How to lose 3 more pounds and to maintain weight?


:smile: I'm 5'1" and am a 27 year old female. I weighed 122 pounds in June of 2013 and now (January 2014) I weigh 112 pounds ( I fluctuate between 112 and 113 daily).
I would like to weigh 110 pounds, and maybe eventually get to 105 pounds (but I think I'll be just fine at 110lbs.)

I want to do this in a healthy way (as I've been doing). I've been using myfitnesspal to count calories and am currently eating 1300 calories on days that I don't work out. On days that I do work out, I usually up it to 1600 or less. I've been trying to eat a lot of protein, fruits, veggies, almonds, and of course...chocolate.

My work out schedule consists of soccer twice a week (T/Th) and running Monday, Wednesday, and long runs on Sunday. I'm training for a half marathon that I'm running in February...and the longest I've ran so far is 9 miles...very slowly (11 to 12min/mile).

So, do you have any ideas on how to lose these pesky last two pounds? And do you weigh yourself every day? Or just once a week?

Thank you all in advance!


  • DemoraFairy
    DemoraFairy Posts: 1,806 Member
    I weigh myself everyday to keep track of fluctuations. As you say, you can fluctuate between 112 and 113 daily, so if you weighed only once a week you won't know if the one day you weighed was a fluctuation. Weighing everyday means you know exactly what your weight is, and how different foods and activities affect your weight.

    As for how to lose those last two pounds, all I can suggest is to carry on eating a deficit and wait! The last few pounds come off really slowly, but they will go! I'm in a similar position, 5'4, 116lbs, trying to lose just a few more. It's happening slowly, but it's definitely happening. Just gotta keep at it!

    Good luck :)
  • fushigi1988
    fushigi1988 Posts: 519 Member
    It's only 3 pounds, just relax. Look how far you have come already, stop focussing on the scale, just look at how far you can run, hoe much you can lift etc.
    If you happen to take a big poop you will lose a few pounds ;)
  • twixlepennie
    twixlepennie Posts: 1,074 Member
    First of all, congrats on getting to this point! Second-there's a maintenance section here on MFP, so I'd head in there to read up on how to transition into maintenance. With as close as you are to goal I'd start transitioning now. You'll also have a maintenance range, and not a specific number to look at in maintenance. This is because our weight will fluctuate on a daily basis, not related to actual weight loss/gain (time of month, sodium etc etc). Many people prefer to have a -/+5lb window; I have mine set at 3lbs, just because I'm at the low side of a healthy bmi and I can't lose any more weight. Experiment with it a bit and you'll find out what works best for you :)

    I weigh daily-did this during weight loss and continue to do it during maintenance. I keep it all on a graph and it's a great tool to help keep you on track, especially as you go into maintenance!
  • Allisonsss
    Allisonsss Posts: 8 Member
    Thank you so much! I will definitely check out the maintenance part of myfitnesspal! Thank you again for your advice! And great job on your weight loss! :)
  • Allisonsss
    Allisonsss Posts: 8 Member
    And you are doing awesome in your weight loss journey! Thank you for the heads up of the 'maintenance' part....I had no idea!
  • Allisonsss
    Allisonsss Posts: 8 Member
    Thank you everyone for your advice and to help me remember I am not alone in trying to lose those last few pounds! And, to also focus on other things, such as how far I can run, how much I can lift, etc. Thank you for your help and thank you for your advice. I truly appreciate it! :)