heres MY reason.

So, first off.
Im currently 36/3 pregnant with my second child. I gained 60lbs with my first and still 3years later only lost a few pounds.
Now that im almost due i want to loose weight but more of eating healthy for my Son.
You see, his little tummy is on the wrong side. Doctors said he can be intolerant to foods and with that i wont know until hes born if he has a spleen. Giving me more of a reason to Breast Feed my child. I want to eat 100% pure healthy for him. I just dont know how... i will do everything i can. He means so much to me already.
Any moms know how i can start this?
Also during this pregnancy i lost 14 pounds then gained it back then gained 11 pounds. Would my overall weight gain be 25? Or just 11(sometimes 9 depending on the day) im practically all belly. Just some jiggly at the bottom from before pregnancy.


  • Yahweh1
    Yahweh1 Posts: 16 Member
    All the best to you and your family, especially your little guy. Praying all goes well.