HRM and Fitbit Flex

Can I wear a HRM and Fitbit Flex at the same time? I already have a HRM that I use when I workout, but was thinking of getting a Fitbit Flex to wear all day. Can I wear both of them while I exercise without them interfering with each other?


  • luv2eduk8
    luv2eduk8 Posts: 46 Member
    Anyone know?
  • Raasy
    Raasy Posts: 972 Member
    I have both and dont have any issues at all. I just did a 6.25 mile run today and did not have a problem at all
  • luv2eduk8
    luv2eduk8 Posts: 46 Member
    Thank you for responding.
  • Raasy
    Raasy Posts: 972 Member
    Ok, well now that this question was brought up and of course I opened my mouth before really taking notice of things. :angry: :grumble:

    I finally did come to the conclusion today that my fitbit DOES interfere with my HRM. Since my HRM is blue tooth, I did notice today while out on a walk that my HRM was much higher than it really should have been, After all I was only walking at a cruising speed. Not walking like something was after me.

    So I would say that if you have an HRM that is blue tooth and you are also using your flex. they will interfere with each other, or at least mine did.. I might have to figure out what to do about this..

    Anyone else have any suggestions????
  • luv2eduk8
    luv2eduk8 Posts: 46 Member
    I don't think my HRM is bluetooth. It's about 5 years old. So, hopefully it will not interfere.
  • LexiMelo
    LexiMelo Posts: 203 Member
    I have no problems with mine (I do leave them on different wrists). My Polar doesn't have bluetooth though, it's a few years old, I wish it were that would be so awesome.

    I use the HRM to keep track of total exercise calories & time because I have fitness goals relative to that.
    I use the fitbit to motivate me to be more active during the day, take the stairs more often, etc.
  • JonMB
    JonMB Posts: 49 Member
    In general they should not interfere with each other, but if both are using Bluetooth technology, it is possible to have some interference.

    It should be very uncommon though. Think of all the bluetooth devices in crowded public places and they don't interfere with each other.
  • WalkingAlong
    WalkingAlong Posts: 4,926 Member
    I agree with that.

    Also, just run without the Fitbit one day and see if your HRM acts up. That should rule it out. Take the same path as where it did act up, though. I've seen mine go wonky from power lines overhead.