Whats your biggest set back?



  • sunryzer
    sunryzer Posts: 31 Member
    Each time I start out healthy eating there's all the left over junk food in the cupboards, fridge and freezer that it seems wrong to discard! So they creep in over time.

    The discovery of peanut butter Oreos hasn't helped either...
  • lindsayoles
    lindsayoles Posts: 2 Member
    Wine and socializing. I try to stick to only once a week. I can do great all week and then plan out my drinks and snacks, but still...no matter what my weight fluctuates like 3-4 pounds daily, especially if I drink on a day and I don't work out. Alcohol sure just set you back, even if it isn't a daily habit. I stick to wine most of the time, dry reds. But the drinking leads to snacking. We live near the wineries and every few weeks will head out to one with friends. I need to start packing veggies and fruit instead of cheese and dips. I wind up drinking half my calories and then I am hungry.

    I am not in it to lose 3-4 pounds a week. I would like to lose 1-2 a week. I simply don't think giving it up would help because then it's like deprivation, it'll just make me want it more. So I am trying to stick to one day a week when I can have a few drinks. I stick to my goals throughout the week and exercise 3-4 days during the week. We'll see how it goes. But I have been logging my calories in for two weeks and although I lost almost 4 pounds, this morning the scale read what I started at :o( Hoping that a lot of water and getting back to my goals and exercise this week will make up for my love of wine yesterday!
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,740 Member
    The holidays have proven to be my biggest setback. I did not go nuts. I didn't go over my calories by all that much, either. But my progress stalled at Thanksgiving and then again at Christmas because it just felt like the entire WEEK surrounding each holiday was so full of events and family get-togethers and extra shopping and so much cooking... Just eating *differently* and being out of my routine. I didn't do badly, but it put a damper on my progress. Thankfully I was able to realize that was a temporary thing though and kept truckin' after the holidays ended...and the weeks between the two were pretty "business as usual" which also helped.
  • susanrechter
    susanrechter Posts: 386 Member
    Eating. Just eating too much.