How do you deal with extremely irregular sleep?

Hello all, I've been doing pretty well with my weight loss so far (lost 48 pounds, a little more than 50 to go; maybe even more) but the one thing that sometimes makes things hard is my awful sleep-wake cycle.
Every few days I can't fall asleep and stay up all night or sleep in so late that I can't go to bed at a reasonable time. So then I try to stay awake longer to fix it and end up eating breakfast, lunch, dinner, breakfast before finally going to sleep. I know that the -weekly- calories have to add up but this pattern still leaves me with one less meal for when I do wake up so it really puts some unnecessary strain on the process.
I'm starting a new job soon with regular hours so that should help things along but I've always been this way and will always fall back into it as soon as I have a day off so I really need to figure out how to adjust my diet to it. Needless to say I used to eat like a pig whenever I couldn't sleep or when I slept too much and felt like I needed an extra 'wake-up' snack (more like a whole wake-up meal and I don't even talk about breakfast here, sadly). So far I've been great with controlling myself and always stuck to what I logged for the day but it's getting hard.

If there's anyone else here struggling with sleep I'd really love to hear about your experiences, what you used to do, what worked and what didn't, how it affected your diet and whatever else might be relevant!


  • Magdaloonie
    Magdaloonie Posts: 146 Member
    Been struggling with insomnia myself. I haven't got an answer but I'm trying melatonin now, when I feel it coming on. And hot baths. We'll see.
  • parkscs
    parkscs Posts: 1,639 Member
    I find strenuous cardio sessions to be the best sleep aid. Otherwise, you may want to talk to your doctor.
  • maracuya23
    I tried everything to get more regular sleep. More than one visit to a doctor to try to address the issue, with no solution. For me, after years, simple magnesium citrate before bed finally did the trick. I guess I was/ am often a bit low on magnesium.

    I hope you can find what works for you- that random erratic sleep schedule is brutal. Short of that, perhaps try googling or searching here for threads on how shift workers manage, as they deal with a similar sleep pattern.
  • trainerwannabe
    trainerwannabe Posts: 28 Member
    I totally sympathize!! Not getting enough sleep (or getting too much) always leads to my overeating!! I am a shift worker but I have found these things to work for me... a good cardio workout, going to bed at the same time every night (depending on the shift of course, a long hot bath and no TV/Computer for at least an hour before bed (too stimulating). Once I am in bed I have developed a habit of picturing my body turning to heavy stone. I start with me feet and work my way up. Sounds crazy but it helps me relax before my thoughts become seemingly unstoppable and keep me awake. Good luck and get some rest!
  • NKoz82
    NKoz82 Posts: 25 Member
    I have a 4 and a half month old and I feel your pain. He wakes me up to eat and then I can't fall back to sleep. Yoga and meditation has helped me be able to calm my brain down and sometimes fall back asleep. Magnesium has really helped my mom with her sleep issues.
  • whitebalance
    whitebalance Posts: 1,654 Member
    I tried everything to get more regular sleep. More than one visit to a doctor to try to address the issue, with no solution. For me, after years, simple magnesium citrate before bed finally did the trick. I guess I was/ am often a bit low on magnesium.

    I hope you can find what works for you- that random erratic sleep schedule is brutal. Short of that, perhaps try googling or searching here for threads on how shift workers manage, as they deal with a similar sleep pattern.
    Magnesium citrate, the explosive laxative from hell that my surgeon prescribed the night before surgery to empty my bowels and it kept me up all night? Are you sure it's magnesium citrate that helps you sleep? :noway:
  • GagaForever
    I'm actually dealing with that right now, I've never had a good sleep schedule. I was taking benadryl every night until I recently found out that it can slow you metabolism down a lot and I feared it was the reason I was at a standstill with my weight. (I believe it was because I stopped taking it a week ago, and I'm losing again.) My boyfriend takes Melatonin, it seems to work good, he takes about 1mg of that and he is out within the hour. I just don't want to take another sleep aid in fear of my weight loss to stop again. So you could try that, they have it at most drugstores. I've tried the staying up all night and day to try to get my sleep schedule back, and it works for a week or so, then something good comes on tv and its 3AM again. As for my eating, in the morning/afternoon when I wake up I eat breakfast then about 3 to 4 hours later I eat lunch then dinner about 5 hours after that. I mean I may end up eating dinner at 1 in the morning, but as long as I'm still up and moving I don't see much harm. I think its only bad to eat late if you plan to lounge around and go to sleep after. I hope you can get you sleep right soon, I know how stressful it can be.
  • blondefury72
    blondefury72 Posts: 11 Member
    let me know what you find out im the same way always have been no matter how tired i am it seems like i cant sleep and just when i think i can i get wound up and im off and running again sucks .... warm bath ... melotonin .... sleep pills ..... beer.... tequila... warm milk.... hot coco .... nothing working so far ?????
  • ILoveGingerNut
    ILoveGingerNut Posts: 367 Member
    Been having troubles with my sleep for many years and still struggling.
    Working regular hours will help. Try to get up, go to sleep and have your meals at the same time every day to help your body clock. Exercise will make you feel tired and help with the stress that keeps you awake at night. I am planning to buy a SAD lamp to help me in the morning. Oh, eat carbs. Hyperproteic diets are know to give sleep problems, while some foods help the zzzz... carbs, milk, bananas, even chicken i believe. Google it, it might help you. Good luck!
  • Jaymeow11
    bad answer but wine.....
  • Xiaolongbao
    Xiaolongbao Posts: 854 Member
    Wine is a bad answer. Alcohol will help put you to sleep but generally leads to a disrupted sleep cycle.

