Need friends who log daily (or almost), same as me :)

Hi there!

I've been using the MFP app for a few weeks, and have had a great experience with other community members and friends! People on here are generally awesome :-)

I'm looking for people I can add as friends, who log daily, and comment on other friends' statuses like I do. Obviously, life isn't all about MFP, but I try to log everything faithfully (especially on a bad day!!) and seek and give support to my friends on days that didn't work out so well...

I am 22, and I've struggled with binge eating since I was a teen. I'm learning not to be ashamed of myself, and to have a more positive outlook on food and on life! :) I believe that to develop a healthy relationship with food, you can't live in fear or guilt of it. In my childhood, I was in an environment that encouraged me to shut myself away and binge as an emotional outlet. But ultimately, it's up to me what and how I eat, and how I feel about it! So, I'm making some serious changes. :) It's up to me, and I can do this!!!

No matter your story and your weight loss goals (or maintaining), feel free to add me! As I said, I use the app consistently, and I'm looking forward to interacting with more friends! I also love getting ideas from people's diaries! Sometimes looking at them makes me hungry though ;)

We can do it together!!! <3


  • evelyn7869
    evelyn7869 Posts: 6 Member
    Hola (hello),

    Also, looking for friendships that can relate to struggling with food, what ever that may be. I have been over weight all my life and an emotional eater. I work in the medical field and even though I have the tools and health benefits of working with a great group of doctors who have lead me the right direction in living healthy life style I have not taken it seriously until now.

    I am learning to cope with being an emotional eater and eating healthier. I have set realistic goals on losing weight but I know it will take some time. Also, logging onto MFP and keeping a food diary keeps me focused.

    Hoping that having a support buddy or buddies on MFP will keep me motivated and on track.
  • Inds13
    Inds13 Posts: 11 Member
    Hi Ramen237,
    It's my goal to track everyday (hopefully forever) in order to lose and maintain my weight. I'll add you so we can encourage each other.
  • Hi,

    It is my intention to log every day and to check up on friends. I have struggled with anorexia nervosa and at times struggle with it periodically. You may send a friend request if you wish. Best of luck on your weight loss goals.
  • you all can add me if you'd like. i'm on a few times a day, and i am a bit obsessive about writing down my food and exercise habits. it helps me to do it.
  • Ele353
    Ele353 Posts: 5
    Hi!! I've had this account for quite some time, even though I haven't been serious about loosing wait until about four months ago that it hit me hard. I would love to add you so we can support each other! :smile:
  • davemap
    davemap Posts: 71 Member

    I log in most days of late (last 6 in a row) Add me if you like :)
  • FitnFeistyLyness
    FitnFeistyLyness Posts: 757 Member
    i log everyday. i also have a great group..anyone feel free to add me. hope to see you there.

    for emotional eaters.. i highly recommend a book called the beck diet solution. it changed my way of thinking of food.
  • Nix_Way
    Nix_Way Posts: 201 Member
    Hi Ramen! I too have struggled with stuffing emotions down with food. Its a self soothe kind of thing. In the last year I have gotten on anti anxiety meds and that has help ALOT!!

    I started my journey at over 400 pounds and I have over 200 more to lose. I log pretty much every day and comment as often as I can every day!

    I love the support and motivation I get from my friends!

    Feel free to add me!
    I don't have an open diary because when I first started MFP last June I was writing some pretty personal stuff in the notes area (about how I was feeling in connection with food and other stuff like that) that I refuse to open up that much on any online arena.

    If you want to learn more about me, just go to my profile page. Its open to anyone.

  • HayleyMB1284
    HayleyMB1284 Posts: 129 Member
    Feel Free to add me, I need all the help and motivation I can get. makes me happy when I see positive feedback. keeps me going
  • AshBolt83
    AshBolt83 Posts: 10 Member
    HI everyone! I log in everyday and try to log everything I eat. I like to comment and encourage so yall feel free to add me :) I have a long way to go with the weight loss!
  • ajones1227
    ajones1227 Posts: 180 Member
    Daily logger here and also try to motivate all my friends. Feel free to add. (anyone)
  • PunkyRachel
    PunkyRachel Posts: 1,959 Member
    I'm really good about logging everyday. I've been on this site for 2 years and have temporarily stopped logging 3-4 times. The longest time away was about 3 weeks I think? Every time I had stopped logging was because of major personal stresses that caused me to fall off the bandwagon. Such as my Uncle passing away, or when my husband was hospitalized because a stupid tick crawled in his ear and f*cked him up.

    Anyways, I swear by MFP it was been a major tool in my journey, so I am pretty loyal and I try to comment and motivate my friends on here as much as possible. Feel free to add me if you'd like
  • jtyler83
    jtyler83 Posts: 28 Member
    I am pretty good about logging! 245 day in a row streak, sometimes I get lazy and auto add like 3000 calories if I had a stupid meal, but usually I'm pretty strict

    happy to have a few new people on here
  • ElnuevoAdrian
    ElnuevoAdrian Posts: 50 Member
    Add me. Day 18 Streak. :-)
  • I've just restarted but I won't allow myself to not log everything. I'm also recovered from and eating disorder (bulimia) which started out as binge eating so I've been there. No judgement just cheer leading from me. Feel free to add me.
  • mommad2014
    mommad2014 Posts: 4 Member
    Hi Ramen, fairly new to the site, I have been logging pretty constant, you can add me, I am off to a rough start ~ again
  • MissKarlee89
    MissKarlee89 Posts: 40 Member
    Friends needed here also! I log daily.. Recently came back to mfp as I fell a little off the bandwagon! I'm more determined than I was before!! So add me x
  • mmommymusings
    mmommymusings Posts: 18 Member
    Feel free add me too. I try to post daily but I might slip :-)
  • pursuittofit
    pursuittofit Posts: 97 Member
    Hi, everyone is welcome to add me. I am adding you right now :)
  • RemiLynn79
    RemiLynn79 Posts: 81 Member
    I just celebrated my 5th day in a row here at MFP! lol I'm looking for more friends as well. I will comment as often as I can, or at least "Like" your stuff if I'm just checking in quickly.