Do you weight yourself during your period ladies?

Sorry, that is supposed to say "weigh" not "weight". I'm about to start my period any day & I already feel like I've gained 10 lbs today & today happens to be my weigh-in day so I don't know if I should weigh myself & post the increased weight or just wait until next week? If I weigh myself & see the increased weight then I'm liable to just pig out because I'll be so disappointed that all of my hard work these last few weeks went out the window but if I don't weigh myself this week & then I will have no clue where I stand going into Thanksgiving...any suggestions?

Any suggestions as well for med-high calorie burning without much movement with the lower body? I don't know about you guys but I'm medicated for cramps because they are so severe that I have a hard time just walking so I'm either in severe pain for a day or so pain free from the meds that I can't feel my legs & either way it's hard to exercise but I can't just not exercise for 2 days!


  • SJSchwartz
    I weigh myself just to see what my average weight gain is during TOM, but I don't log it in, because it's just water weight and will disappear as quickly as it came once I'm over TOM. Don't stress out about it. It's normal :)
  • o2blori
    o2blori Posts: 168 Member
    I weigh myself, but I keep in mind that it's my time of the month and the numbers could be a little off. But it keeps me on the straight and narrow so I don't eat like a pig either. :-)
  • EmilyV80
    EmilyV80 Posts: 60 Member
    I weigh myself but don't log it.
  • laurenbausch
    Sometimes I do, and sometimes I don't. . .If I do, then I weigh at the beginning of the week, and then I don't weigh again until after. That usually makes me feel pretty good!
  • AndriaLL
    AndriaLL Posts: 162
    I weigh myself, but since it can be around 7 lbs. and I've only lost 4 "real" lbs. so far, I do not log it. Really screws up my little graph :cry: A good exercise I like to do is swimming. You can use a pull buoy and not move your lower body at all if you want...
  • sallyLunn
    I'll weigh myself, but if I don't like the number I won't log it.
  • AmberBarrios
    AmberBarrios Posts: 394 Member
    I guess fortunate for me TOM doesn't affect my weight at all. Last week was TOM and I still managed to lose 2.5lbs so I didn't notice that it affected it at all.
  • bubblez_x3
    I do not weight myself! Just for the simple fact that if I see that I have gained I will get irritated.. But thats just
  • ChanelCharlie
    i weigh myself but I don't log it, cuz I know that its not an actual weight gain. I wait till the next week to "actually" weigh in. Last month I "gained" 6 lbs when I got my period but the week after I was down what I was before!
  • JennaM222
    JennaM222 Posts: 1,996 Member
    I'll weigh myself, but if I don't like the number I won't log it.

    my words exactly.
  • dudleyvic
    I like the numbers my scale says so I do weigh everyday. I know what TOM weight should be and at other times of day what it should be. I'm obsessive though. I do believe it keeps me on track from gaining any of the weight back. I don't stress until there is more than a 5 pound difference. I get numb legs too but this last time I managed some situps and stuff and actually felt good on my back laying on the floor.
  • meggonkgonk
    meggonkgonk Posts: 2,066 Member
    I'm with everyone else- I like to know but I don't really count it as "real" (unless I lose, then it counts) I weigh myself multiple times a week at regular times-MWF nights after work and dinner and Sat morning my official. I compare Mondays only to other Mondays, Sat's to Sats etc and just like those, I compare my TOM weights to one another and only other TOM weights.

    Also for the person who didn't like to mess up their graph- I HATE the graph on here, lol. It's range is far to big to show any encouraging weightloss. I make a graph in excel and its much more encouraging.
  • mom23kids
    I weigh myself and log it. I realize that it that TOM and if it says I've gained weight, I don't sweat it. I think about how big my weight loss will be next week after my TOM! That makes you feel real good when you have a hugh weight loss in one week, even if it is just water weight.
  • bkmuush
    I have been and then I log it and then it freaks everyone out when its' like +12 but the next week I've lost 15 lol so I think from now on I will keep weighing but not logging's not real weight gain and you can always tell when you feel all squishy and bloated!
  • pavilo
    pavilo Posts: 3 Member
    It is not recommended to weight few days before and after your period. The reasons? you already know this. So it is better to wait until your period is gone. There is something you mentioned about the afterward feeling when the scale does not show what we want. I had that terrible feeling yesterday when I weight myself and saw that I didn't lose and pound . Worst! the scale shows that I have gained 3 lbs. How can that be possible if I ve been eating clean and working out 7 days/week? Well I was so sad and upset that I went to the store and ate crackers, crackers, ice cream, crackers. I even had a diet coke like never before. I was going to skip the training session but I didn't so there they told me that It may be that I have gained muscle instead of fat. Anyway , I just decided not to weight myself for a while b/c it is not helping at all. Instead, I m going to use my pants to check my progress. I guess what I m trying to say here is that don't rely too much on the scale. Use another tool to check your progress.
  • last_chance
    I agree with the others, if it's an increase, keep in mind that it's only water weight. Chances are you will have some water gain, so keep that in mind. I'm with you though, I see my numbers creeping up and I pig out in pure disappointment. I am a stress eater so I try not to do things to discourage myself. (it doesn't help that my brother picks on me for being over weight)
  • DancingDreamer
    i weigh myself duting TOM but i never post it. i gain around five to seven lbs during my period and then about two days after its all gone (sometimes plus some! i love when that happens!) so i say weigh yourself, because its a good measure of how much water your body retains and such, but never log it because its not your actual weight. its your stupid, too large TOM weight.
  • mrsewert
    mrsewert Posts: 430 Member
    I weigh in and post...keeps me honest.

    I also notice the weigh in following AF is usually bigger loss.
  • Sweet13_Princess
    Sweet13_Princess Posts: 1,207 Member
    I don't. I usually feel double my normal size and nasty about myself, so I don't want the scale to comfirm it.*LOL*

  • superwmn
    superwmn Posts: 936
    I never, never, NEVER weigh during my period. I gain 6-8lbs during my cycle and refuse to do that to myself when I'm irrational.

    If you eat well and exercise, do you need to know 'where you stand' going into Thanksgiving? I mean, if you're doing good things for your body daily, you already know where you stand.
