do not educate yourself, you won't have long term success. Besides, this is pretty much the same program as the EAS body for life program that has been around for years and I can bet EAS is a lot cheaper.

    In the end, people can pay for whatever they want but if they want a free education and want to learn how to make proper food choices based on their workout needs, then they can spend some time on MFP. Essentially, the keys to success is all diet adherence.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,420 MFP Moderator
    Hello everyone, I found a diet similar to the ideal protein diet & would like to begin the plan tomorrow. I'm hoping this diet will help me lose 25 pounds, along with exercise. How much have you lost each week on your diet plan that is also similar to ideal protein? What is your diet anyway? Protein shakes, vegetables & protein bar 1 a day? My plan is like this. Also, what is this salt water a.m drink for??

    Here is what you should be aiming for per week, keeping in mind that you can lose some water weight the first week or two.

    If you have 75+ lbs to lose 2 lbs/week is ideal,
    If you have 40-75 lbs to lose 1.5 lbs/week is ideal,
    If you have 25-40 lbs to lose 1 lbs/week is ideal,
    If you have 15 -25 lbs to lose 0.5 to 1.0 lbs/week is ideal, and
    If you have less than 15 lbs to lose 0.5 lbs/week is ideal.

    How many calories are you planning on eating?
  • PamRenard
    PamRenard Posts: 3 Member
    If you cut out your sugar, you will loose. I did IP for 4 months and loved it! I was very successful
  • Phoenix_Warrior
    Phoenix_Warrior Posts: 1,633 Member
    If you cut out your sugar, you will loose. I did IP for 4 months and loved it! I was very successful

    Or you could not and just eat at a moderate deficit and lose...
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,420 MFP Moderator
    If you cut out your sugar, you will loose. I did IP for 4 months and loved it! I was very successful

    Cutting sugar by itself doesn't cause weight loss. Also, sugar isn't bad for you. The only thing that causes fat loss is a calorie deficit. If you lower sugar, which in turn cuts calories, leads to weight loss.
  • sleddy54
    sleddy54 Posts: 2 Member
    It actually is not that simple for some people. Years of high sugar and carb diet leads to insulin resistance. This makes your body move fatty acids into your fat cells for storage. Key for theses people is to avoid all sugars, including complex carbs, as that spikes insulin release. That's why ideal protein works so well. Exercise not key in this process.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,420 MFP Moderator
    It actually is not that simple for some people. Years of high sugar and carb diet leads to insulin resistance. This makes your body move fatty acids into your fat cells for storage. Key for theses people is to avoid all sugars, including complex carbs, as that spikes insulin release. That's why ideal protein works so well. Exercise not key in this process.

    Sugar in itself doens't lead to insulin resistance but if you have some research on it, I would love to see it. It's probably a better correlation that obesity and poor body composition that has lead to insulin resistance. Also, it's impossible to avoid sugar. It's a carb and in tons of foods.. especially fruit.
  • twixlepennie
    twixlepennie Posts: 1,074 Member
    If you cut out your sugar, you will loose. I did IP for 4 months and loved it! I was very successful

    Cutting sugar by itself doesn't cause weight loss. Also, sugar isn't bad for you. The only thing that causes fat loss is a calorie deficit. If you lower sugar, which in turn cuts calories, leads to weight loss.

  • I started IP on 11/1/13. I've lost 26bs/19 in. My goal is to lose 30 by 2/14 as I am having knee replacement surgery that day. I'm almost there. I've gone from a size 12 to an 8. I look and feel so good. I wish it hadn't take so long for me to get my head around doing this. I watched my sister lose 35 lbs doing IP and several of my friends 20 or more. I didn't think I could do it because I couldn't see myself eating 4 cups of veggies a day. Also I didn't want to spend this kind of money. I finally couldn't stand myself anymore. I'm a lifetime Weight Watchers member several times over and just didn't want to deal with the counting of points and all that planning of meals everyday. This really is a rather thoughtless plan. I grabbed my 2 or 3 envelopes in the morning with my 2 cups of veggies - either a salad or cut up fresh veggies to add to my IP Soup (my usual choice) or I'd even bring a bag of frozen veggies and leave it in the freezer at work to zap and add to my soup or Chicken Ala King. I used my IP drinks to get me through a hungry period in the afternoon or late morning. Dinner was a breeze. 8z of protein and lots of roasted or sautéed veggies (in EVOO, garlic, S & P and sometimes lemon juice). I've learned to love cauliflower in all its wonderful forms (grated, chopped, mashed and steamed). I really like many of their foods very much. I started Phase 3 this week (on Day 2). I am phasing out so that I can eat normally after surgery. I'd rather have hit my goal first but really need to be eating a full balanced diet while in recovery and on pain narcotics. Phase 3 is only for 2 weeks and then I'm on maintenance. I feel that I will be able to successfully keep the weight off now that I have lost the weight, reduced my sugar and carb intake and portion size. I'm going to continue to limit my carbs to the morning meal for the most part. Lunch and dinner will continue to be veggie and protein based for the most part with occasionally a sweet potato, whole grain pasta and rice for variety. Dessert (my biggest weakness) will be within reason. I love the IP Lemon Wafer bars as well as other snack bars. I'll keep these on hand for my treats and find other similar products. This is how I'm going to keep it off. I do not want to go back to where I came from. It was too hard and too expensive to blow it now. Yes it was very expensive. I haven't added it up but I averaged $90/wk in IP products and then had to buy lots of veggies and meat, fish every week. Plus a few occasional extra's like the Walden Farms dressing and maple syrup (yum). It was worth it. I am worth it. My cholesterol has gone from 269 to 155. All my numbers are perfect which have been bad for the last several years. Yes there are many ways to lose the weight and yes slow and easy usually wins the race BUT it is hard no matter what plan we choose to do. I've done WW many times successfully but even then I eventually go back to mindless eating. There is no guarantee I won't do it again. I can only take what I've learned and try very hard to make better choices at every meal. If I do have a bad day (cheat or fun day as many call it) I will follow the advice of my coach and stay away from the carbs for the two days following to keep my body from turning it into fat. (If I understood her correctly). Those of us who have gained and lost a few times know what we're suppose to do -- it's just maintaining the willpower to stick to it that we seem to lose along the way. Hoping this will not be the case for me this time. Summer's coming and I want to be feeling good in that tankini!! For those negative IP commenters -- don't knock it till you try it!