How should I list a Pure Barre Workout?

dottie244 Posts: 4
edited September 27 in Fitness and Exercise
I just got a Pure Barre workout DVD and I LOVE it! But I don't know how I should list it under my exercise?

the one I've got is made up of a warm up (with light weight work), then barre work for the legs/thighs, then we stretch the thighs, then back to barre work for your butt, then we stretch some more, then we work the abs, and stretch again..

How should I list that? I'm new to putting in exercise on this, before I was only adding calorie intake :P

Thank you so much!! :D


  • tigertown11
    tigertown11 Posts: 310
  • Losing2Live69
    Losing2Live69 Posts: 743 Member
    The best thing to do is invest in a heart rate monitor to track how many calories you burn during a given session. It is the only way to be 100% accurate. A HRM is an awesome tool to invest in when you are trying to lose weight. Best of luck on your weight loss.
  • dottie244
    dottie244 Posts: 4
    Thank you :P
  • mynameiscarrie
    mynameiscarrie Posts: 963 Member
    Aside from getting a heart rate moniter--which a ton of people are going to tell you to do and, while it's a good idea, not everyone can afford one or get one the minute they need it, I would say to look around on other websites and see if there is something close to that exercise listed somewhere.

    You could also log it as circuit training-general, for the portion that you did moves, and log the other minutes as stretching/ hatha yoga.

    It's hard without a heart rate monitor, especially since it's not a regular workout, but I don't have a HRM and I split up videos like that depending on what they are :)
  • dottie244
    dottie244 Posts: 4
    The best thing to do is invest in a heart rate monitor to track how many calories you burn during a given session. It is the only way to be 100% accurate. A HRM is an awesome tool to invest in when you are trying to lose weight. Best of luck on your weight loss.

    That's a really great idea!! Thank you! Best of luck to you too! :D
  • dottie244
    dottie244 Posts: 4
    Aside from getting a heart rate moniter--which a ton of people are going to tell you to do and, while it's a good idea, not everyone can afford one or get one the minute they need it, I would say to look around on other websites and see if there is something close to that exercise listed somewhere.

    You could also log it as circuit training-general, for the portion that you did moves, and log the other minutes as stretching/ hatha yoga.

    It's hard without a heart rate monitor, especially since it's not a regular workout, but I don't have a HRM and I split up videos like that depending on what they are :)

    Thank you so much!!!! I'll do that until I can get a HRM :D!
  • kangababy
    kangababy Posts: 187 Member
    I am a little late finding this.. But I wear my HRM in class everyday.. and I burn anwhere between 400-600 calories depending on the exercises.... the tapes are 10 mintues shorter and less intense.. good luck
  • Levity14
    Levity14 Posts: 34 Member
    I have been attending Pure Barre classes for 3 months daily. An instructor said it burns anywhere from 200-500 calories depending on intensity. I've seen this posted on other websites as well. Some days I'm drenched in sweat and other days I'm only breaking a sweat. I've listed Pure Barre twice in my list Pure Barre set for 400 calories burned for the hard days and Pure Barre Lite listed at 200 Calories for the lighter days. I would rather err on the smaller side because I don't want to list more than I am really doing.

    I own Pershing Square 1 and 2 dvds and they are 45 mins and in my opinion much lighter. Even if you know how to push yourself I would not list it higher than 150 calories.
  • I have several of the videos as well. I am new to this ap and was wondering the same thing. My sister is a pure barre instructor and has given me supplemental videos to make them more like a class. In addition to the 45 dvd, I also ad a arms segment with weights and back dancing at the end. Would this make it more like a pure barre "light" work out at 200. I know the only true measure is with the HRM but I do not have them. I dont want to give my self too many calories burned. In the past for my videos when I was on WW, I called it "pilates" to get the exercise points.
  • altinker
    altinker Posts: 173
    I wear an HRM and do barre workouts at home. 5'2" and 122 lbs. I burn 175 to 200 for a beginner DVD, 250 for Bar Method Change Your Body, and 313 for the Dailey Method long workout. I mostly still do beginner and intermediate workouts and am working up to advanced.
  • thank you so much for all of the great info. I guess I will input 200 calories for a beginner to start until I can get a HRM.
    thank you!!
  • altinker
    altinker Posts: 173
    I can do advanced workouts now. Bar Method Dancer's Body and Super Sculpting I and II burn about 300 cals. Surprisingly, Physique 57 Full workout is about 280 cals. I think I'm becoming more efficient.
  • Suzanne92659
    Suzanne92659 Posts: 3 Member
    Pure Barre is my favorite workout of all. I go to class and the instructors really push us to the shaking point ...I come home sore, but a good sore. The idea behind it is to work your muscles to fatigue each time which leads to change. I have talked to several people who have worn a monitor in class and the calories burned vary from 300 to it really is hard to tell. But the good news is it is a very effective way to change the shape and condition of your body. I lost 11 inches during my first 3 months...2 in each thigh, so keep it up.
  • kristarablue2
    kristarablue2 Posts: 386 Member
    I would say you could put it under Pilates or possibly can also get a heart monitor to get a good grasp of the calories burned. I look a Barre class once and I was sweating like crazy however I did not burn a ton, maybe 300 calories.
  • carolmov
    carolmov Posts: 1 Member
    Does anyone recommend a particular hrm to track these sort of exercises?

    I have one that will only give me my heart rate when I check it, but I can't see that it will give me a calorie count for an hour at a class. I also failed with the fitbit, since that's basically a cute pedometer.

    Thank you!
  • cafeaulait7
    cafeaulait7 Posts: 2,459 Member
    If it's pretty fast and whole-body, you could log it under Ballet Dancing (or Dance; I forget which). If it's slow stuff and mat work, I put Pilates, too. I don't have a HRM.
  • I love Pure Barre! It's changed my body in so many ways. My FitBit wasn't helping much in the "cals" burned area, but someone was wearing a heart rate monitor, and she logged her cals burned for a week, and for each 55 min class she burned between 375-450 cals per class. I was actually shocked. Yes, we get a great sweat on during our classes, but I never thought that we burned that much. To increase your burn, if you are taking actual classes vs DVD, there are a lot of modifications to make it harder, if you need it.
    The person wearing the HrtRM also wore it to a gym for a class that you'd think was very intense. For 55 mins, she burned approx 350-425 cals per class. She was doing "double workouts" that week to comp PB to other activities. I log my cals @ 275...just to make sure I don't over estimate..I need to get myself a HRM.
  • joychenners
    joychenners Posts: 1 Member
    I wore a HRM yesterday and burned only 260 calories. How do people burn 300-600? I feel like with the stretching it doesn't keep my heart rate up like cardio barre. :(
  • I used Circuit Training for the calculation.
  • I've been wearing a heart rate monitor to Pure Barre for the past few weeks, and I've never burned more than 315 calories in a class...and that's an intense class. Usually, it's between 240-285.
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