Feeling unmotivated, am I doing something wrong?



  • alexanderzamani
    alexanderzamani Posts: 25 Member
    No **** you're feeling demotivated your diet seems pretty bland and it looks to be completely devoid of carbohydrates. That topped with really low 1200 calorie diet and 'insanity', which I assume is a workout DVD. That's a perfect combination to feeling ****ty.

    If the counter says you have 1700 calories, then eat 1700 calories. Eating less can downshift your metabolism and really slow your progress, not to mention making you feel miserable. Another thing is your diet, I'm guessing protein powder, soup and boiled eggs isn't the food you would normally eat, I might be wrong but it doesn't sound enjoyable. If you're following a caloric deficit diet, just eat what you would normally eat, just don't eat too much of it. For me, it's lots of rice and iranian food mostly. Another problem might be the insanity workout. I'm guessing from its name that it's physically demanding. You need to account for that in your caloric intake or your metabolism will downshift.

    So yeah sorry if that came off rude, I didn't mean to be. I think a lot of the solutions seem pretty simple, at least to me (which is great).

    1.) Eat 1700 calories instead of 1200 per day
    2.) Eat less bland food.
    3.) Account for your exercise in your caloric needs.

    I really think these points will help you feeling much happier and motivated but the only way you will find out is if you actually try them out for a month or so and see how you feel. Either way, whatever you decide, I wish you the best of luck!
  • SaajidahM
    SaajidahM Posts: 17 Member
    Thank you all for your suggestions and support.
    I will definitely up my calories this week and cut off the protein powder (as I'm running out of it anyway)
    I will hopefully have some positive news to report back soon!
  • edwardkim85
    edwardkim85 Posts: 438 Member
    IF this is your new years goal(judging by your start date), change your attitude.

    99% of new years goals fail, thus, I never make one.

    There's no reason why people should be 'motivated' to do one or the other in the upcoming year just because the calender date changes. It's a disaster and guaranteed failure.

    It will take you 'years' to lose 150 lbs. Your crash diets failed(I'm sure) because you lost 30-40 lbs and then gained it all back.

    In order to LOSE 150 lbs AND keep it off, you will need to change your entire life style from...

    sleeping habit, eating habit, gym habit, alcohol/social habits, etc. You get the jist.

    You will have to log everything you eat and hence buy a food scale, measuring cup.

    It's not an easy process. All the members in the 'success' forum went through numerous trials and error and hardships to find the right method for them.

    One thing in common though? They all made a life style change to be 'healthier' and 'fitter'. New habits were formed.

    Good luck to you, I hope this one lasts.