nutritional goals

at the end of each day, i am under or at my calorie goal. however, both my sodium and sugar goals are in the negative...i am eating too many of them. my sodium is always over by a few hundred, sugar by just a bit. do i need to adjust this so that i am hitting my goals in order to lose weight, or as long as i am sticking to my calorie goal, i am good?


  • PumpJockeyy
    PumpJockeyy Posts: 98 Member
    I wouldn't worry about sodium/sugar consumption as mush as hitting the caloric and protein/carb/fat goals for the day. Just drink enough water throughout the day and it won't make a difference.
  • kgeyser
    kgeyser Posts: 22,505 Member
    Worry about your calorie goals unless you have some medical reason to be concerned about sodium and sugar. You'll probably want to rein in your sodium as time goes on, but that will get easier. Just drink extra water to flush out any bloating from going over on your sodium and expect to have a little water weight gain the days after you go over.
  • editorgrrl
    editorgrrl Posts: 7,060 Member
    I use the protein & fiber goals as minimums, and ignore the rest. But if you ask 100 MFPers, you'll get 100 different opinions. Everybody's different, and weight loss takes a whole lot of trial & error to find what works for you.

    Read this:
  • I don't worry about sodium or sugar. I eat too much fruit during the week to make that sugar goal and sodium has never been a concern for me. I do pay attention to my fiber, if I can keep it at around 30 on most days, I personally feel much better.
  • brynna24
    brynna24 Posts: 7 Member
    thanks everyone for the feedback! i lost 43 lbs on weightwatchers, and never knew how many sugars/carbs/protein and all that i was eating. i like that this program lets you know your daily amounts. i think i am going over on sugar because of fruit. as far as the sodium, i eat a lot of rice cakes and things, so maybe i need to reign that in and try to eat things with more fiber/protein:) i appreciate all your help:)