Need help.. please!!

Beccraywards Posts: 15 Member
So in the mornings i usually have belvita breakfast biscuits which keep me full untill about 11am.. then at 12:30 i have my lunch, which is usually a brown bread sandwich (i dont use butter/marg) mainly just fill it with a slice of lean ham and some salad or something.. However, I've realised that my intake of carbs gets quite high.. my target is 55% im getting about 75% .. Im still losing weight, so not excactyly a problem.. but I would ideally like to cut out 10% of the carbs im intaking..

I need inspiration! Im a bit of a fussy eater too.. I dont like yoghurts, and salad i can tolerate but i dont really like it.. i just force myself to eat it.. little bit i can handle handfuls i cant!

I've already got an idea for 1 day.. Belvita breakfast biscuits with a cup of tea (skimmed milk no sugar) and then kiwi,apple,strawberries,grapes chopped up for lunch.. Dinners i never struggle with what to make as im quite imaginative with dinners.. but its just breakfast / lunch idea's which get me stumped! I would really appreciate any quick ideas which involve having just bread/carbs for breakfast and not for lunch.. or no carbs for breakfast and carbs for lunch .. If you could help I would be truly greatful!!


  • Glens_Life
    Glens_Life Posts: 32 Member
    Have you tried egg white muffins. Easy and you can eat on them the rest of the week with a little salsa. Ill post the recipe if your intrested
  • Corjogo
    Corjogo Posts: 201 Member
    Have you tried sandwich thins? About 1/2 the calories, also Sara Lee makes a 45 cal. per slice bread - many crackers are lower in calories these days. Tuna, salmon, roast chicken/turkey lean ham/pork. I grind "leftover's" in the food processor add pickles, onions and spices (very tasty) (can use low calorie/light mayo or lemon/lime juice as desired). Also make an egg salad that way (100 calories per portion {1 egg}). Any salad can be eaten on lettuce leaves so almost zero carbs. - try making smoothies with protein powder for breakfast - lots of low carb pancake recipes on the Internet, poached eggs, low cal omelet. Search Pinterest for low calorie/carb meals read them and save what you think might work for "picky" you. Good luck!
  • Beccraywards
    Beccraywards Posts: 15 Member
    Have you tried egg white muffins. Easy and you can eat on them the rest of the week with a little salsa. Ill post the recipe if your intrested

    Post recipe please :)! Im up for making anything..
  • Jocampgrl
    Jocampgrl Posts: 59 Member
    You could google muffin tin frittata for low carb breakfast. If you cut protein and just eat fruit for lunch your insulin/sugar levels will jump and you'll be starving in no time. Why not just eat a couple slices of turkey, a piece of lower fat cheese, and one piece of fruit? Or use big leaf lettuce as a "wrap" for your turkey?
  • Beccraywards
    Beccraywards Posts: 15 Member
    What could i have with fruit then which is quick and easy to make to keep me full till dinner time which is usually about 6 ish
  • sheepgirl6
    sheepgirl6 Posts: 2 Member
    I made turkey bacon muffin tin frittata's that were really great and only 70 calories each. (biggest loser recipe). For a light lunch I like to do a serving of fruit, lots of fresh veggies, a few pretzels, hummus, and a portion of a low fat cheese. I cut everything up into small pieces and eat with a fork.
  • Schtroumpfkin
    Schtroumpfkin Posts: 123 Member
    Have you tried homemade soups? I find they are a good way of eating veggies when you're uninspired by salad (there is something about soups being hot which helps at this time of year I think). You can also add meat for protein. Also, liquids give you a feeling of being satiated. If you have nowhere to heat the soup where you work, you can always take some in a thermos. You can also make big batches at the weekend and freeze the soup in bags to use throughout the week.
  • Beccraywards
    Beccraywards Posts: 15 Member
    Have you tried homemade soups? I find they are a good way of eating veggies when you're uninspired by salad (there is something about soups being hot which helps at this time of year I think). You can also add meat for protein. Also, liquids give you a feeling of being satiated. If you have nowhere to heat the soup where you work, you can always take some in a thermos. You can also make big batches at the weekend and freeze the soup in bags to use throughout the week.

    Microwave broke at work so sadly i cant head soups yet.. the thermos doesn't sound liek a bad idea though as a lady at my work did that and it was still boiling hot at lunch time! may have to invest in one.. Also may sound stupid but not to sure how to make my own soup... Will have to try soon ^^
  • wickedgiggle
    Have you tried the thin rounds. They are wheat bread but 2 pieces are like 1 slice of normal bread.
  • rustyroof
    Cutting carbs means cutting sugar. Belvita biscuits may look all healthy but read the ingredients. There loaded with sugar. Avoid bread like it's the devil again loaded with sugar.

    I'm a primal eater, I cut processed foods out where I can and cook everything fresh. My main problem was what to eat for breakfast due to time. Porridge was my saviour. Full of healthy goodness and very filling, you can add anything thing you like to sweeten. Fruits, berrys, honey. Anything natural.

    Avoid low fat labelled goods, this just means " fat removed, sugar and chemicals added"

    My main vices were Bread, Pastries, White rice, chocolate

    I now avoid all, but I do have 85% dark choc now and then, you don't need much

    You have to go back to your roots when it come to eating. Think caveman

    Good luck x
  • MichelleLaree13
    MichelleLaree13 Posts: 865 Member
    For lunches, I make dinner food a lot and bring it to work. Left overs are perfect. I love stir fry with meat and veggies for lunch. I am not a huge fan of rice so I skip that part. I throw whatever veggies I feel like in a pan with some protein and cook it up a little before work.
  • Schtroumpfkin
    Schtroumpfkin Posts: 123 Member
    may sound stupid but not to sure how to make my own soup... Will have to try soon ^^

    Not stupid at all. This stuff all depends on whether you've tried to or not before, but it is dead easy, I assure you. At the most basic level - chop an onion and fry it gently. Chop some veg (say, some broccoli, carrot and peas, but it can be practically anything, especially something on its last legs in the fridge which needs using up). Make some veg stock using a stock cube. Add all the veg to it and boil until the veg is tender. Personally, I like it smooth, so I will then put it in a blender (or invest in a hand blender, which means you can do it right in the saucepan and save washing up) and just whizz it all up. Add herbs or pepper for interest, cubes of ham or strips of leftover cooked chicken, perhaps stir in a triangle of soft cheese. The options are endless and the internet is full of great recipes. e.g. I love this corn chowder, which is so easy to make and really tasty:

    Good luck!
  • lily_swenson
    lily_swenson Posts: 38 Member
    I love Tuna in a bad with Avocado and lemon.. Cottage cheese with cut up veggies and some salad dressing..wraps are good, whole grain/gluten free even better..maybe meat and veggie skewers ?
  • Jocampgrl
    Jocampgrl Posts: 59 Member
    What could i have with fruit then which is quick and easy to make to keep me full till dinner time which is usually about 6 ish

    You could take one cup of plain Greek yogurt (a lot of protein, low fat, plain has no added sugar) sweetened with trivia or honey if you have the calorie allowance. Your body needs some protein every three hours so don't skip it. Other options could be celery and low fat cream cheese. Kraft now makes a 2x the protein kind but I haven't looked into other ingredients so you'll want to check them. Or almond butter and whole grain/ lower fat crackers. A couple pieces of thick cut turkey make a great snack or lunch item loaded with protein and lean.