Ok if over fat macros but staying under daily calorie goal?

I try to stay within my daily calorie goal but find myself consistently going over the suggested daily amount of fat. I enjoy eggs, avocados, kalamata olives, and small amounts of cheese (1 oz or less per day, typically). I don't feel like these foods are particularly unhealthy in moderate amounts, but they do cause me to be over on the daily fat. Any thoughts or suggestions? Is it ok to go over in some areas and under in others as long as the calories are in check? I'm usually well under for daily carbs and sugars.


  • jennyxoheff
    jennyxoheff Posts: 25 Member
    I wouldn't worry :) I am very similar to you. I often eat between 80-90G of fat per day, with protein lower and carbs significantly lower.

    I am firm believer that fat won't hurt you- especially the kinds that you're eating. I think you're doing everything right.

    Mmmm Olives :)
  • laurelobrien
    laurelobrien Posts: 156 Member
    healthy fats are great for weight loss and health, but ultimately what matters is that you stick to your calorie goals. people's macros vary wildly based on their goals and diet, so what's over for you isn't over for someone else who's doing just fine - 80% of my diet is fat.