Confused, Please Help

I have read the forums looking at everyones suggestions and advice and I'm a little confused. Some people say to do lots of cardio others say don't over cardio. Strength training should have been started yesterday and then some say they are now starting their strength training several months in to weight loss. Another is toning up. I have notice alot of people say that now they have lost all or most of their weight it is time to tone. Please help because I'm really confused as to what should be done when.


  • northwst9
    northwst9 Posts: 3 Member
    Very good questions. Over the years I have heard over and over that you should be doing both cardio and strength training. Cardio workouts should be done 3-5 times a week for at least 20 minutes at a time. Strength training should be done at least two non-consecutive days a week. It is important that you do not overwork your muscles with strength training, but it is equally important to do strength training.

    Benefits from strength training include increased strength and power, increased muscular endurance, increased delivery of oxygen and nutrients, faster elimination of wastes, enhanced ability to exercise for longer periods of time, and for those of us trying to lose weight most importantly enhanced metabolic health (or increase in metabolism).
  • tabbyxxcat
    tabbyxxcat Posts: 102 Member
    Very good questions. Over the years I have heard over and over that you should be doing both cardio and strength training. Cardio workouts should be done 3-5 times a week for at least 20 minutes at a time. Strength training should be done at least two non-consecutive days a week. It is important that you do not overwork your muscles with strength training, but it is equally important to do strength training.

    Benefits from strength training include increased strength and power, increased muscular endurance, increased delivery of oxygen and nutrients, faster elimination of wastes, enhanced ability to exercise for longer periods of time, and for those of us trying to lose weight most importantly enhanced metabolic health (or increase in metabolism).

    Couldn't have said it better myself! You're supposed to do both strength training 2-3x a week, and cardio 3-5x a week. Strength training while losing weight lessens the loss of muscle alongside fat. Your journey will be slower, but you will be closer to your dream body when you reach your goal weight.
    Many people, like me, push the cardio without strength training and lose the weight relatively fast, but then freak out when we still look flabby and seek the forums for ways to "tone". Those are the confusing posts you're probably seeing. I was confused for a long time, too, but now I love strength training and the way it makes my muscles look and feel. You won't regret it!
  • thanks for the replies. At the moment I am walking 4kms in the morning (if not too hot) and 4km at night. This is currently the only exercise that I am doing. So if I get this right, i should maybe stop one of my walks and also cut down to say only weekdays and then do some strength training say mondays and wednesdays. What about the rest of the days. I always feel like I need to be doing something. That is why I walk so much.
  • 19TaraLynn84
    19TaraLynn84 Posts: 739 Member
    What they said!

    You can purchase free weights from Wal-Mart or Target (or online) and use those for strength training. Right now I'm using 5 lb weights and I plan to move up gradually so I don't hurt myself. Also, look up body weight strength exercises if you don't want to use weights. I am so, so glad I've been on these forums to read all the great advice that's been given out. You just have to wade through the manure to find it sometimes. Best of luck!
  • Guamybear
    Guamybear Posts: 1,061 Member
    last year before I got sick, I lifted weights 4-5x a week and did cardio 5-6x a week.. I lost 50lbs in 9 months and didn't deprive myself of anything..
  • olivia_june
    olivia_june Posts: 111 Member
    Whereas I've heard to do minimal cardio, but I think that's only if you're doing body building...
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    Start eating less
    Start moving more
    Start lifting something
  • Mother_Superior
    Mother_Superior Posts: 1,624 Member
    The key to weight loss is calorie deficit. A moderate calorie deficit should be created primarily by your diet. Set a reasonable calorie goal as per:

    There are lots of different ways to mix different kinds of exercise depending on your personal goals. If you think you might be interested in something more cardio related then the majority of your exercise could be focused on that (running, cycling, swimming, etc.) with a bit of resistance training (likely a progressive loading lifting program like Starting Strength, New Rules of Lifting, etc.)

    If you think you might want to focus more on getting stronger or on trying to get a certain aesthetic (body building) then your exercise philosophy would be more resistance training with less or even no cardio. It just depends on the path you want to follow.

    If you just want to take a general approach then like Dav said, eat less (moderate calorie deficit if you want to lose weight), move more (20 to 30 minutes of cardio 3 or 4 days a week), lift something (2 or 3 resistance training sessions, around 20 minutes each, per week, whether body weight, or with weights), and then you'll be good to go.

    Do stuff you'll like, so you won't be likely to quit, and try not to over think it.