Anyone in menopause out there?



  • Lauracanbe125
    Sorry to hear you're not feeling the greatest. Not having the menopause yet but I just wanted to pass on the importance of water. I had profound dehydration. I had to get 2 bags of IV fluids. I can't tell you how weak, confused, unsteady and just plain lethargic I felt. This had been going on for days. (I had surgery) I can still tell when I don't get enough water each day. Please make sure you are getting your water in too! It really makes a huge difference in how you feel! Best of luck to you! Laura
  • karleigh55
    Thanks for the post. I do have hypothyroidism and have been on meds for quite some time. My T3 and T4 levels are good but I know I have to keep an eye on that as it does have those side effects.
  • FP4HSharon
    FP4HSharon Posts: 664 Member
    Thanks for the post. I do have hypothyroidism and have been on meds for quite some time. My T3 and T4 levels are good but I know I have to keep an eye on that as it does have those side effects.

    With some conditions, like hypothyroidism, you can be considered "sub-clinical." This means that even though your lab shows you're in the "normal" range, you're having symptoms. They get you a little farther into "normal," & the symptoms may go away. So you might talk to your doc about trying a little more for a while to see if that helps.

    On the anemia, same thing. I'm barely in the normal range on one iron tablet/day. But was still feeling tired & my joints were bothering me (rare symptoms of anemia, but definitely one I have) more than usual. Decided to try to increase my iron, and within just 2-3 days I was feeling soooo much better. More energy, joints bothering me a lot less, even felt more clear headed, less foggy.
  • kayms13
    kayms13 Posts: 47 Member
    I've also been on meds for hypothyroidism for years, and last blood test showed I was in the "normal" range. However I started having symptoms such as fatigue and constipation, so the dr. increased my dosage which helped immensely.

    What's the difference between Magnesium Glycinate and other forms of Magnesium? I've been taking a supplement for a few months now as my blood test showed I was low, but how do I know if I'm taking the right thing?
  • laney4818
    laney4818 Posts: 73 Member
    I'm right there with you. Been going through menopause this last year. Gained about 10 pounds mostly in abdomen, having hot flashes, and sleep issues. I'm just trudging through! I do take magnesium, Vit D & B and Calcium and sometimes Evening Primrose Oil capsules. I was already about 12 pounds up from where I wanted to be, now I'm 22 pounds up! ARGH!

    I did just start using the Nutribullet for nutrition mostly (not so much for weight loss), and I'm feeling a little better and a little more enegetic. I'm making myself work out more and that helps too! The weight loss is very slow or non-existent but I'm continuing to track and give it my best!
  • karleigh55
    Thanks for the advice. I am going to ask my doc to bump up my levothyroxine a bit and see if that helps.
  • karleigh55
    It's amazing how hormone imbalance can affect everything from energy levels, mood, and lack of motivation. I am finding that eating too much sugar makes my symptoms worse.
  • JanisMay67
    Very interesting reading through these replies. I'm 46 and went through the menopause 3 years ago after a full hysterectomy. I couldn't get on with HRT at all and gave up on them. Instead I took a herbal aid for a few months - MPGold, which really helped to keep the hot flushes at bay. I can remember having to run outside in the middle of the night in mid-winter and stand naked like a starfish in the garden :). (no neighbours then, lucky!).

    I felt I had more energy rather than less, but probably because I had such awful problems before the op. I had been totally exhausted and anaemic.

    One of the biggest improvement for me has been my mood. I have suffered from severe chronic depression all my life, but it has definitely been better since the hormones have stopped playing havoc. I always thought it was linked to my cycle, and now I'm certain. Though I still have really low days, it's been nothing like as bad in the last three years.
  • cathyd1000
    cathyd1000 Posts: 60 Member
    I am 47 and had a total abdominal hysterectomy last May and was thrown right into menopause. I feel awful almost all the time. I have gained about 10 lbs, and look like I am five months pregnant. I started on premerin in June and hoped it would ward off the unfortunate symptoms of menopause, but it hasn't. I saw a Dr that specializes in bio identical hormones and had blood and saliva tests and will meet with her again next Friday to go over the results and talk about the next steps.

    I am really hoping to get some relief. Menopause really sucks.
  • karleigh55
    Let me know how the bio-identicals work for you.
  • knra_grl
    knra_grl Posts: 1,568 Member
    I think I am in the "pre" stage - sometimes I have symptoms but not always - I am 45 but both my mother and sister were done early so I am keeping my fingers crossed this goes fast for me also :indifferent:
  • fitformidlife
    What are good vitamins to take. I take a multi, Vitamin D and Fish Oil right now.
    Vitamin D and omega 3 is exactly what my doctor recommended for me, too, based on my blood work. I turn 50 this year and am pre menopausal. Starting to get some symptoms, nothing too crazy yet, just little hot flashes and an occasional little anxiety thing or a "don't touch me" awful skin sensation or fidgetiness. Ah the joys of hormones.
  • MaryEllen0331
    Sooooo in Menopause!! I will be 49 soon....Just past the year mark, so I went from Peri to Full Meno..Out of the :34 Symptoms of Menopause" I have 30!!
    I need to lose about 80 lbs, esp now because with Meno, my pre-diabetes has turned to diabetes, low thyroid, high cholesterol, weird allergies, etc, etc.....
    The one thing that has me a mess is the rapid heart rate from hormone fluzes...OMG talk about un-nerving!!!

    Anyone out there in the same boaT?? WOuldn''t wish this on anyone, but would love to be able to commiserate!!!