When was your last straw that made you want to change?



  • shell13b
    shell13b Posts: 55 Member
    A lot of things set me in motion...but the main thing was hitting the scale at 206!! 206lbs!!!! Feeling depressed and sorry for myself the past 2 years just is not going to cut it anymore!! I turn 40 this May and I refuse to let anything get me down anymore...we all get one life and no do overs! :)
  • I couldn't even look at myself in the mirror.
  • I noticed I started being mean to my kids because of the way I felt about myself.

    I have a ways to go, but just the act of "doing something" and exercising has completely changed my attitude and outlook on life. Everything feels possible now.
  • meltedsno
    meltedsno Posts: 208 Member
    Have always been overweight -- remember being in 4th grade in 1963 and having to get weighed in front of the entire class. The nun (went to a Catholic grade school) announced everyone's weight out loud. I will never forget hearing "99lbs".... was called Engine 99 for the next year... and I swear I heard that coming out of the nun's mouth as well....

    Struggled with my weight all my life.... lost weight/gained it back plus some... hit an all time high of 270 back in 2003.... managed to lose about 100 lbs 6 years ago, but to my dismay, slowly started gaining it back. I was in denial, but had to face reality mid June 2013 when at the doc for a routine checkup.... had gained back 60 lbs.... something snapped in me July 1..I started walking every day and logging everything that goes into my mouth on MFP.. 6 months later, I have dropped the weight I regained plus a little more -- don't know how much for sure because I refuse to weigh myself (had an accident at the end of November and had to be weighed before surgery... at that time was down 52 lbs).... I will be 59 years old in July and can honestly say that for the first time in my life, I will be of normal weight. I don't know what happened in July 2013, but it's like I finally figured it all out... no desire to ever binge.... no desire to eat junk.... suffer "withdrawl" if I don't get my minimum 8 miles/10K steps in every day.... my birthday present to myself this July will be a personal trainer. My life is just beginning and I plan on enjoying every second of it.... it is never too late to get healthy!
  • Firehawk734
    Firehawk734 Posts: 132 Member
    I went to the doctor twice in 2 months and I had gained 30lbs in a month. No secrets, I was stuffing my face. Also, I had seen a medical report on myself and they used the words "morbidly obese", which made me nearly break out in tears on the spot.

    I was 342.6 lbs on the doctor's scale, and I went home and got super depressed about it. That was rock bottom for me.

    I'm currently at 201.2 and am in the best shape of my life, and it's only getting better.
  • lynleeg88
    lynleeg88 Posts: 104 Member
    My last straw was my wedding. Happiest day of my life, I felt beautiful.

    But the pictures afterward, ouch.

    Then fast forward, and I want to have a baby. But at my weight, how could I imagine a healthy, happy pregnancy? I already get winded from stupid things. My knees sometimes hurt. And I am not getting any younger.

    So I decided enough was enough. So now I am hoping I can do this weight loss struggle one last time, and succeed in a healthier lifetime.
  • ambee0803
    ambee0803 Posts: 89 Member
    When I found out I was considered obese, none of my clothes fit, and people kept asking when my baby is due. That's the worst, they dont wonder if I'm pregnant, Im so big they just know it and I'm not.
  • gcbma
    gcbma Posts: 112 Member
    I had been diagnosed with diabetes. I was 20 lbs heavier than when I got pregnant.... which was still enormously overweight. My son and husband deserve a mom/wife who is willing to better herself. Thanks to mfp, I've gotten further than I have with any other diet/gimmick.
  • Getting put on a second blood pressure medication. Then getting the blood work from that visit back and the Dr telling me that my A1C was 'pre' diabetic. I started walking every day and keeping a rough food log. I then met with a nutritionist shortly after and they recommended MFP since it would track my nutrition as well as my eating habits. I joined a gym (for the upteenth time), and actually started going 5-6 days a week!
  • katielshelby
    katielshelby Posts: 137 Member
    For me...I have been overweight (and fluctuating) all of my life. A friend of mine and I started dieting at the same time and I fell of track...she has now lost 120 lbs and I want to catch up!! May seem shallow, but whatever works to make me healthy! Also, my wedding is November 2015 and I wanna look great!
  • angmarie28
    angmarie28 Posts: 2,863 Member
    got on the scale and seen I was only 2 pounds away from my heaviest pregnancy weight
  • When I hit 150lbs!
  • Turning 30!
  • MikeWanzuk
    MikeWanzuk Posts: 34 Member
    hit 225 pounds and refused to get any bigger. Also I have pretty bad anxiety and I'm not confident so I think that once I get in shape and looking good (In terms of satisfied with myself, not what others think is looking good") that I would be more confident.
  • Always being tired and not liking the way I look.
  • crickle3013
    crickle3013 Posts: 17 Member
    I am in a position that I may not have kids if I don't lose weight.. I have been having extremely irregular menses in the past few years.. 14 months no period, 2 periods in a row, then none again since last January. My fiance and I are talking about starting a family, so hoping this is enough to keep meon the straight and narrow where my diet and exercise are concerned. I also suffer with a ruptured L4-L5 disc disc in my lower back. Good luck to you all!!
  • As shallow as it is, my favorite dress not fitting.
  • jrniven
    jrniven Posts: 74 Member
    I was suiting up for a ice hockey game. I realized I had to suck in my gut and hold my breath to lace up my skates. I also realized during this I was slightly sweating while putting on my gear to play hockey. I laughed a little bit at the time and decided it was time to do something about the chub.
  • I have tried to lose weight and failed. I am almost 46 and would like to weigh what I did when I married in 1995. Well 10 pounds more 135. I am going to give it my all this time and I am enjoying using this tool. I am looking for friends on this site for encouragement. I lost 7 pounds my first week and I will weigh in on every Monday.
  • oiypus
    oiypus Posts: 30 Member
    I'm not overweight, but I've struggled with serious binge eating episodes for the last two years (preceded by years of starving and purging). In the last year, which was hands down the most difficult and stressful of my life, I often found myself surrounded by boxes and wrappers, in pain, and filled with shame. I was too embarrassed to seek for help, but something snapped when I was binging alone on Christmas day. I'm on the path to regularized eating and exercising. I want to invest my passion and energy elsewhere!