in need of support and encouragment

Help - looking for friends that can support and give me encouragement on my journey to become a fitter person, I am 47 years old have a very little fitness level.

Please help me find my dream i would love to learn how to run




  • Hi Redrose,

    Keep on going - you'll get there. I like the page at the last part of the day which projects your weight loss, it gives me hope.

    Losing weight slowing means it is more likely to stay off.....

    I completely understand though your want to run. That's my aim too. I'd like to run a marathon but in reality I can't run up the stairs without getting out of breath!! that will change though in time :)

    What goals have you set yourself?

  • AtLeastOnceMore
    AtLeastOnceMore Posts: 304 Member
    Hey hon,

    I'm 26, 122.7kg and am living proof that anyone can improve their fitness levels significantly if you work your way up slowly, but do some exercise every day. Persistence is key. I started this journey 3 weeks ago, and would struggle my way through 2km in 18 mins on the bike, gasping for air and shaky for hours. Today, I did 8.7km in 30 mins and didn't suffer any ill effects at all. I'd love to support you if you'd like to add me! My big advice is to STRETCH! Stretching is your friend, and lets you do a little more tomorrow than today. Good luck!!

  • goldilocksdp
    goldilocksdp Posts: 3 Member
    I know most people don't think of this as serious exercise but do Yoga, it creates a strong core, flexibility and a great inner space for reaching goals. And it if course naturally includes stretching which is vital to keep your body healthy on this journey.
  • rockmama72
    rockmama72 Posts: 815 Member
    I am in the same boat, just getting back into fitness after almost 5 years of pure laziness and false starts. This time I gave myself a month to ease into exercising, build up some strength and flexibility, and just start building up the habit. That means exercise can be anything, even if it's gentle. Stretching videos on YouTube, a walk around the neighborhood, or whatever I want... Just so long as I'm doing something. I knew if I started with an aggressive workout plan, I'd get exhausted and fail.

    At the end of this month, I'm going to take it up a level and set a specific goal.

    I used to jog/run a bit before I had my last child, and I think I'd like to try that again. I had started with my own modified version of couch-to-5k, only it was more like couch-to-20 minutes. I went out for 20 minutes every other day, each time walking one minute less and jogging one minute more until I could jog for 20 minutes straight. After that I just kept going! I was never fitter than when I was running regularly. I miss that.
  • Yup what the lovely ladies above have said! I was always athletic but never a runner...To tell you the truth I still havent hit that peak of running enjoyment YET but I know its coming. To help me get motivated I started the C25K and its great! I have the free version of the app on my phone so when I am runnning I can listen to my own mix! It keeps me pumped up :-) Good Luck! Add me if you would like!

  • huge2fan2
    huge2fan2 Posts: 62 Member
    Your age doesn't matter, your current fitness level, does not matter either; to reach your ultimate goal of running you have to make up in your mind that this a goal worth working towards. Set small goals (example, walk 5K steps each day) as that goal is achieved and met consistently increase the distance and speed until you get where you want to be. Couch 2 5K (C25K) is a good program to try. Remember to keep going and you will get there. I see people in their 60's running at the gym so don't let your age get you down! Good luck!
  • raelorien
    raelorien Posts: 71 Member
    Hi! I'm going to starting week 2 of C25K. Feel free to add me and I'll be happy to support you. In groups there is a great group for C25K that is filled with all sorts of info about where to find the program, things to do before getting started, etc. It's been very helpful to me.
  • sunshinenjjr
    sunshinenjjr Posts: 137 Member
    Hi I have been a runner about six years. I've completed one marathon, numerous 1/2 marathons, and several 5k's. Recently though I have cut down on my running so I could add strength training into my program. I only run three times a week now, and strength train three times a week. One way to become a runner is to start off walking. Walk for three minutes, run for one minute and continue. gradually increase your running increments until you are running without walking. That being said, that's not the way I started off running. I had been fast walking for about three months, five times a week, for one hour at a time. I decided one day to try running to see what kind of shape I was in. I went out and ran for five miles without stopping. I was hooked. I have never looked back. Good luck on becoming a runner. You are more then welcome to send me a friend request. But I do have to warn you that I do not comment on every little thing in my news feed.
  • nikkihk
    nikkihk Posts: 487 Member
    HI!!! So proud of you for make the first steps! I'd love to "friend" you and lets do this together!!
  • I'm 47 too and am in the same boat. Please feel free to add me.
  • kimgailmarie47
    kimgailmarie47 Posts: 6 Member
    Also 47 in March, I use to run track in school and I walk 3xs a wk, this past week I tried to run and I did it not long but I did it and it felt awesome. Slow and steady be consistent and never give up keep pushing and we can all succeed :happy:
  • kimgailmarie47
    kimgailmarie47 Posts: 6 Member
    Also 47 in March, I use to run track in school and I walk 3xs a wk, this past week I tried to run and I did it not long but I did it and it felt awesome. Slow and steady be consistent and never give up keep pushing and we can all succeed :happy:
  • IF YOU would like to add me please feel free to do so, however please know that I just tell it how it is, I don't hold anything back if I look at your diary and think you could make changes I suggested them, I don't pretend to be anyone I'm not and I'm looking for friends who will be honest...going to a fast food restaurant isn't going to make you healthy just because you stay within your calories, and I will tell you that........I wish you much luck, success, but most of all happiness within your own body...God bless
  • kimichele
    kimichele Posts: 1 Member
    I am not a runner (my boobs are too big). Once I lose some weight and can fit back in my sports bra I would like to try though. It all starts with walking and working out. Raising your fitness level. I work out with videos on youtube. I like the "walking" workouts. I like TaeBo. the beginner TaeBo workouts are very attainable fitness wise. I just have to try and motivate myself to work out and do SOMETHING everyday. I mean I am 5'0 and weight 175 I am very out of shape, but I am trying to take control of my life!