Feeling down not loosing :(

Well This is my 3rd week of dieting and I started yeaterday at eating more, as before all I ate was 1 meal a day and lost weight... beofre the diet it was takaways at night crip's choc and cola!
So from yesterday I had brecky,lunch and dinner and did the gym between times and drunk 3 500lm of water... today weighted the same!! :( were before id loose over night :( Tonigh.t I put 1lb on.. Im really upset as iv chnaged the way I eat to eat more and do the gym and its not moving.. were beofre it did... Does weight not always come off in 1lbs over night? could I weight 2mro and have dropped 2lb? im confused x


  • googleelenl
    googleelenl Posts: 4 Member
    Weight doesn't always come off overnight, and if you drank a lot of water yesterday you may still have water weight on you. :)
  • mavanscoy
    That because you have put your body in starve mode . So till you get us to eating 3 meals aday and not 1 a day . your body will store so it does not think it is starveling . I know this makes no sense but it is true . you have to eat right and excise . drink a lot of water . it will trick your mind in thinking it is full .. good luck .
  • Sreneesa
    Sreneesa Posts: 1,170 Member
    We fluctuate throughout the day. Certain things we eat may make our weight go up temporarily. It will even out.

    I pay attention to patterns in weight. Like today I went down a pound but will not record that until I see it down for at least a few days.

    And, I was the woman who ate once a day before and dropped weight quickly. But, when I started eating the right amount of cals my weight is coming off slower than it ever has in my entire life. But, I'm doing this so that I can have longevity so I am okay with that now.

    Hang in there. It will work itself out you just have to be patient.
  • lauraallsopp7
    Thankyou - Im back to eating 3 meals now... and hope some of its water... To be honest iv never drank so much... in one day... at the gym it was 1 and a half bottle 500lm's...

    does the water just go? Sorry for all the questions... maybe 2mro might be lucky to see a loss.... thankyou x
  • mmcdonald700
    mmcdonald700 Posts: 116 Member
    Eating one meal a day isn't really a healthy way to lose weight, but it sounds like you've changed that habit. It's better to eat 4 or 5 smaller meals which balances out your blood sugar and makes you feel full throughout the day (less likely to snack on unhealthy foods or eat convenience foods). Your weight will fluctuate daily... 3.5 L of water is a lot of water to drink in a day and also diet/exercise changes can cause your body to retain water a bit at first. Weight doesn't always come off overnight.. sometimes it's suddenly 1.5 in two days, sometimes it's 0.2 a day depending on how accurate your scale is. You should be losing 0.5-2lbs a week at most so don't expect a lb every night. But I would say that anything within a 3 lbs change up or down is likely water fluctuations and not fat loss... weigh yourself at the same time of the day once a week and you should see a gradual downward trend. Also if you get into a rhythm and eat healthy foods for awhile (not tons of sodium) you may find your water fluctuations get smaller - that's what's happened for me anyway.
  • Mr_Knight
    Mr_Knight Posts: 9,532 Member
    That because you have put your body in starve mode . So till you get us to eating 3 meals aday and not 1 a day . your body will store so it does not think it is starveling.


    Absolute nonsense.
  • broox80
    broox80 Posts: 1,195 Member
    Give it time. Everyone wants to lose it fast. Lose it right and it will stay off longer. Quit treating it like diet and treat it like a way you will live your life forever. The weight will come off if you are at a deficit and exercise will make you feel and look better along the way. Slow and steady babycakes ;)
  • bumblebreezy91
    bumblebreezy91 Posts: 520 Member
    That because you have put your body in starve mode . So till you get us to eating 3 meals aday and not 1 a day . your body will store so it does not think it is starveling.


    Absolute nonsense.

    ^this. What nonsense.

    OP, be patient. It's going to take time. Watch your sodium. Don't be so fixated on the scale number.
  • bacitracin
    bacitracin Posts: 921 Member
    You didn't get in the situation you're in in one day. Don't expect to get out of it in one. :)
  • lauraallsopp7
    Thankyou all of you I do feel alot better :) Will keep you updated x
  • jcorpern
    jcorpern Posts: 96 Member
    First, avoid the temptation to weigh yourself every day. Our weight can fluctuate by up to 5lb/day. Choose a day of the week and weigh yourself on the same day every week (preferably first thing in morning after you've emptied your bladder).

    Second, are you weighing and logging every single thing that passes through your lips? You'd be surprised by how many calories can slip by us if we aren't weighing our food. Watch this:


    Finally, don't worry about when you eat. If you're hungry, eat something, but make sure that it fits within your daily calorie limitation. If your calories in are less than the calories that you burn on any given day, you WILL lose weight.

    Good luck!
  • traceybarbour
    traceybarbour Posts: 226 Member
    Put your scale away for a while. Sometimes we depend on the scale to tell us that we are making good changes. The weight loss is a side effect of a healthy lifestyle change so don't get discouraged by the # you see if you are being true to the changes that you have made. The people here on MFP hold a wealth of knowledge if you need to make adjustments but hang in there you will see the change even if you are not seeing the # on the scale so quickly.. Good luck!
  • broox80
    broox80 Posts: 1,195 Member
    That because you have put your body in starve mode . So till you get us to eating 3 meals aday and not 1 a day . your body will store so it does not think it is starveling.


    Absolute nonsense.

    I'm starveling!! Whats for lunch? ?!!!
  • DamePiglet
    DamePiglet Posts: 3,730 Member
    For loosing and starvellation.