no change in weight, started 3 weeks ago



  • I fully believe in the tape measure. If the scale didn't move, measure. I measure and weigh on Saturday before everyone starts my day.
  • stephaaniemarie
    stephaaniemarie Posts: 28 Member
    You should also try doing measurements instead of just relying on the scale. Sometimes I've only lost a pound over a few weeks, but when I did measurements, I lost a few inches, too.
  • DebbieLyn63
    DebbieLyn63 Posts: 2,654 Member
    I am beating myself because I started 3 weeks ago. There is no change in my weight, and I am attempting to eat at least 1200 calories a day. I do 3 cardio days and 3 cardio/weight days, and nothing. My problem is, the calorie thing says I am not eating enough. I eat 6 bloody times a day, include dairy, meat and veggies. I do have a cheat day, do to running around and paying bills, but as of this morning, that is cut out. I won't give up. I originally started this journey at 245, now I am at 208. I found my fitness at 212 pounds. IS there ANY suggestions. I am at a loss as to what to do next. I am 5'4" and weigh 208. I am 48 years old and I do take supplements, Centrum, calcium, iron and Iodine. I just found out I am Iodine deficient but my thyroid is fine. Please Help.

    Your cheat day is probably negating your deficit for the week. Try cutting that out, or you may look into Intermittent Fasting, if that doesn't work. At your height and age, along with recent weight loss, it may be harder to lose. Slower, but doable. You just have less wiggle room and have to be very diligent in measuring and logging.
  • of course you are working extremely hard here! well freaking done! you might not be losing weight, but your body is losing any flabby-ness and getting toned! this is a good thing :) you should be really proud of yourself for going for three weeks straight! you will be looking thinner, even if the scale doesnt change <3 but after a few more weeks if you continue more CARDIO instead of pilates or lifting weights the scale will drop quicker, good luck!
  • greentart
    greentart Posts: 411 Member
    I am beating myself because I started 3 weeks ago. There is no change in my weight, and I am attempting to eat at least 1200 calories a day. I do 3 cardio days and 3 cardio/weight days, and nothing. My problem is, the calorie thing says I am not eating enough. I eat 6 bloody times a day, include dairy, meat and veggies. I do have a cheat day, do to running around and paying bills, but as of this morning, that is cut out. I won't give up. I originally started this journey at 245, now I am at 208. I found my fitness at 212 pounds. IS there ANY suggestions. I am at a loss as to what to do next. I am 5'4" and weigh 208. I am 48 years old and I do take supplements, Centrum, calcium, iron and Iodine. I just found out I am Iodine deficient but my thyroid is fine. Please Help.

    You're trying to eat 1200 calories AND working out 6 days a week?! This means that you're more likely than not, NOT eating enough calories for your body. I'd comment on what you're eating, except that I can't see your diary so I can't be more specific than that. Perhaps you should re-calculate your TDEE.
  • I did not know about the zyrtec issue. Wow. I have been taking it forever it seems. Thanks for that heads up. I am not losing so I am looking for hidden things such as this. I drink water (cold) all day long. I put 8/20 ounce bottles in the fridge and I tell myself I have to have that drank during the day. So before bed, I put 8 more in. I have not given up my morning coffee though. I recently added a stress complex to my vitamin regimen. I am still going at it, we will see.
  • I am not sure how to make it public.
  • LitFreak88
    LitFreak88 Posts: 1 Member
    He is absolutely right about the calculations possibly being off, but don't forget to pay attention to the other "Nutritional Information", besides the calories. I found out the hard way that having a deficit in calories is all well and good, but sodium, carbs, fiber, etc etc, affects your weight loss as well. But, that's just a suggestion. :happy: I hope that you're able to get everything worked out! Good luck!

  • I did cut the cheat day out last week. I opened my food chart so anyone can see it. I really think stress and depression have a lot to do with it as well.
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    I did cut the cheat day out last week. I opened my food chart so anyone can see it. I really think stress and depression have a lot to do with it as well.
    Your diary is still closed.
  • I did look into the sodium and Carbohydrates are a night mare on my entire system. Anything with wheat or barley actually swells me, yes I know about beer, so I keep that to a minimum. I actually took it off the list of foods I can have. I re-evaluated my entire kitchen, and made a cupboard for my husband and one for myself. From seasonings to, well I was going to say side dishes, but all my side dishes are fresh or frozen. I use frozen strawberries as ice in my water to add some taste to my afternoon.
  • Where do you go to open up your site so people can see your diary or what ever? I thought I had that done, but evidently not.
  • BerryH
    BerryH Posts: 4,698 Member
    Give it time, and also think about tweaking your exercise contribution to your TDEE.

    HRMs only give you a moderately accurate calorie burn for steady-state cardio. Your heart rate spikes through different mechanisms during weight training, and HIIT will give you an incorrect average over the duration of your workout.
  • I cant afford the hrm. Yes, I fully understand I should use one, but I keep tabs on my pulse while I work out. So I know it is at a 145 rate during cardio and is a bit high when using weights. So, I am going to try the adding plyometrics to my day or Kempo, and see if that helps. I also measure myself as well. So we shall see what this week brings. Thank you everyone.
  • May I ask what TDEE is?
  • aponia
    aponia Posts: 28

    I wouldn't let the lack of weight loss get you down. It sounds like you are hitting up the gym quite a lot, and especially if that's something you're not used to doing, I'm sure you're gaining a lot of muscle! Muscle weighs more than fat, after all! It could be that you're just now getting your body in shape and the muscle you're gaining is countering the fat you've lost.

    Do some measurements once a week, especially around your waist, arms, and thighs. I bet you're losing more than you think!
  • RGv2
    RGv2 Posts: 5,789 Member
    of course you are working extremely hard here! well freaking done! you might not be losing weight, but your body is losing any flabby-ness and getting toned! this is a good thing :) you should be really proud of yourself for going for three weeks straight! you will be looking thinner, even if the scale doesnt change <3 but after a few more weeks if you continue more CARDIO instead of pilates or lifting weights the scale will drop quicker, good luck!

    Yes, if you do more cardio instead of lifting the scale will drop more..... Without some sort of lifting program you lose muscle along with fat and water, but who cares if the scale is moving........right?

    OP, if you're new to exercise or increase the intensity of your regimen, you can retain water for muscle repair. I can gain 4-6 lbs after a heavy lifting day. If you feel slimmer, it could be possible you're retaining water.

    I'd give it another week or so to give the fluid time to flush and for your body to adapt.
  • diannethegeek
    diannethegeek Posts: 14,776 Member
    May I ask what TDEE is?

    TDEE stands for Total Daily Energy Expenditure. It's the number of calories your body burns in a day and also the number of calories you'd need to eat to maintain your current weight. Anything below this number and you should start to lose weight.

    There are a lot of online calculators to find an estimate of your TDEE. Check out
  • Thank you.
  • I just read something amazing. Yes, I said amazing. I have been freaking out because I was gaining weight, and inches, come to find out this is normal. Since my diet before was nearly a starvation diet and a ton of carbs. Evidently when you are "Starting Over", you can gain inches, or weight. What is happening is your body is going from retaining nutrients that have been depleted for so long that it is afraid of never getting them again. Sooo, I am looking forward to week 5. By then my metabolism should be restarted and I should be losing weight and inches. I am not going to beat myself up over this, at this point. It is a learning game and if God keeps giving me the will to do this, then I am. Right now I am on week 3. So, I am hoping in the next 2 weeks to report weight loss. Thank you everyone.