Insanity or T25?



  • jeremywm1977
    jeremywm1977 Posts: 657 Member
    I would pick T25 9 times out of 10.
    Nothing against Insanity, but I feel that T25 just gives me as good of a workout, in a shorter amount of time, without as much of the impact on my knees.
  • aquarabbit
    aquarabbit Posts: 1,622 Member
    I did part of Insanity (didn't make it to month 2) and I'm doing T25 right now. I have a bad knee from a previous injury, and I have to say, that having the modifier is so nice! I like how short T25 is, and I'm getting great results. Even though I'm doing low impact, I've found ways to make it more challenging (like wearing weighted gloves, making sure I'm keeping flexible to make sure I'm getting a good range of motion without jumping, etc). I feel like T25 and Turbo Fire have been great as pre-Insanity workouts for me. I know that I won't be able to do all the Insanity moves safely, so the modifiers have given me great ideas to keep me working hard, but not hurting my knee. I think both are great workouts, it just depends on what's the most important thing to you.
  • fatsojenni
    I did Insanity for 86 days. The last 56 were the max circuit. I lost 0lbs and maybe one inch at the most around my thighs. My stomach is still big as ever. I just purchased T25 and I hope I see at least some results. Glad that it is only 25 minutes as I need a time saver! Good luck to all of you!! :)
  • Riddel0000
    I did insanity February and lost 35 lbs in 72 days. I then started p90x and only liked the weight programs, so I substituted insanity max workouts on my non weight p90x days. This has worked well for me.

    Now on my insanity days I no longer do the stretching portions which cuts down the time by 12 mins, but I do my own stretching after the warm up.

    I would like to try t25 but only if it is as intense as insanity and provides the same results. Who has tried both and can tell me whether I would be wasting my money or saving time and getting similar results?
  • rayrios89
    I'm doing T25 now because I started Insanity and I wasn't able to keep up. I have a feeling that with T25 I will be in better shape in order to tackle Insanity. So far I've lost 15 pounds after 3 weeks.
  • dyche4230
    dyche4230 Posts: 1
    Finished insanity then went into T25 straight away.
    Now in my 3rd week if T25. I would say T25 is definitely
    Less intense than insanity. T25 is allowing me to
    Maintain the level of fitness I achieved with insanity
    And freeing time up for me to train for a half marathon
    10 weeks from now.
    Key in both workouts is the diet. If you don't commit
    To a healthy diet you won't get the results you want.
    You can't out train a bad diet!
    My advice. If you have the time do Insanity it's
    Awesome!!!! If you don't or you want to use T25
    To cross train then you won't be disappointed.
    My insanity results were fantastic in my opinion
    And T25 is keeping me in the game.