    I feel your pain on the sleep issues. I struggle a lot with insomnia and as someone who has to be up at 5:15am for work every day I can't afford to be lying there until 2 in the morning too often.

    For me there's a range of things I can do. Exercise is good but not too much or too close to bed time. I find however that diet is the key. I determined that rice (especially white) is REALLY bad for me to have at night. Now I'm sure millions of people eat it just fine but I noticed a massive change when I stopped eating it for dinner and I also notice that if I do eat it for dinner (I just came off 10 years in Asia, it's hard to avoid sometimes) that I'm very likely to struggle to sleep. Maybe try a food/sleep diary combo and see if you can find any trigger foods for yourself.

    Stress is another issue. I work really hard to remind myself that even if I don't sleep it's not the end of the world. All those parents with children survive and I will too. This helps me not to lie there getting more and more stressed about not sleeping.

    And, if I have a few nights of no sleep/lousy sleep then I resort to medication to help get me back on track. I do use prescription drugs as a last resort but I find that Tylenol PM is almost as effective for me. Sadly I'm not American but I can usually find someone traveling to the US who'll feed my habit by picking up a bottle for me.
  • lmd_1979
    lmd_1979 Posts: 130
    I also have days where I just can't get to sleep and it then disrupts my sleeping pattern. Try a glass of milk.
  • michelefrench
    michelefrench Posts: 814 Member
    In the same boat - I wake up and cant fall asleep, usually at 3 a.m.?? Interested to see what others have to say.
  • bigal1951
    bigal1951 Posts: 1 Member
    I have had the same problem and tried an app on itunes (just search sleep aids) there are lots of free apps there. I have only tried one of them which worked on the first night. You set the time you want the sounds (forest, waves, music, rain, night sounds etc) to last for in minutes and away you go. I woke up with my earphones still on and the iphone silent. It is called Sleep Sounds.
    Good Luck
  • LexiMelo
    LexiMelo Posts: 203 Member
    Melatonin also helps.

    It's best to try to stay on the same sleep schedule, even on your days off. Your body wants to get in a natural rhythm and it will function well on a schedule.
  • turtleball
    turtleball Posts: 217 Member
    Melatonin also helps.

    It's best to try to stay on the same sleep schedule, even on your days off. Your body wants to get in a natural rhythm and it will function well on a schedule.

    agreed I take 3mg
  • Cracken99
    Cracken99 Posts: 39 Member
    Melatonin has helped me immensely. I had very interrupted sleep (worries, making lists in my head, overthinking work situations). I only take 1/2 a pill and also started taking 5 HTP (claims to help with mood, sleep and appetite). I sleep all night, close my eyes and wake up in the morning, and that had not happened in a long time. My next step if that did not work was Xanax. Good luck, not sleeping is miserable, I really feel for you.
  • maracuya23
    Definitely don't take too much magnesium citrate- it is a laxative at higher doses. I usually take 125mg, which is small. The laxative form is about 1700mg.
  • Aaliantha
    I recently quit a horrible job as a call centre worker working full time from 11pm - 7am, in 5 months I put on 10kg, so I quit. I truely believe turning my sleeping and eating upside down is what did it. best not to eat at night if you can help it. I still have trouble sleeping, I find meditation to relaxing music sometimes helps. there are some good free apps with ambient sounds and such to aid with sleep, such as sleep stream, you could try that. Sometimes when I am really desperate, I'll find a really boring documentary on tv, the monotone of the narration puts me to sleep just like the teachers at school did. lol
  • fitnesspro111
    Thanks NKoz82.I also did the same for my irregular sleeping.My doctor suggested me to go for TSH test and hemetology .But Yoga and Meditation helped me lot to get out of this problem.