I gained? Discouraged.

Hi Everybody!

Since being married I've gained about 25 lbs.
I've been using MyFitnessPal for about 2 or 3 weeks and weighed in a few days ago to find that I actually gained 4 lbs!!
I have been really discouraged, feeling like I'm trying so hard to stay within my daily calorie goals and to work out every evening. I'm not drinking the coffee I used to drink almost daily, no pop....What is going on?!

I need some motivating and encouraging words. I'm not planning on quitting by any means- but I feel like I should have lost SOMETHING. But to gain FOUR pounds?! That just feels like a big ole smack in the face!


  • FitBy30_2014
    FitBy30_2014 Posts: 38 Member
    I'm sorry that you feel discouraged, but if you keep on this track you will see results!! It seems so daunting and difficult, but your hard work will pay off. As for the gain, the only things that I can suggest are make sure that you are drinking TONS of water! The less water you drink, the more water you retain. It could be sodium that is causing water retention possibly? Make sure you are staying below your sodium intake each day. What kinds of foods are you eating? Try to stay towards fruits, veggies, nuts, lean protein.

    Another thing that I have learned is not to only rely on the number on the scale. Have you taken your measurements? If not, do so! You could very well be losing inches and not even notice it yet! Good luck! We are all here cheering you on. You are gorgeous and just keep fighting through this. :happy:
  • SaraTonin
    SaraTonin Posts: 551 Member
    How much have you been exercising? It's very likely that you're gaining muscle mass, which can lead to the weight gain. Also, if your calorie intake is less than 1200 calories, you might be sending yourself into starvation mode.

    Keep at it and it'll come off!
  • Kekibird
    Kekibird Posts: 1,122 Member
    Hi there.

    Yeah, a gain, no matter the reason, is annoying and discouraging.

    First of all, Don't Give UP! Stick with it, things will start to move.

    Next, how is your water intake? What kind of movement/exercise have you included in your daily routine?

    Think about these areas because if you are drinking not enough or you are starting to drink water regularly, they can add water pounds that will shed. Also, if you are exercising, you might be gaining muscle and it weighs more.

    Take some measurements and also use those to guide your loses. Sometimes things come off in inches and not pounds. Believe me, been at this for over 2 months and I've lost inches but only 1 lb. Go figure, right?

    Hang in there!
  • rachie33
    rachie33 Posts: 3 Member
    I wish i could give you words of encouragement, but I am in the exact same situation. I gained 20lbs in a matter of 4 months. I am continuing to gain weight by the day. I am hoping that this site will help...Also, I need to be more committed to working out. Maybe just give it time. I know its frustrating, but give your self at least a couple of weeks before you expect to see results!
  • nikki91950
    please don't get TOO discouraged! it is definitely discouraging and definitely not fair, but if you've been working out a lot, that gain you see on the scale is definitely going to be from water retention. so don't worry about it so much! all that matters is that you're eating healthier and are working out more! just give it time, and your body will adjust. those 4 pounds, plus even more, will come off in no time! keep up your hard work :)
  • gabbigee
    I completely hear you. But it's always good to keep in mind that you shouldn't focus 100% on each and every pound gained or lost. It's about how you look, feel and how your clothes fit. Maybe you retained a lot of water that day, measured yourself after a heavier meal, or any number of factors which could have contributed to that extra 4 pounds!
    Keep up with weight training and drinking TONS (sometimes its hard work) of water and you'll shed the pounds. Don't get discouraged about weigh-ins, maybe just do them once a week and on a day when you feel you ate well and exercised to an extent. It's good to stay upbeat about losing weight, it's the best way to maintain motivation and anything is better than moping around, right?
    Keep up the hard work, the worse you feel about giving up sugar the better you feel about reaching your goals! You may love sugar and carbs but your body definitely doesn't love them back.
    Wishing you the best of luck and the most fun work outs,
  • MaryVoorhies
    is it that *ahem* time o'the month? i gain a bunch then. or, are you eating enough? if you cut back too much it can mess up your metobalism (sp?). or, are you eating a good breakfast? a really good, filling breakfast can help too.
    and if you've bumped up your exercise routine you could be gaining muscle (which weighs more than fat).
    if it's none of these things maybe it's just a bump in the road. i've only lost 4 pounds in the past month, which is discouraging, but sometimes a setback just happens.
    keep it up and keep your chin up! stay on the right track and good things will come of it!
  • PlatinumPiggy
    read some of the stickies!! it depends what ur diet was like before MFP. if u were one of those girls like me who restricted like crazy then binged on weekends your body is going to hold onto anything you eat so when u start eating the right MFP recommended calories a day your body is going to hold onto it initially until it realises, hold on, i dont need to hold onto this. so my advice would be not to weight yourself for a month at least then go from there...good luck!xx