do u hav free foods?

do you weigh everything or have free foods?


  • ScientificExplorerGirl
    Right now I am logging everything. Low calorie foods like salad greens etc are low in calories but are pretty high in micronutrients. I log them to keep track of them, especially Vit A, C, calcium, and potassium. Of course you need to make sure you choose an item from the database that accurately reflects the micros for the given item...
  • Awesomers
    Awesomers Posts: 144 Member
    I log absolutely everything. I don't beat myself up over having less-than-ideal foods, so there's no shame in hiding it from my diary. Plus, it's nice to go back later and look at exactly how my eating has changed!
  • F00LofaT00K
    F00LofaT00K Posts: 688 Member
    I weighed everything when I started but at this point, I've gotten so used to what certain amounts look like that I estimate for SOME foods. For instance, I eat bananas and cheese often. I really don't need to weigh either to stay on track. I know what 1oz of cheese looks like and I know what 90g of banana looks like. I would love it if I could eventually ditch the scale entirely. . . but one step at a time here. And I log everything in my diary usually. Yesterday was an exception. I was taken out to a huge breakfast for my birthday and then another friend took me out for dinner. I have no idea what to log for either meal so I just tried to make the lowest calorie choices and enjoyed my day without logging. I did the same for Christmas, Thanksgiving and New Year's Eve. Once in a while won't ruin my goals.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,874 Member
    There is no such thing as free food....I guess if I was just going to pop a piece of broccoli into my mouth I wouldn't log that, but I generally eat around 200 calories or so per day in vegetables alone. If I treated my low calorie veggies as "free" I would easily be over by a couple hundred calories per day.

    At this point I'm in maintenance and have been maintaining for about 8 months so I don't log anymore. I made it a point to learn how to eat intuitively and learn portion control, moderation, and what servings of various things look like along the way. I would suggest if you are new that you weigh and measure pretty much everything and log is a good teaching tool.
  • lucyloutoo
    lucyloutoo Posts: 522 Member
    I don't log the one cup of black coffee I have on a daily's two calories I think.
    Though about to have my fourth today...eek!
  • mortuseon
    mortuseon Posts: 579 Member
    Tea and coffee (both unsweetened and sans milk). I figure that I burn the calories that are in it by actually getting up to make the stuff.
  • tapirfrog
    tapirfrog Posts: 616 Member
  • ratherbeskiing
    ratherbeskiing Posts: 847 Member
    I get sick of plain water so I put lemon or lime in it. I usually use one a day- I do not log that.
  • KristinaB83
    KristinaB83 Posts: 440 Member
    I log everything... Including spices sometimes.... Who knew there were 12 calories in 2TBS of garam masala?
  • JDubIsShrinking
    JDubIsShrinking Posts: 207 Member
    I never log the salsa that I put on my eggs almost every morning. It's maybe a tablespoon... so not worried about it.
  • sbarella
    sbarella Posts: 713 Member
    Tea and coffee (both unsweetened and sans milk). I figure that I burn the calories that are in it by actually getting up to make the stuff.
    And I don't weigh everything, if I buy a 500g bowl of yogurt, which normally lasts for a couple of days, I won't weigh it everytime I eat some, I'll just guesstimate and check that I ate 500g when it's over. Same goes with pretty much everything that comes in a package.
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    Whether you write it down or not, your body keeps an accurate log. Nothing is free.
  • MissBabyJane
    MissBabyJane Posts: 538 Member
    I weighed everything when I started but at this point, I've gotten so used to what certain amounts look like that I estimate for SOME foods. For instance, I eat bananas and cheese often. I really don't need to weigh either to stay on track. I know what 1oz of cheese looks like and I know what 90g of banana looks like. I would love it if I could eventually ditch the scale entirely. . . but one step at a time here. And I log everything in my diary usually. Yesterday was an exception. I was taken out to a huge breakfast for my birthday and then another friend took me out for dinner. I have no idea what to log for either meal so I just tried to make the lowest calorie choices and enjoyed my day without logging. I did the same for Christmas, Thanksgiving and New Year's Eve. Once in a while won't ruin my goals.

    I'm the same. I eat pretty much the same food, every day. So I don't weight anything, at this point. Sometimes I have cheat meals and I'm trying to log the accurate calories. I'm at my goal weight right now, so I guess it worked.
  • Just water, everything else is logged...good and bad :laugh:
  • laurelobrien
    laurelobrien Posts: 156 Member
    my free foods are black coffee and green tea. :P

    I do have periods where I don't log things, or I only log 1/2 of the stuff I eat the day because the other half is too difficult to calculate. This only works for any length of time because I logged EVERYTHING for months beforehand, so my estimations are pretty accurate.
  • SweeDecadence92
    SweeDecadence92 Posts: 218 Member
    Tea, Coffee, water, diet fizzy juice. Basically, calorie free stuff if "free" is my journal.
  • Ninkyou
    Ninkyou Posts: 6,666 Member
    Whether you write it down or not, your body keeps an accurate log. Nothing is free.
