30DS oh my!!

Well... I lasted 8 minutes!!

OK, so, next goal is to last longer than 8 minutes!


  • AngelRobbie
    AngelRobbie Posts: 153 Member
    Gotta start somewhere, just stay positive! Everyday it will get easier (:
  • cllmetatrsld
    cllmetatrsld Posts: 58 Member
    If you only made it 8 minutes then you should try to do just half of each of the moves/exercises and see how far you can get then. The trick is to keep moving, even if it's half effort.
  • deedzzz
    deedzzz Posts: 220 Member
    Step by step!!! Just keep going, eventually you will finish it!
    Aim on finishing circuits. Start with one circuit, then add the second, don't use weights in the beginning, add them once you are able to finish each circuit "comfortably" !
    I did my first round of 30 DS in Feb 2013, i had amazing results. It is totally worth the pain!! I then did all of her other workouts and now i do them on rotation!
    Good luck! If you need help or advice feel free to add me
  • GiGiBeans
    GiGiBeans Posts: 1,062 Member
    Good for you for getting active!

    I think I turned her off after 4 but started up again a few minutes later. Nothing wrong with taking a couple of minute breaks when you need them.
  • MamaFunky
    MamaFunky Posts: 735 Member
    Try playing music instead of listening to Jillian. I started playing Pandora on my Iphone while doing it and it goes SOOO much faster! You do have to look at the TV every now and then to make sure to stay up with the exercies, but its a lot more fun to play some upbeat music!

    Also, if some of the moves are to hard, then just do jumping jacks or run in place while they are doing the harder ones....before you know it you'll be able to do them all! Sitck with it and great job on getting moving!!
  • broox80
    broox80 Posts: 1,195 Member
    When I started Crossfit I thought I was going to die!!! I was delirious with pain. My first session was about 8 weeks ago. Now, the trainer keeps throwing heavier weight at me because I am getting so much stronger. I blow away all those little skinny girls and I am quite portly still. They used to really under estimate me, now not so much!! I dont do heavy lifting Crossfit, its more of a bootcamp style Crossfit with dumbells and weight disks. It is very similar to 30DS. If you can only go 8 min one day, strive for 10 the next and so on. You will get stronger and feel so awesome! ! Dont ever let anyone say its too hard or you cant do it, not even yourself!!
  • retiree2006
    retiree2006 Posts: 951 Member
    My first attempt at 30DS was challenging, too. I decided to do what I could, modify where needed, and took a mini-break when it was necessary. It's amazing that over time, because I kept at it, that it became much easier and I saw some nice results a few weeks in. So hang in there and when you can do more you'll know your strength and agility are improving. That's the whole purpose. And if you're too sore to continue, take a day off and do some light stretching and exercise so you don't get hurt. There really are no rules, just do what you can.
  • jenny181111
    jenny181111 Posts: 163 Member
    Thank you all so much :)
  • littlemissjoyful
    littlemissjoyful Posts: 4 Member
    I lasted about 7. I had to sit down and was pretty shocked about how little I was able to do! Back on it in the morning though and will just try and move through it! Good luck.
  • shgchiquita
    I remember the first time i tried 30 day shred, I watched the whole DVD but only did probably 8 minutes of it like you said. The next day I couldn't walk downstairs because of pushing my leg muscles too much. Keep going! I can now do all three easily with heavier weights. You'll get there!
  • velocitykate
    velocitykate Posts: 20 Member
    I was like that too. The cardio is the hardest, all those jumping jacks and skipping took ten days before I could do just that bit without stopping. Don't want to demotivated you but I did level 2 for the first time today. Just when I was pleased with myself for doing level one without stopping, level two nearly killed me. But as with level one it will get easier. Keep at it, good luck
  • kbmnurse
    kbmnurse Posts: 2,484 Member
    Great job. I am on day #7 of week 2. It gets easier believe me. Keep it up!
  • fe_nyx
    fe_nyx Posts: 84 Member
    Like everyone else has said, it does get easier. I did day 7 of level one this morning. The first 3-4 days were by far the worst. I was pretty sure I was dead after the first day. And I was sore!! But keep at it, cos it honestly does get easier the more you do it. Just do what you can each time and build on it the next day. 8 minutes of moving is better than no minutes of moving, you're doing great :D
  • fe_nyx
    fe_nyx Posts: 84 Member
    I was like that too. The cardio is the hardest, all those jumping jacks and skipping took ten days before I could do just that bit without stopping. Don't want to demotivated you but I did level 2 for the first time today. Just when I was pleased with myself for doing level one without stopping, level two nearly killed me. But as with level one it will get easier. Keep at it, good luck

    I made the mistake of watching level 2 last week. I am so scared lol
  • lauracasparlabonte
    I thought it was just me...lol.

    The first time I did the 30DS, I was so tired and sore...I made it through, but barely. I had been doing the couch to 5k for several weeks, so I thought Level 1 would not be too bad. Boy was I wrong.

    They don't call Jillian Michaels the Toughest Trainer for nothing. She is HARDCORE.

    But I kept it up. It does get easier each time. Follow the modified versions of the exercises. If Jillian's rambling bothers you, turn her voice off (once you know how to do the exercises.

    I do like how she explains how to do each exercise the correct way, but gosh...whenever she says stuff like "NO RESTING!" I felt like I was back in high school P.E.

    My favorite part of Level 1 was when she does the "boxing"...I loved pretending I was punching her...lol

    I am onto level 2, day 3 (not consecutive though, I jog the other days)...it is quite challenging!

    Don't give up..you can do it.!
  • fe_nyx
    fe_nyx Posts: 84 Member
    Hahahaha! I pretend I'm punching her too!!
  • jennipooh0324
    jennipooh0324 Posts: 85 Member
    Try playing music instead of listening to Jillian. I started playing Pandora on my Iphone while doing it and it goes SOOO much faster! You do have to look at the TV every now and then to make sure to stay up with the exercies, but its a lot more fun to play some upbeat music!

    Also, if some of the moves are to hard, then just do jumping jacks or run in place while they are doing the harder ones....before you know it you'll be able to do them all! Sitck with it and great job on getting moving!!

    This is a great idea, I get so tired of listeneing to her. Gonna try that tomorrow