Diet buddy?

HI everyone, I am new to this site and am looking for someone trying to loose around the same weight as myself which is 60 lb. I'm Hoping to accomplish this goal within 6-8 months. I have done several diets but as you can guess i never stuck it out! Loose 20 gain 25 has been my on going routine for years now. So i thought maybe having a supporting friend that is trying to accomplish the same would help. I am very limited on money so my main goal is to eat healthier 1200 cal a day diet is what i am doing i have cut out all beverages aside from water and green tea. The exercise is quite a problem also do to being a broke lady lol. Being a mother of twin two year old makes it difficult to get out of the house. is there any way i can exercise and somehow include the little ones? . Please tell me your story of success. and feel free to add me :) Thanks!

Age: 22

Weight: 220

Goal: 160


  • Hey, :)
    I'm new to this site to and I'm looking to loose about 60lbs to, I'd love to have a diet buddy and maybe keep each other motivated? Its more than just tough exercising and sticking to a diet, I personally believe some one who has managed to lose weight is a true warrior! We can do this though, and I know this motivating angel on youtube you should definitely look up, her youtube channel is called Blogilates and her name is Cassie, give it a chance anyway, she has some great exercises that take up just a few minutes but really pay off! It sounds like we both have very little time on our hands, but this girl has really saved me when it comes to fitting in some exercising. i wish you all the best luck!
  • I'm new aand have a lot more than that to lose but 75 lbs off is my first goal. I would love to support you and be your friend.
  • 78jasesgirl
    78jasesgirl Posts: 2 Member
    I need to lose 60 more pounds. I have lost five since joining the site. We can do this!