Day 1

Hello there! Today I have started a six week "Thinner Winner" program in my area. I am on a team of 4. We have an organized work out class once/week and are given daily workouts for home. We were told to track our daily food intake. I came home and found this site and thought it looked perfect for what I need. So here I am. My goal is to lose 20 pounds...probably not within the six week program, but over time. Hoping for some encouragement and motivation along with helpful tips to staying on track. :happy:


  • Welcome to the site Jenny. I think you will like it here. I have only been on for two weeks but I am hooked.
    I have it uploaded to my I Phone so I am sure to keep up to date logs. I work out at the YMCA five days a week.
    I recently started participating in spin classes. It was the hardest thing I ever done and never thought I would make
    it through the first class, I literally thought I was going to die. Well, I didn't and here I am. I used to be thin but have picked up weight over the past two years. Mainly because I worked in the food industry and was on my feet ten hours a day. I took an early retirement after the early death of my husband. I only work part time and at a desk now so I am sure that along with depression but the
    pounds on me. Well, I finally got motivated and hired a personal trainer, two times a week for six weeks and it got me jump started.
    Like I said, I know am in the gym five times a week. Spinning, running, weight training, or participating in an aerobics class.
    I started tracking my calorie intake along with calories burned on this sight and it has been very motivational for me. I hope it works for you as well!~~LoriAnn
  • LoriAnn~

    Thank you for your response. It's nice to know that people on this site actually are looking to encourage and help others as well as themselves!

    It sounds as if you have turned a new page in the chapter of your life! I pray nothing but success and happiness for you.

    I too had been thin most of my life, but about 4 years after the birth of my fourth child, (ten years ago), I have managed (easily) to gain about 20 pounds. I became very busy with my kids, sitting at numerous sporting activities getting "bleacher butt", or traveling them to and from practices, keeping up with the daily activities to run a home, along with a new job. I found less time to exercise and more time to eat unhealthy. Not a good combination. When a great opportunity came along to increase my activity with a group of friends, and compete against others at the same time, I couldn't let it pass me by. My first class kicked my rear, but I am determined to persevere and continue on this journey. I'm hoping this site will help me to do that.

    Thank you for reaching out! Keep on keeping on! I'll be looking forward to seeing your progress!

  • bunny1006
    bunny1006 Posts: 325 Member
    Welcome! Its a wonderful site! Enjoy!
  • Congrats Lori!!!
    It all starts with the decition to make a change. Make sure to keep your eyes on the price and remember any time that you're feeling like you might want to give it up why you are doing it.
    Enjoy each bite of your food, that way you'll give time to your brain to get the signal that you are feeding and also help your stomach digest your food so you can take advantage af all the nutrients...

    And most important have fun!!!! it's your project
  • skinnyme47
    skinnyme47 Posts: 806 Member
    Welcome to My Fitness Pal. :smile:
  • thunderthyghz
    thunderthyghz Posts: 45 Member
    feel free to add
  • editorgrrl
    editorgrrl Posts: 7,060 Member
    No, you can't lose 20 lbs. in a week, but maybe as much as 12. Even more importantly, you'll establish good habits. Log everything you eat accurately & honestly. Weigh your food. Find accurate database entries. (There's lots of junky data in there.) Take before photos. (Wish I had.) And read this: