Starting a real strength-training routine?

So, I started going to a school with a 24-hour gym and I really want to take advantage of it. I'm 18, female, 5'7", and 132 pounds with measurements 33-26-37. I'm not overweight obviously. Since I still eat sugary food, barely exercise, but stay extremely disciplined with my calories, I don't gain weight. Instead, I'm now just skinny-fat. Oops.
I get some cardio in since I walk everywhere I go, but I really cannot stand doing cardio on a machine at the gym. I also hate running. Last week I went to the gym and did some weights and things, and it felt really good. So instead of focusing on cardio, since I hate it and don't need to lose weight, is it okay if I just focus strength training? Would that help tone all my flab?
And then, where do I start? What routine is right for me?

I realize my diet is also a problem. My meals are always healthy, but I eat too many sweets (cookies and cereal....), so I hope that working out will reduce my sugar cravings and give me more energy.


  • iwantmydenimback
    iwantmydenimback Posts: 194 Member
    Look up StrongLifts 5x5 on Google. Totally free, super basic, 3 day a week program that hits all the major muscle groups. Don't be afraid of free weights!

    A lot of people recommend the New Rules of Lifting for Women as well, but as far as I know it's only available in a book. But you can for sure get it on Amazon, etc.

    Good luck and enjoy! You can get great results with weight lifting from a very simple program :)
  • BeachGingerOnTheRocks
    BeachGingerOnTheRocks Posts: 3,927 Member
    Start off by getting the book Starting Strength and downloading Stronglifts off the web. That is the best place to start for a beginner.

    After a few months, you'll have a better idea of what you want to tweak.

    For now, try the major lifts: Squats, Deadlifts, Overhead Press, Bench Press, Power cleans and add in Lat pulldowns. There are tons of videos online to check out proper form, but reading the above will give you a good foundational knowledge.
  • Thanks, I'll look into both of those books!

    About squats... I can't do a proper squat, even without any weight, is that normal? I can't push my knees that far over my feet without picking up my heels.
  • jessleefoote
    jessleefoote Posts: 2 Member
    Squats, knees should not go over knees, push your butt out instead, tummy tucked, chest and head straight ahead, and doing them slowly is good too, i do fast then slow. No need to squat down to far you dont want to put strain onto your knees. Yew! :-)
  • is a good resource

    Some people like this one

    There are quite a few threads with more resources regarding women who lift.

    Also this is one lady who lifted, its the only link I have since I only saved it to prove to a friend that lifting doesn't make you bulky.

    Its fine to eat sugary foods as long as you also eat healthy and stay in your calorie limits.
  • bio_fit
    bio_fit Posts: 307 Member
    About squats... I can't do a proper squat, even without any weight, is that normal? I can't push my knees that far over my feet without picking up my heels.

    Take a look at some youtube videos to learn the proper form for squats - it really helped me figure out how to get it right :smile: I always aim to squat so my knees don't go beyond my toes - sure, they might hover over a little, but my bodyweight is uniformly distributed over the whole of the foot, rather than just the heel or the ball.
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    Try this group they have a great summary of the SL 5x5 program
  • rlw911
    rlw911 Posts: 475 Member
    For squats, look up Mark Rippetoe hip drive on YouTube. He wrote Starting Strength which I recommend reading. I also recommend the StrongLifts 5x5 program. If you're having trouble pushing your knees out, it's probably a flexibility issue.

    Good luck with strength training. You won't regret it!
  • Hi! If you want a full body strength training program, check to see if your gym has a Les Mills Body Pump class. It is a fantastic class that focuses strictly on strength training with a little bit of cardio. You are strictly using weights the entire class and you work the whole body, but it is broken down into segments. For example, you start with a warm up, then you go into squats, back, triceps, biceps, lunges, shoulders, abs and then cool down. It's a great class, and with it, I lost over 23 inches while losing 60 pounds (other exercise too, of course). Another option is to potentially look into a personal trainer. They can really teach you a lot and show you what you need to help you reach your goals. Good luck.