Slow-to-lose motivation stories?

I am new to MFP. I was a binge eater and yo - yo dieter for years.

I recognize that it will take some time for my body to not feel as though I am trying to starve it anymore. Hence the reason for my slow start. I weighed myself after the first week with a .4lb loss. I have decided to not weigh myself for the next few weeks and focus on logging. I can already feel a difference, so I'm not too worried about it.

Anywho... If there is anyone out there with a similar story and would like to share their situation, I would love to read it for inspiration!

Take care!


  • yasemasuyo
    yasemasuyo Posts: 177 Member
    I was about to post almost the exact same! I have just completed my first week of careful eating, logging and exercising, and was gutted when I stood on the scales and saw absolutely no change to my weight. :-( In fact, during the week my weight even went up a little, sob, sob! I had really high hopes for this week, as in the past the first week of getting back-on-track has always resulted in my biggest loss.

    My weightloss is always painfully slow, and so I decided to have a go at 5:2 intermittant fasting to see if that would give me a boost. I started on Friday, and I am fasting today. If I don't see a loss at the scales next week, I don't know how I will be able to continue! :frown:
  • acogg
    acogg Posts: 1,870 Member
    It takes awhile to get it dialed in. For me, it was one food at a time decisions with almost no goal in mind. I didn't even know about MFP. My initial weight loss was painfully slow because I was ignorant of nutrition and calories. I just knew that eating less would make me less fat. I had no idea that there are ways of doing it less painfully. I had no idea about so many things that I couldn't possibly list them. The three things that have helped me most are Patience, Perseverance, and Knowledge.